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  1. T

    The Rise And Fall Of Evil Genius Games

    Yeah it may not be as malicious or evil. But there is definitely a lot of hubris involved especially when even Paizo couldn't escape covering up its bizarrely similar workplace cuture.
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    The Rise And Fall Of Evil Genius Games

    I really have to wonder how aware the company is that this potentially screwed them over. As I said in another thread its not like some of these people were pretty active within the TTRPG scene and to have them be treated like this is probably going to increase the ire directed at them.
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    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    The problem with this logic is that your assuming that NDAs are the only reason why anyone would hesitate to talk. Their could be safety issues. Fear of bystanders getting hurt in the blow back.
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    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    Im pretty sure that was meant to discredit the owner. Like as multiple have said AI shouldn't cause the rhetoric they are using and on top of that they weirdly admitted to overworking the employees.
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    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    I don't know how good the response was. The owner seems to underestimate how much of an issue this is for the company. Ivis and Mike are both pretty well known in the industry and its not going to be easy to smooth over for a lot of people given that it was part of the reason why people wanted...
  6. T

    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    Yeah but a bigger question is why were you having someone doing something that in theory could encompass multiple full time jobs do other things? Even if this wasn't what caused all of them to leave that's not a good situation to have your employees be in.
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    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    So six months to set up an Organized Play program seems a bit short doesn't it?
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    D&D General NFTs Are Here To Ruin Dungeons & Dragons

    So.... I saw the potential list of names in the discord and are you at all bothered that they contemplated hiring a known sexual harasser that was banned from a convention for life. CA Suielman...
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    Owen KC Stephens' Tabletop RPG Truths

    On top of that I can't think of any RPG company which hasn't tried to sweep issues of abuse and harassment under the rug.
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    [UPDATED!] The Unsung (Female) Half of the D&D Team!

    Actually it did mention designers. Mearls did the same stupid thing that you did and not actually be bothered to read what threw him into a tizzy.
  11. T

    [UPDATED!] The Unsung (Female) Half of the D&D Team!

    Except they said designers which means they are absolutely correct. There are no women designers listed in the credits and if Mearls wants to argue otherwise he's going to open up a whole another can of worms that he's all ready been slammed for from other people in the industry.
  12. T

    D&D 5E Neuroglyph's "30 Minutes with Mike Mearls" Interview

    I was referring to OD&D which was a re-fluffed tactical war game. Hence the reason why as you even said that the wizard maps out to a striker role because the role the wizard originally had was field artillery. I think 4E mainly made the roles a bit more streamlined and obvious more than...
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    D&D 5E Neuroglyph's "30 Minutes with Mike Mearls" Interview

    The problem with this argument is that guess what game introduced the concept of a defender, the concept of a striker, and the concept of a healer/leader. Its the same game you played over thirty years ago. Except thirty years ago Gygax didn't really call it striker, healer, and defender...
  14. T

    D&D 5E I think we can safely say that 5E is a success, but will it lead to a new Golden Era?

    It would look nothing like 5E I'll tell you that much. All 5E is doing is rehashing tropes and fiction that only people in the 30 and up demographic would really have any interest in.
  15. T

    D&D 5E Dungeons and Dragons at Origins

    So what you are saying is that the perfectly mundane king in Henry V was a wizard?
  16. T

    D&D 5E D&D Next: Let's discuss it's mass multimedia goal.

    Well considering the fact that they've only really started trying within the past year or so I really wouldn't be giving up right now. First time in my entire life I have ever seen Hasbro as a parent company acknowledge that D&D actually exists only occurred within this year. Yes they do. In...
  17. T

    Pathfinder 1E So what do you think is wrong with Pathfinder? Post your problems and we will fix it.

    Citing a dictionary when it comes to jargon is a clear cut case that you have no clue what you are talking about.
  18. T

    Pathfinder 1E So what do you think is wrong with Pathfinder? Post your problems and we will fix it.

    Please stop trying to hide behind edition warring because quite honestly this has nothing to do with it and more has to do with how stunningly inane your argument it. Care to explain to me why you conveniently ignored the definition of regeneration that includes growing limbs and organs back...
  19. T

    Pathfinder 1E So what do you think is wrong with Pathfinder? Post your problems and we will fix it.

    Actually your entire argument is fundamentally based upon a completely bizarre notation on how the English language works. You can't just up and stamp your feet saying that the definition of the word is incorrect when the game designers correctly defined it within the context of the game. That...
  20. T

    Pathfinder 1E So what do you think is wrong with Pathfinder? Post your problems and we will fix it.

    They clearly defined the words within the context of the game and it readily is quite consistent with it. The fact that you have a problem with it means you don't actually know how jargon works which is for the most part completely unavoidable.