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  1. E

    UA: Enhanced Summoning question

    Rapid summoning and the free Augment Summoning (and the way it scales as you level) kick mucho booty. I just finished a short campaign with a Kobold Conjuror/ Summoner, and he was all about laying waste :) The Summonning as a standard action vice full round is the (silly filter) bollocks, as you...
  2. E

    More than one familiar?

    I was pondering htis very subject after a quick rewatching of "Little Mermaid" this weekend :) A Flotsam and Jetsam like pair would be awesome, maybe a pair of ravens that deliver messages to the PCs as they sleep, or keep the spell casters up all night. Or just a pair of roving cats, running...
  3. E

    Gaming in the Military - Your Experiences?

    Currently in the Army, and I never have problems finding gamers. As someone pointed out, just take your PHB to any open area and you will attract gamers like flies to sweet potato pie :) Partially, its demographic (avg US military is 19-20 and male), and partially its portability (no electricity...
  4. E

    Most overrated "broken" things?

    Having seen a monk with VoP in play, I'm still in the "its kinda broken" camp. Of course, the player was the munchkiniest power gamer I've ever played with, but I digress :)
  5. E

    Oriental Adv. Kusari-Gama

    Crit for bludgeoning end is X2, kama end is 19-20 x2. You can trip or disarm with it, and it can also be used as a grappnel and short rope for climbing. Very cool weapon.
  6. E

    Setting up the pet

    Then take leadership and its back :)
  7. E

    Superior Unarmed Strike

    Where can I find this wonderful feat?
  8. E


    Thanks!! you beat me to it while I was re-typing :) When did this change and why?
  9. E


    Never mind, my response was based on a different version of the spell :) For clarity: Your own nonmagical club or quarterstaff becomes a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (A quarterstaff gains this enhancement for both ends of the weapon.) It deals damage as if it...
  10. E

    DM Prep Work Leading To Burnout: Help?

    TPK and re-boot? :uhoh:
  11. E

    DM Prep Work Leading To Burnout: Help?

    Pretty much the way I run things. Unless the NPC is going to be a MAJOR plot point, I barely bother giving them a class, much less min/maxing them :) And another +1 to taking time off and playing. One of my players has allowwed me a few weeks off after our last story arc, and it has really...
  12. E

    CannonBall Special

    Re: full attacks- Thats easy: If the throw is more than 5', no full attacks, just like mounted combat. the "ball" would have to delay to the "cannon's" init, then get chucked as a full round action. the cannon makes a ranged attack vs the square, the ball gets one attack, then has to deal with...
  13. E

    Involving Players in Game Creation

    My vote is to chuck the current campaign and start over. Too many variables taking over someones long running campy, especially where PC wealth, loot, house ruled abilities, etc are concerned. Since they are experienced players, let them roll 1d6 to determine starting level, and have the first...
  14. E

    And Conan should have a ??? accent?

    I doubt he'd sound like the Western Celts (ie Ireland ect). They were all settled by Celts from Iberia (Spain) anyway. So he'd sound like Inigo Montoya. :heh:
  15. E

    Faerunian Kobolds

    FWIW, I homebrewed them as Ferengi (ST:DS9) and my players love it. "Good trade? Good trade."
  16. E

    What mini-bosses do you love sending at the players?

    I had great results with a band of wight bards. Arcane casters with telekinesis is fun too):
  17. E

    MIC- Did the price of mithral change? Is mithral armor too cheap?

    Read your own link my friend "You can’t sunder armor worn by another character."
  18. E

    What do you think of my dwarf conjurer?

    Looks good. I'm runing a kobold conjuror right now, and he kicks serious booty. I'm using the UA variant mentioned above with the quicker summonning and Augment in place of scribe scroll. It really makes it a lot easier to play a smart sumonner.
  19. E

    Fighter's shouldn't have to suck

    And this is bad because?.... ;)