• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. O

    OSR ACKS 2

    The threads were all eventually shut down by mods. They were getting hella pissed the game launch was successful. The launch post was removed under the pretense of “spam” and most of the discussion took place in the preview post. If I had to guess all the predittors wanted to make the thread...
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    OSR ACKS 2

    Yeah someone linked the thread, and? Had an old account but you immediately dogpile onto every post in every site trying to derail announcements of a new game into a hate fest. It disgusted me enough to check if i had an account here to reply. Bet you were also brigading on Reddit huh, be honest
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    OSR ACKS 2

    Now you’re trying to be a mind reader. I watched that interview, and wotc has been very consistent in wanting to remove certain voices and replace them with new ones. So it very consistent with actions and statements from wotc in the past. It’s not out of context or misconstrued he was trying to...
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    OSR ACKS 2

    So you’ve went out of your way to intentionally misunderstand everything around you. Like I said we are watching two completely different movies about what’s going on.
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    OSR ACKS 2

    What disturbs me more than anything is the outright insane crusade to take down or destroy any creator that is right, center, classical liberal or has any opinion that isn’t in lockstep with the ideology of the month. Having read all these accusations and the materials linked (I don’t think many...
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    Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

    It was just even with power keys the level loss is crippling i think -6 or -7 and best you can get is +3 to level loss. So wasnt sure if it should stay or go. I do agree with using renown from backgrounds, im going to mix it with piety so you can get actual boons from having it high enough
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    Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

    Yeah i saw that i really have thought about doing away with it all together but it feels important to the setting's flavor no? Plus and the advantage of not having their spells altered or bound by planar pathways.
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    Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

    I am a bit hung up on priest level loss right now im keeping the arcane version of planar alterations but what to do about priests. Ive seen people just say ignore them so should i treat divine casters like wizards for purposes of spell alterations doing away with it? I did think it was kind...
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    D&D 5E Splitting xp between characters of different lvls?

    Even though 5e can handle characters of multiple levels id still advise against too large of a gap between levels. What is an easy challenge for your level 18 would kill your level 1 thirty times over again. The keeping to hit values within the same bracket was to allow the use of multiple...
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    Planescape Converting planescape monsters to 5e

    So i just got my hands on the DMG and have a planescape game coming up in less then a week and im a few monsters shy of this exotic locale that i plan on taking my party to. Namely Avernus, the first layer of Baator. I am running the first adventure in well of worlds and from there doing who...