• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Kerrick

    Death and familiars/animal companions/special mounts

    That's an excellent idea. Or the familiar can just grant a bonus to saves vs. spells when it's within 10 feet. This gives mages a good justification for hauling them around. Nah. With the imbue ability and/or save bonus, that's all they'd need. You could do a bunch of different things with...
  2. Kerrick

    Death and familiars/animal companions/special mounts

    I kinda like it. I unified the companion/mount/familiar mechanics (see here; someone suggested making them cohorts (via the Leadership feat) instead of class features, and after some thought I decided it was a good idea. I had tentative plans to make some kind of bonding ritual - alter...
  3. Kerrick

    OGL Reflavoring the Wizard - Sacrificing Power for (Much) Higher Versatility

    Thanks. I had some ideas for a rune mage several years ago (back in 3E) and fiddled around with it a bit, but it never went anywhere. Some of what I posted is what I could remember from that. I even had some ideas for applying runes to objects in place of enchantment. It seems like I'm always a...
  4. Kerrick

    A new skill system

    More specialization into fewer things? True. But then, isn't a common complaint about D&D how the PCs can routinely accomplish things that are superhuman by L10? (Note: This wasn't something I thought of until after I finished writing the rules, but it does address this point rather nicely.) A...
  5. Kerrick

    Looking at the core races to try and balance new ones - feedback please

    Upper Krust did this in v5 of his Challenging Challenge Ratings. Basically, he based everything around the value of a feat (0.2). So, the races end up with the following values: Dwarf: 0.51 Elf: 0.36 Gnome: 0.3625 Half-elf: 0.38 Halfling: 0.48 Half-orc: +0 Human: 0.3 He broke down all...
  6. Kerrick

    OGL Reflavoring the Wizard - Sacrificing Power for (Much) Higher Versatility

    When I revised the sorcerer, I gave them access to all spells. They're still limited in spells known/per day, but they can swap out known spells much more often. Thus, I don't think this would be overpowering for the wizard, especially since they're limited to L6 spells. (Aside: The real reason...
  7. Kerrick

    A new skill system

    I think he's talking about the D&D system, not mine. Skill XP should only be awarded when there's an actual reason to use it. I don't know if you're familiar with the optional XP systems in 2E, but they had something similar - fighters get 1 XP/HD of monsters killed, rogues get XP for performing...
  8. Kerrick

    A new skill system

    Let me preface this by saying I don't consider this to be a "serious idea" - it's more something I thought up and figured I'd toss out there for the hell of it. I've been playing Oblivion for awhile now - a couple years, IIRC. I also bought Fallout when it came out and played it bit, then got...
  9. Kerrick

    The Original Titans (3.5)

    Actually, I didn't, but.... let's see. If I were giving them ECLs through my system, I'd eyeball him at around ECL 100 (outsiders are generally HD * 1.5), or CR 65. Prometheus I'd put around ECL 45, or CR 29-30 - a good challenge for a L25-30 party.
  10. Kerrick


    Ravenloft and (I believe) Call of Cthulhu have similar systems; you could take a look at those for ideas. Other than that, I'm not conversant with WoD at all.
  11. Kerrick

    Epic/Immortal Prestige Classes

    I dunno... seems a little high level. Giving spells 10 levels lower at-will is something you can do as soon as they acquire L10 spells - by that point, L1 spells aren't all that useful, and making them at-will (like cantrips) wouldn't break the game. Automatic metamagic... even at that level, it...
  12. Kerrick

    The Original Titans (3.5)

    I meant to ask before: What's maven/omnicompetent? And where's Atlas' CR?
  13. Kerrick

    Save Progressions

    What I meant was, a cleric's Will save using the existing rules is around +20 (making basic assumptions for Wisdom, magic items, etc.) vs. +16 for your system. Likewise, the Reflex save is +7 vs. +13 - so there's a 3-point difference between high and low saves with your system, vs. a 13-point...
  14. Kerrick

    Eclipse Shade [PrC] (Essentially Faerun Shade Template as PrC)

    Yeah, that's kind of cool. He's right, in a way - rogues aren't intended to be stand-up combat characters. They're more guerilla fighters, like what you wanted - hit and run types. Well... I could keep going with that idea I had (which was to expand on the movement abilities). I've got two...
  15. Kerrick

    Eclipse Shade [PrC] (Essentially Faerun Shade Template as PrC)

    Okay, I'll see what I can do. What are you looking for? That might help narrow down the focus for this class. One thing I forgot to mention: shadow travel. You should be able to use any PrC ability at the level you get it, not "if you have x levels". Plane shift is a L5 spell, and TP w/o error...
  16. Kerrick

    Armor max dex -> dex penalty

    Looks good to me.
  17. Kerrick

    Eclipse Shade [PrC] (Essentially Faerun Shade Template as PrC)

    Just a few quick comments (because I'm working on something else while I do this): Why not just revise the template? If all you're after is a lower LA, make a new template with lesser powers and call it Shadow-touched (just a variant of the plane-touched template). You could also make a...
  18. Kerrick

    Why doesn't 3.5 make SENSE?

    This. 3.x borrows heavily from previous editions, where "balance" was something you noticed in passing, not something you adhered to with any sort of rigidity. It was also designed with the idea that 20th level was more or less "the end", so spells like shield of law, holy word, wish...
  19. Kerrick

    Save Progressions

    Just one thing: What would stop everyone from simply taking medium saves? It's only 3 points below a good save at L20, and you can easily boost that with items and the high stats. For instance, a cleric's Will save (moderate) would be around +16, vs. +20 for a high Will save. His Reflex would be...
  20. Kerrick

    What should an epic xxx (3.5) be able to do?

    True, but fighters get tons of feats anyway - that's why I decided to leave the weapon mastery stuff with the feats and simply add the cool abilities into the class itself. But unless you're doing something like PF, where they grant 1 feat/2 levels, it's going to be a feat tax. A simple rule...