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  1. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [OOC] The Seeds of Chaos

    Sorry guys. Been inundated with a few weeks worth of Life (tm). Homework just keeps piling up as my school gears toward it's final quarter, and an inventory system I've been trying to develop for a client has been taking up nearly all my time. I'll try to post something soon!
  2. CrimsonFlameWielder

    OOC tread of "The Broken Tower"

    If we don't have a post from treex by tomorrow, I'll play as Kruor this round.
  3. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

    Shandra clears her throat, indicating her want to speak. "I too would see the Water Palace. But this is more for the want to find and deal with Porpherio's assassin than any lack of confidence in your words. Even if the assassin is unable to kill Porpherio, is there any assurance that Soryth...
  4. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] The Broken Tower DM:Grimmjow Judge:TwoHeadsBarking

    Eldreth feels inspired by Everlin's tune and begins humming along softly with it. Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1 Status: If Eldreth moves on her turn, she takes 3d6+1 damage (save ends) Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10 AC 23, Fort 20, Reflex 15, Will 13 -- Resist 1 all HP 23/33 +...
  5. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] He Chained Their Minds (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder; Judge Needed )

    Evan smiles at the good fortune his hired adventurer's had in finding a solid lead so quickly. "I know which area in north Daunton you are referring to." he says, looking at Kama'zer, and then at everyone. "There are two ways for us to get to that harbor: by land, or by sea. If we go by...
  6. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [OOC] The Seeds of Chaos

    No problem. It's just hard for me to respond in character to you guys if I don't have something in character to respond to. I certainly don't want this to devolve into nothing but a series of die rolls (as that is just flat out boring, not to mention makes the game pointless), so as soon as I...
  7. CrimsonFlameWielder

    Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

    Although typically fairly perceptive of her surroundings, Rava seemed to be distracted by the miserable rain pouring down and drenching her robes. Either that or it was the smell of wet dog... Rava rolled an 11 on her Perception check. :(
  8. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed

    *bump* Been a while since I've seen activity here. You guys going to fill in your descriptions?
  9. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

    Shandra responds to Sabynha's commend about elf-kind with a humble smile. She knew she was perceptive, even for one of her kind, but she didn't want to seem arrogant about her skills. Her ears perked up at the mention of Kaibon and hoped that the treant would have a good tale concerning that...
  10. CrimsonFlameWielder

    Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

    Rava walks into the Inn behind the rest of the group. After questioning the farm girl on the road, she had pretty much kept to herself, simply enjoying the weather, even if it was wet. Unlike some of her other companions, Rava did not have magic spells that would block out the weather, and she...
  11. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

    Shandra, rapt at the skillful diplomacy and tactfully timed interruptions to Sir Oakstaff's rambling stories, can't help but smile a bit. She was never really good with talking to others, and was entirely content to allow those so obviously more adept in social encounters such as this to do...
  12. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] The Broken Tower DM:Grimmjow Judge:TwoHeadsBarking

    Grimmjow: Yeah, Eldreth gets an OpAtk against Blackblade. You didn't specify what kind of movement he used to go from G2 to H2 (regular movement or shift), but thankfully that doesn't matter for Eldreth. If he used standard movement, he triggers an OpAtk. If he shifted, he triggered...
  13. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] He Chained Their Minds (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder; Judge Needed )

    While searching through the empty village, Vander comes upon what looks like a few pinkish blue scales. The tiny fey creature's knowledge of the natural world is enough that he can tell the scales are not reptilian in origin. No, they are actually more insect-like. You immediately recognize...
  14. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] He Chained Their Minds (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder; Judge Needed )

    Though it is faint, Joy's senses a disturbance in the threads of magic woven into all things. Though she is not able to specifically identify what spell or spells were used, it is evident to her that some form of magic was used... She wasn't quite sure why, but labeling it as "magic" somehow...
  15. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

    Shandra quickly spots the wizened forest protector. Slowly, but confidently, she moves into the creatures earshot and gives him a formal greeting in Elven. "As but a leaf to the mighty oak, we bask in the glory of your power, oh great one. Please grant us permission to be in your...
  16. CrimsonFlameWielder

    Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

    The point of that post wasn't to give anyone else tactical information. It is simply a way for me to express my characters thought process (ie, getting into character) without having to actually express a specific action on her part. If you would prefer that all of Rava's posts include only...
  17. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

    "If we are to stop the assassin we must move with haste. We can talk on our way, though silence may be our ally once we get close to the assassin. Follow me." Reaching the hill once more, Shandra looks for any clues as to the direction and path the assassin was taking to get to Porpherio...
  18. CrimsonFlameWielder

    [Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed

    YEP! He did shift away from Leather! Pound away!
  19. CrimsonFlameWielder

    Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

    Rava was beginning to get a bit suspicious of the random, unescorted travelers. People don't just walk into a room full of armed mercenaries, thugs, warriors, etc, asking for an escort, if they don't have good reason to suspect that the escort may be needed. Either that, or every volunteer in...
  20. CrimsonFlameWielder

    Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

    Rava gives a slight curtsey to the man. "Thank you kindly, sir. It's good to know we should be safe on our trip." Rava's response was spoken carefully, and was somewhat of a ruse to see if she could discern anything of note from the man's expressions as he passed them. If there was...