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  1. V

    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    Woo, lots of feedback! Thanks! Not entirely just that. My wife, for example, will list 4e as her favourite official D&D version, but also felt that they took balance a bit too far to the point where things felt same-y to her. She really liked the Battlemind when it came out, because the power...
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    Honestly, I was always pretty happy with the differentiation between classes, but I feel the criticism has merit. It's mainly the movement/positioning part of tactics that I'm gunning for, so I'm hoping you're right. Any thoughts on my initial suggestions above?
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    DOUBLE POST - whoops
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    Talent swapping will definitely be part of it, but that's a fairly major investment. I'd like to have something feat-sized available as well. That said, my ideas for Paragon Paths might be how I introduce minor "multiclassing" too. Yeah, the monster thing is mostly a reminder to me to...
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    That's the other way to go about it, for sure.
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    Here's the ideas I've been tossing around so far. Tactical Combats In most fights, use 13th Age rules as written. During big or set-piece battles, do the following: Give everyone Speed 6. Add in Flanking/Combat Advantage. Moving around someone (from a threatened square to another threatened...
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    Not as such. There's a lot that 13th Age introduced that I like better. Really, I like the most of the skeleton of the game better. I like how skills work, how damage scales, how spells level up, how (almost) every class has their own feel. I just want to take some of what I liked about 4e and...
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    13th Age Help me 4e-ify my 13th Age game

    A bit of background: When 4e came out, I fell in love. I had started gaming with 3.0 (and then 3.5), but had gotten tired of certain things about the game, and 4e was a breath of fresh air. Fighters could keep up with wizards, save-or-die was gone, healing surges gave everyone a modicum of...
  9. V

    D&D 4E Favourite 4e-inspired games?

    The Fighter has a couple (at high level), but that's more the casters for sure. It brought in the concepts, without bringing in the strict pattern of ability gain that 4e had. The leveling out of casters and non-casters was meant as a separate point. Regardless, I think we're off topic here.
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    D&D 4E Favourite 4e-inspired games?

    Recoveries, defenses, rituals, at-will/encounter/daily powers, leveling out casters and non-casters, and a bunch more I can't think of right now? It's not a direct line of progression, sure. But it's always felt to me like they said "What if 4e, but different?"
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    D&D 4E Favourite 4e-inspired games?

    Oh, playing straight 4e is definitely an option. I just want to find out what's been done since then. I'll check out Radiance, too. Neat! I'll shoot you a PM for the file, I suppose? Though I don't know if I'll be able to provide the playtest responses you'll look for.
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    D&D 4E Favourite 4e-inspired games?

    So a couple months ago I came back to ENworld looking for some 3.5e info, and discovered this forum and the group of passionate 4e fans that reside here. After 4+ years of feeling like a bit of an outsider in the greater RPG community, it felt really good. And coming here got me interested in...
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    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    Yeah, the spellcraft rules are looking most likely. Either the ones from MIC (25+half caster level) or Pathfinder (15+caster level). Which are pretty similar, TBH.
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    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    Really? I didn't know that. I'll look into it. I think what I'm ending up doing is using the MIC's Spellcraft rule, and then give them an Eternal Wand for when that fails.
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    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    I'll need to check those out.
  16. V

    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    Right, so Spellcraft handles scrolls and potions. And other items at epic level (50+CL or 70+CL). What about for non-epic?
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    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    The party I'm running for consists of: - Favored Soul - Ranger - Barbarian/Bear Warrior - Favored Soul/Warmage/Geomancer None of them have the Identify spell on their respective spell lists. Any advice on how they should identify magic items? Thanks!
  18. V

    D&D 3E/3.5 High-level 3.5e Adventures

    That's a fair point. I'm actually thinking of doing that with the Age of Worms path from Dungeon mag.
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Converting 3.0 Adventures to 3.5

    Right, that's... less helpful. :) I should have checked your location first, I guess. No worries.