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  1. Ranes

    D&D General Monster ENCyclopedia: Nightmare

    Superbly researched and structured. A splendid read, as always. Ta very much!
  2. Ranes

    D&D 5E Do you care about setting "canon"?

    I have lurked the devil out of this thread for several dozen posts now. If the game is disregarding - or re-inventing, if you like - creature lore with every edition, I can understand how it can lead to frustration among veteran players and be to the detriment of their enjoyment. However, I...
  3. Ranes

    Vermin with Fiendish Creature Template

    Vermin with the template become magical beasts, so I think the answer to both of your questions is 'yes'.
  4. Ranes

    Illumination in Undardark cities and homes

    Drow of the Underdark says, at one point, that some areas of drow cities lack illumination of any kind, because the darkness puts other races at a disadvantage, so the streets of foreign ghettos might be pitch black. DotU also mentions the drow don't mind some illumination in their homes and...
  5. Ranes

    Planescape Casting off Planescape

    Second edition was around for years before Planescape reared its head. Just do what I did when I played 2e and ignore it completely. It won't have any effect on your game at all. Zero. I no longer own any 2e stuff, so I can't help you on monster creation guides.
  6. Ranes

    TSR A 20 yr old phone call to TSR

    Of the names above, none, with the possible exception of Mr Morris. All the others had left for the GW Design Studio by 1987 at the latest. And Graeme Morris was at least freelancing for GW at that time, though that might not have been incompatible with his still being at TSR UK.
  7. Ranes

    Minis or Theatre of the Mind? (Survey)

    I prefer minis - or at least tactical representations everyone can see - for combat and dungeon exploration. But I'm happy enough to play without, as long as everyone around the table is sensible about it.
  8. Ranes

    D&D 5E How do you use maps with room numbers?

    An idea with a refreshingly whimsical, old-school character probably best used once, but an idea I would use. Thanks. Edit: I like the idea of PCs unexpectedly encountering room "12b".
  9. Ranes

    Is TOMB OF HORRORS the Worst Adventure Of All Time?

    Or, if you're in the Tomb of Horrors, eek out a victory. I know. I shall immolate myself forthwith.
  10. Ranes

    Artist Wayne England RIP

    This is terribly sad news. I've been out of the loop for a few weeks and hadn't heard. For a brief but super time in the late eighties, I had the pleasure of working with Wayne. I remember being really excited when I first saw his work; I'd never come across anything like it. Years later...
  11. Ranes

    Moffat stepping down; no Who in 2016

    Last season was the best for some years but I've not been a big fan of Steven Moffat since he became show runner. I thought he spent too much of his tenure trying to be too clever by half, by which I mean indulging in the tendency to spin up overwrought and over complicated storylines to...
  12. Ranes

    D&D General Monster ENCyclopedia: Jackalwere

    These articles often help me to understand D&D monsters better, especially the ones I don't tend to use, such as those featured in the last couple of entries. Learning about how they were conceived and how they've been interpreted, misinterpreted and altered over the editions makes me think of...
  13. Ranes

    The Origin of the Fireball

    Very interesting piece. I haven't heard mention of The Courier for decades.
  14. Ranes

    D&D General Monster ENCyclopedia: Ixitxachitl

    For me, your articles are the best D&D read on the Internet. Very well done and thank you.
  15. Ranes

    D&D 5E State of D&D

    Never mind.
  16. Ranes

    D&D 5E How To Make a Good D&D Videogame

    Thanks for the info. I played it quite a while ago. I'll re-install, patch and give it another shot, eventually. Fingers crossed.
  17. Ranes

    D&D 5E How To Make a Good D&D Videogame

    Pillars of Eternity wore off on me before I got to the end. I thought the magic spells were too narrow in scope, I disliked the fact that you could only apply potions and other consumables in combat (their effects wore off as soon as combat ended) and the AI really bugged me, because you...
  18. Ranes

    D&D 5E How To Make a Good D&D Videogame

    I've played the SSI gold box series, the EoB series, NWN (which I wrote mods for) and plenty of the more obscure D&D titles. I enjoyed all of them a great deal but... I absolutely agree with this. In addition to all the bugs, the UI is nightmarish in places. But I played it when it first came...
  19. Ranes

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    I never, ever fudge. But then, I would say that, wouldn't I? If I were to fudge, just once, and admit to it or be discovered doing it, my players would never be able to trust that any future victory of theirs was legitimate. My game would die. My DMing reputation would die. Consequently, all my...
  20. Ranes

    What Happens When A D&D Player Falls Asleep?

    This DM did a lot better than an old friend of mine. A long time ago, in a Manchester far, far away, my DM ran a game for a few friends while I was out. When I got back, I opened the door to find all the players fast asleep, in their chairs or on the floor, and yet the DM was still rattling on...