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  1. D

    D&D 5E The Annotated PHB

    What is this? I did NOT "belittle" any one's opinion. Spare me your misplaced moralism. Whatever unstated implications you read into my posts are purely your responsibility. I said that WotC could not tell if people played the class options, not that no one did. If you're going to go aroud...
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    D&D 5E The Annotated PHB

    Yes. And they can't even tell if the people filling in surveys are actually trying out the new rules in play.
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    D&D 5E The Annotated PHB

    We don't need a special annotated rule book. This is just what the regular rule book should do. That was after all the intention wasn't it behind 5e, to put power back in the hands of the GM. So inform them about what the designers were thinking so they can make informed decisions. Explain...
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    D&D General WotC: Novels & Non-5E Lore Are Officially Not Canon

    I'm kind of reminded of the way Doctor Who fans insist that everything in the history of Doctor Who is canon for the tv series, even the bits that contradict other bits and the three different versions of Atlantis.
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    D&D General WotC: Novels & Non-5E Lore Are Officially Not Canon

    I admit I don't quite get this. So WotC are declaring that things that we all know never happened never happened? What practical effect does this have?
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    D&D General WotC: Novels & Non-5E Lore Are Officially Not Canon

    The realms is really beyond fixing at this point in any way beyond an individual table making their own declarations about where history stops.
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    D&D General WotC: Novels & Non-5E Lore Are Officially Not Canon

    I think it would probably be have been preferable to have retconned Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance rather than continually blowing them up.
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    That's circular though. People now want to define racism as a particular modern ideology. If we do that, then of course, by definition it wasn't present in the ancient world. But the average person would almost certainly look at the interaction between Severus and the Ethiopian soldier and...
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    Well I get that. But she's arguing that 1) we should study ancient attitudes about ethnicity and 2) they were not the same as modern ones. No one has disputed that.
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    I remember once being sent an email by some genealogical group who wanted me to pay them for family tree services. They said they had good evidence I was descended from a particular roman emperor (I can't remember which one). I wrote back bemused, saying given the sheer length of time, and the...
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    That link from Professor Kennedy is obvious good sense but I don't see what it has to do with the current discussion.
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    No the whole trope that's in play here is an ancient one. You have virile male societies that build empires and then you have civilisations that enter states of decadence. In such societies, so the trope goes, men become effeminate, and women become influential and sexually poweful and the men...
  13. D

    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    In ancient Rome, being African and being black were not the same thing. The majority of Africans were mediterranean. See this interaction between Septimus Severus (African and often said to be Black, but probably not for reasons which should become clear, with an Ethiopian soldier on Hadrian's...
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    There's a gulf of light years between being against racist tropes being implemented in the depiction of fictional races and the the idea that PC characters should never act in immoral ways or do evil things. Even the idea that these are in some way equivalent displays either serious conceptual...
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    The Drow play into the (obviously) rather sexist idea that a society where women have a strong influence will become decadent. This has a loooong history.
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    There's evil races, and then there's evil races with the curse of ham. I personally don't really have a problem with evil monster species in the abstract (aside from the whole idea being boring), I think the main issue is when certain things get attached to them.
  17. D

    D&D 5E Arguing for Advantage

    Isn't that what the Aim rule in Tasha's is about? Just saying, "stuff it" have advantage, because you need it. Honestly, this kind of thing is where I wish D&D just had designer's side bars like in 13th Age, that said things like "This is what we were thinking". It seems obvious that the...
  18. D

    D&D General WotC: Novels & Non-5E Lore Are Officially Not Canon

    But Mr Crawford, I need you opinion, in official D&D is water considered wet?
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    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    Me in the 90s reading Homeland at 13. Someone else asking me what I'm reading. Me, finding myself in the position of explaining what a Dark elf is and realising how dodgy the whole concept it. The thing that puzzles me about a lot of the recent social justice movements around D&D, is that...
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    D&D 5E Existentialist Sword and Sorcery

    One of the elements in Sword and Sorcery, especially via Conan, is the idea of cyclic and frequently catastrophic history. In the Conan stories this is filled with all kinds of assumptions from 19th century race "science" but it doesn't really need to be. However, any progress in Conan's world...