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  1. P

    Confrontation: Age of Ragnarok - Miniatures size comparison?

    This is definitely incorrect in the case of the PPP Dimitri is asking about. Here's a picture of some my D&D and Confrontation minis together (keep in mind the Confrontation bases are almost 1.5mm taller): The one on the left is a metal Confrontation that's 28mm. The metal range did not have...
  2. minis.jpg


  3. P

    Confrontation: Age of Ragnarok - Miniatures size comparison?

    Somewhat, yes. Confrontation is 28mm scale, and I think D&D miniatures are 25mm scale. There are slight variations within each line so humanoids from both should more or less blend together. The real problem would be the bases. For humanoids D&D uses 25mm bases and Confrontation uses 30mm...
  4. P

    Looking for 4-pocket card mini albums

    Yes, I've checked out the Bindertek stuff. It looks like all those are for regular paper. On the mini pages the ring holes are about 3 inches apart and the whole page is less than 8 inches lengthwise.
  5. P

    Looking for 4-pocket card mini albums

    Hey guys, I bought a bunch of 4-pocket TCG card pages from UltraPro but I can't find any albums that use them. All the 4-pocket portfolios I can find use sewn pages. Anyone know of any 2-ring binders for mini pages? Preferrably with 1/2 inch rings. Thanks in advance.
  6. P

    D&D 4E Introducing 4eTurnTracker!

    I like it. However, my usage of this is somewhat tempered by the expiration date. What if something happens and you can't update it any longer?
  7. P

    At-will and encoutners only, no dailies?

    I've been thinking about this as well. It might be a matter of tuning the recharge rate so players average the same number of dailies per day. My plan so far: - you don't start off with daily uses - the first d20 roll per round for a "heroic" maneuver is also the recharge roll (heroic would be...
  8. P

    Can one player do an entire Skill Challenge?

    I am planning on having several skills, but if one of them is Diplomacy, and the highest skill bonus in the entire party is one character's Diplomacy, why would the party bother making anything but Diplomacy checks with that character? Is there something that prevents how many times total a...
  9. P

    Can one player do an entire Skill Challenge?

    I am designing a skill challenge for my first 4e campaign, and reading through the rules I don't see what would prevent the party from having the same character with the highest skill applicable to the challenge roll over and over until all successes are achieved. Did I miss something?
  10. P

    Combat Challenge questions

    There are a couple of things about Combat Challenge that I'm not sure how they work. I'm hoping some of you might be able to enlighten me. 1. When a marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include you, you get to make an attack as an immediate interrupt. Are these attacks limited to...
  11. P

    Looking for an ability

    I seem to recall an ability (could have been due to a feat, a spell, a magical item, etc) that if the user was a follower of Cyric he would not show up as evil to detection spells but would still take damage from spells that did damage to evil creatures. Been going through my books but I can't...
  12. P

    Druid animal companion advancement

    Can a druid's animal companion increase in size because of the bonus HD? Specifically, a typical 2HD wolf that is an animal companion gets 2 bonus HD when the druid hits level 3, and the Monster Manual lists the advancement for a wolf as 3 HD (Medium); 4-6 HD (Large). Does the wolf become Large?
  13. P

    healing with a charge

    Cool, thanks everyone.
  14. P

    healing with a charge

    Suppose a party member is fighting an ogre (10ft reach), and the cleric, 30 ft away, wants to heal the party member. Cleric decides to cast Cure Light Wounds, move to party member - entering the ogre's threatened area - and finally touch party member to deliver the heal. 1. Is this doable in 1...
  15. P

    Feign Death & Speak With Dead

    Lesson to be learned: Always ask one more question than allowed by the Speak with Dead spell. If the corpse still answers, KILL IT!
  16. P

    Wounding weapon ability

    What's the general consensus regarding the Wounding weapon ability, balanced or not? I've been comparing it with Weakening from Shining South and it seems a bit too good: Wounding : -1 Con on hit, +2 cost, no effect on creatures immune to crits Weakening : -1 Str on hit, +3 cost, lasts 10 mins...
  17. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Devoted Defender?

    Shining South has a PrC that's basically the Devoted Defender reprinted.
  18. P

    Casting touch-range spells and then touching

    The first touch attack is rolled into the casting of the spell that grants it. On all other rounds it requires a standard action.
  19. P

    TPK recovery ideas

    A long time ago someone posted here at EN World a simple way out of a TPK. Make it a dream/illusion. For example, say the party died attacking a baddie. Roll them back to the last day they woke up, and tell them they woke up with the vivid dream of their demise. From there you can either go...