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Search results

  1. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D 4E 4e Essentials as a new edition and 4e's longevity

    There's an easy check on whether something is a new edition: Is the existing Player's Handbook (in this case) still usable in a new game or has it been replaced by a new version? With Essentials the PHB 1-2-3 were not replaced by these books - they were add-ons, not revamps. Having a different...
  2. Lord_Blacksteel

    There's A Diablo TTRPG (and boardgame) Coming!

    There was a WoW RPG years ago - it lasted a few years and then failed. Why would WOTC, with D&D even more popular now than then and WoW even less popular now than then, "regret" not making this?
  3. Lord_Blacksteel

    Want to Start Traveller and Explore the Universe? Start Here!

    No one said "first" - you said "oldest" and it is not the oldest SFRPG. One example (among others as you mentioned) MA is definitely older and is still in print in several places and editions: https://goodman-games.com/store/product/metamorphosis-alpha-deluxe-collectors-edition-2/...
  4. Lord_Blacksteel

    Want to Start Traveller and Explore the Universe? Start Here!

    From the link above: "Traveller is the oldest science fiction roleplaying game..." Now we know this isn't true so why are you saying it in the first sentence on a site aimed at new players?
  5. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D General Making and surviving the break…

    I think the meat of the question is not just an older edition - it's playing anything outside of the current edition of D&D. The answer is that you don't lose anything - as Stormonu says above there are a ton of great games out there and restricting yourself to one is just a shame. I've been...
  6. Lord_Blacksteel

    RPG Evolution: The People Who Don't Game

    "Believe it or not, there's people who don't like games. At all." We know this already. I've seen a lot of good stuff from you Talien but was there a point here? No response is needed and you are unlikely to argue someone into suddenly liking games so ... what are we doing here exactly?
  7. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D 5E The Printers Can't Handle WotC's One D&D Print Runs!

    4th at least came out all at once and had an option for a slipcase collection day 1. You're right for quite a few editions though.
  8. Lord_Blacksteel

    Worlds of Design: Too Much Dice?

    GURPS and Champions cited as using "bucketfuls" of dice? For damage maybe but their normal task resolution is 3d6 roll under - precisely because it gives that bell curve. Also: "adding isn't easy" - come on, is this a serious issue in actual games? Addition? Really? "Legibility" - this is a...
  9. Lord_Blacksteel

    RPG Evolution - The AI GM: Worldbuilding with Dwarf Fortress

    "Huge numbers of DMs run campaigns written by other people, after all." Yes, PEOPLE. Not programs, not video games, not AI. The whole point of RPGs is a creative exercise between people. Why not let an AI create the world? Why not then let an AI DM run the game? Why not then let AI's play the...
  10. Lord_Blacksteel

    Cyberpunk Red: Black Chrome Is A Modern Classic Gear Book

    Sure ... Cyberpunk Red is "just a promo more for a video game than a really thought-out system as such." ... sure. It's totally not the newest edition of the original cyberpunk RPG that goes all the way back to the 80's when CP was a hot new concept and created the world that the videogame was...
  11. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D General Structural Flaw of the D&D Combat System

    It's been this way in D&D for a long time and I do not see it changing but it has been addressed in other systems. 4E D&D addressed it with the At-Will/Encounter/Daily structure for powers and players tended to save those big booms for the big encounters. The Sentinel Comics RPG is a flavor...
  12. Lord_Blacksteel

    A New "anti-D&D" Era

    I can argue with the initial premise for the OP: D&D 2E launched in 1989 and it was huge so D&D hardly went dormant during this time. By the mid-90's and the Players Options books, sure, but the early 90's - no. D&D was still the big dog and though VtM made a lot of inroads it never became the...
  13. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D 5E WotC: Why Dark Sun Hasn't Been Revived

    Well we have at least one example with 4e Forgotten Realms ... Time jump Big changes to setting Lots of prior fans unhappy and pretty vocal about it I think that's a good reason you're not seeing a release for this one - once you make enough changes who would it please?
  14. Lord_Blacksteel

    Is a new GURPS version in the works?

    Lot of strange takes here on a game system that has been out for over 35 years. If you hate the roll under, the defense roll, the generic-ness, then yes, GURPS is not your system and I would not expect a new edition of it to make any of those changes, frankly. It's like expecting D&D to go to a...
  15. Lord_Blacksteel

    How Do I Escape D&D?

    Switch Either Genre or System But Not Both In my experience this is not optimal as a fantasy game will constantly be compared to D&D and approached with a similar mindset if you've only been playing D&D which kind of defeats the purpose of trying something new. Switching genres but using very...
  16. Lord_Blacksteel

    Thoughts on the Failure of Licensed IP in the Hobby: The Lack of Disney-fication is a Feature, not a Bug

    I don't think that I would label licensed IP as a whole as a "failure". Games come out, they live for a while, and they die - licensed or not. The biggest challenge with a licensed game is just that - there is a license involved and so there is an extra layer of expense added on to all the...
  17. Lord_Blacksteel

    Marvel Multiverse RPG Brought Forward & New X-Men Expansion

    Yeah ... I have run and played quite a few superhero RPGs over the years and this one just didn't really light things up for me in playtest form. I like the subject, I like the author, but the system just felt off. I'll take another look when we get the final version but I'm not sure what kind...
  18. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D General WotC Reveals New Information and Covers for 'Keys from the Golden Vault'

    What this tells me is that this was not playtested. Maybe once, by the person who wrote it and some players who were not really digging in to the situation, but most likely not. If they had given this to another DM -and not a buddy of the designer - I suspect many of these things would have come...
  19. Lord_Blacksteel

    Savage Worlds and Deadlands…

    I ran original flavor Deadlands and Hell on Earth back when and I've been running Savage Worlds here and then since it came out (currently running a Savage Deadlands game) and my best advice is that if the rules look interesting to you take a look at the various settings both Pinnacle and 3rd...
  20. Lord_Blacksteel

    D&D (2024) RPG Evolution: The Fox in the Henhouse

    "She pointed out that dungeon masters only made up 20% of the customer base, with an untapped player base that could be unlocked as "recurrent spenders," with more than 70% of digital gaming profits coming from post-sale." This is a particularly important point. Subscriptions and...