• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Raith5

    D&D General Top 5 Best Non-WotC adventures?

    Dungeons of Drakkenheim. I have been DMing and it is early stages but I think it is really good.
  2. Raith5

    D&D General io9: 2023 Should Have Been D&D's Best Year, Until It Wasn't

    Yes, but the OGL kerfuffle seems to provoked some other game companies to step and create more open games (that seem to have a fair of public interest as per the MCDM game). This could have longer term consequences for D&D - good for gamers but may effect D&D in terms of supporting the new...
  3. Raith5

    D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?

    I like high level play and like some others in this thread I found 4e did high level play really well (we got to 30th level). For me the problem with 5e is not high level play as a different style of play per se but the way that mid level play is compressed due to the legacy of 5e sticking...
  4. Raith5

    D&D 5E Late Stage 5e Characters... Do they differ greatly from early 5e characters?

    I have not seen much change in races and classes overtime at my table. But I played a Paladin early on and more recently for Dragonlance with the Knight Solamnia subclass. It was a significant increase in power for an already powerful class. But the monsters also seemed much tougher, so I think...
  5. Raith5

    D&D 5E D&D 5e Post-Mortem

    I have looked at it and some of the other 5e related games. I have a pretty WoTC centric group but I think highly of Level Up and will seek to bring it into my games. My first order of business is to try some homebrewed adventures/ third party adventures so see if the adventures are indeed the...
  6. Raith5

    D&D 5E D&D 5e Post-Mortem

    I relate with the OPs feelings. I have enjoyed 5e but have done it to death. I am pretty tired of the narrow breath of options in 5e character design - I just wish there were more options: more feats, more useful magical items and gear. I really hope that 5.5e revision comes up with something...
  7. Raith5

    D&D (2024) Take A Closer Look At The 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide

    I wonder where optional rules are going to be located (current chapter 9 DM Workshop)?
  8. Raith5

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    The books definitely give out that vibe and the game does tactical combat so well you want to be doing it all the time. But I played a 4e campaign to 30th level and we had a lot of memorable skill challenges and meaty social encounters that sometimes took up a whole session. But I have to say...
  9. Raith5

    D&D General Give my your favorite class abilities

    I loved quarrying enemies as a 4e Ranger. It is simple fun mechanic that I would like to see in the 5e ranger. In 5e it is really hard going beyond a Paladin smiting!
  10. Raith5

    D&D General Are You Ready For A "New" D&D?

    Yes, I would like something significantly new. I would need something significantly new in 5.5e to be worth buying it. I have played 5e a lot and I really enjoyed it. It certainly where I would point new RPG players but I really need something with more complicated character building and...
  11. Raith5

    D&D (2024) What should be the Optimization and Magic Item Assumption of PCs be?

    But so can 1st level spells like Bless. I liked bounded accuracy but I think a) that the game should have some loose expectations about magic items (like +1 weapons appearing after 5th level) and b) that bounded accuracy breaks down in higher level play (in my experience is way too easy for PCs...
  12. Raith5

    D&D (2024) What should be the Optimization and Magic Item Assumption of PCs be?

    I voted Moderate Optimization and Many Numerical Bonus Magic Items as I like +1 magic items and dont quite understand the (what appears to be ) mounting dislike of numerical bonuses. Not only are +1 swords and the like classically D&D things but they ought to make balancing really easy for even...
  13. Raith5

    D&D (2024) What are the top 3 things, above all else, you want from One DnD?

    More interesting monsters (for eg, the use the bloodied condition for unexpected actions and attacks) More interesting Martials (expanding maneuvers, the use of the bloodied condition as well, but more social options as well) More things to spend money on after about 4th level (low grade magic...
  14. Raith5

    D&D (2024) So Will 'OneD&D' (6E) Actually Be Backwards Compatible?

    There has to be something new here to give a reason for people to buy it - but as others have said not too much new stuff to wipe out expectations. So I reckon the core rules and mechanics will be 100% compatible but there will be some extra elements - 'modules' (ahem) as they could be called -...
  15. Raith5

    D&D (2024) What Should 1D&D Resurrect? +

    Another vote for bloodied. I think it could be used to make some classes a bit more interesting, ie a bloodied barbarian getting some further bonus to damage or a rogue further movement, and of course making monsters more unpredictable. The sudden reactions of bloodied monsters in 4e is still...
  16. Raith5

    D&D (2024) Hypothetical Direction Shift For 1D&D/6E

    I wonder how impactful the OGL debacle will really be - most people I play with who are not in these forums have not heard about it. But I do think it sharpens the preexisting need for there to be a clear value add of the new rules. There has to be a reason for people to make the shift. This...
  17. Raith5

    D&D 5E Buying the Farm - Claiming the Ruin - Occupying the Dungeon

    Back in 1e my friend and I played a monty haul type of campaign that you do when you are 13. We played D3 The Vault of the Drow and we led a slave revolt, destroyed the various Drow Houses, and killed Lloth, so we decided to build a massive tower in the middle of the Vault. I am not sure why!
  18. Raith5

    D&D General Tieflings

    I prefer the 4e lore of them being an ancestry with some variable but still identifiable physical commonalities. But most importantly I prefer them to have a history and a culture, rather than being a unique offspring of human demon union. Though I still like this unique option to be an option...
  19. Raith5

    D&D (2024) Ardlings, Shifter and Hengeyokai as different variations on animal people

    I much prefer the shifter - lycanthrope angle far better than the celestial - ardling angle. I just think it has a more compelling potential. For me the key is being to think of this ancestry being linked into the world in some meaningful cultural and historical way so that it enables PC build...
  20. Raith5

    D&D (2024) What have you seen new players confused by/mistakes they make?

    The biggest one at my table is confusion between spell slots, known spells and prepared spells