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  1. VorpalBunny

    RPG Crowdfunding News – HYPERBOREA, GURPS, The Drowned War, and more

    Hyperborea 3E doesn't use the d20 system, but is based on 1e. Anyone expecting ascending AC and OGL skills may be in for disappointment. According to the author, it's "95%" backwards compatible with Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2e. As such it is easily portable to AD&D...
  2. VorpalBunny

    Cthulhu 7th edition

    FYI Chaosium released a new version of Runequest that you may want to take a look at also. A little different than CoC 7th, but still worth it.
  3. VorpalBunny

    #RPGaDAY Day 18: Which RPG have you played the most in your life?

    AD&D hands down (various 2e settings probably edging out 1e) followed by Shadowrun 2e/3e.
  4. VorpalBunny

    #RPGaDAY Day 04: Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

    I'm running Masks of Nyarlathotep and a semi-regular d20 Star Wars game. I think the Star Wars game squeaks out ahead of MoN.
  5. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Sandy Peterson's Cthulhu Mythos for 5E ??

    Take a look at the Strange Aeons adventure path as well. There's lots of stuff in there that can be taken for a D&D game as well.
  6. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Sandy Peterson's Cthulhu Mythos for 5E ??

    According to the Kickstarter FAQ there's no plans...
  7. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Are you RETURNING to D&D

    I'm back after sitting out 4e entirely. I pretty much spent 2008 until 5e was released playing some 3.5, Castles and Crusades, Pathfinder, and some Shadowrun 5e.
  8. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Dragon/Dungeon Magazines?

    EXACTLY. Historically, WotC hasn't embraced adventures in the same way that say, Paizo has. We get Rise of Tiamat this month then there's nothing on the horizon until March, 2015 with Princes of the Apocalypse. This of course can be Hasbro's management, because let's face it, published...
  9. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Dragon/Dungeon Magazines?

    Heartily seconded. It wouldn't be the same without 'em.
  10. VorpalBunny

    Boogin and Flail Snail (5e)

    Thanks Cleon, glad to be back. You're right... my bad. The boogin is completely 2nd edition.
  11. VorpalBunny

    Boogin and Flail Snail (5e)

    The boogin goes back to 1e/2e Forgotten Realms. They're quaggoth/orc hybrids bred by drow slavers typically found in the underdark hanging around with their furrier ancestors.
  12. VorpalBunny

    Boogin and Flail Snail (5e)

    Just a couple of quick conversions I used for my 5e game... ORC, BOOGIN Medium humanoid (orc), neutral evil Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Hit Points 19 (3d8+6) Speed 30 ft. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 11 (+0)...
  13. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Dragon/Dungeon Magazines?

    Yeah, what Shroomy said. Should be easily adaptable to 5e and worth their weight in gold to mine for ideas. Personally, I think Paizo's run alone has enough stuff to keep a campaign running for years.
  14. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Dragon/Dungeon Magazines?

    I don't know if I missed it in a previous thread, but has there been any scuttlebutt about when Dragon and Dungeon mags will make their reappearance?
  15. VorpalBunny

    Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: Androids, Robots, Assorted Flora and Fauna

    It's already there: http://www.enworld.org/forum/conversions/245278-attempt-rebuild-conversion-library-please-upload-conversions-3-5-here-2.html#post5263244 Look for "S3 Barrier Conversion"...
  16. VorpalBunny

    Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: Androids, Robots, Assorted Flora and Fauna

    Eric- I think I have a copy lying around if you're still interested. Let know where I can send it.
  17. VorpalBunny


    Nothing gaming-related under the tree, but ordered The One Ring RPG and some miscellaneous Warhammer 40K RPG supplements with some holiday cash...
  18. VorpalBunny

    How many tabletop roleplaying games did you play in 2011?

    A third edition Eberron game Mutants & Masterminds 2nd A DC Adventures/Mutants and Masterminds 3rd game Still hoping for a WH40K game in 2012 tho.... :)