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Search results

  1. Vrylakos

    [MnM2e] Escape from Alcatraz! Villain & Setting Book

    There are plenty of super-prisons, but only one Alcatraz – the last stop for the worst of criminals. In a world of super-powered madmen, mutant convicts, robotic life, and talking apes, Alcatraz still serves as the place criminals Don’t Want To Go. Escape from Alcatraz updates this classic...
  2. Vrylakos

    [MnM] Just launched my new superhero mini-campaign

    Heya, TB! I'm always interested in MnM character builds and tactics! If it's not too much to ask, could you email me a copy of your work? I'm at vrylakos AT gmail dot com... If not, no big. BTW: The 1st Appearance pdfs from Blue Devil are really some GREAT value - quality stuff! Enough so...
  3. Vrylakos

    [Scarred Lands] Got the Strange Lands book

    Sweet as hell! I'm in a book with Gareth M. Skarka! I did the Stealer of Children, the laughing drake, the blood gardener, and the winter wraith. Hm, my check from White Wolf has arrived while I was at GenCon SoCal, but no package of contributor copies. I live in Vegas... should I be worried...
  4. Vrylakos

    Dark Phoenix

    Oh, a small tidbit pops into my mind. The Black Phoenix is attracted to places of death and strife - particularly battlefields. Kings and warlords know this, and not wanting a potpourri horde of resurrected random undead, that hire adventurers to kill it, often under the guise of a quest to...
  5. Vrylakos

    Dark Phoenix

    Uhm... I did do for Creature Collection III the Black Phoenix of Asherak, a unique 'negative phoenix' type undead. It's shadow causes the dead to rise and pursue the phoenix, and eventually the phoenix's undead retinue catch up to it and destroy it, blighting the land within earshot of its...
  6. Vrylakos

    Have you bought any books because they won an ENnie?

    The Ennies has pushed me over the edge to buy a winner or nominee. I believe Monsternomicon and Redhurst at least are products I've bought due to the Ennies. Vrylakos
  7. Vrylakos

    Share The Love Question

    What? A mystery? No one knows!?! Vrylakos
  8. Vrylakos

    Share The Love Question

    So... I have gotten a couple of Share The Loves on Giants of Legend. I've bought a couple at the FLGS, but no Warforged Titan appeared, which is my big goal for no really identifiable reason. So, now I'd like to use these STL Giants of Legend. However, can I use both STL on the same order...
  9. Vrylakos

    Alignment in Eberron: Yay or nay?

    Thanks for everyone's responses. It's made for some interesting reading and thinking. I'm considering perhaps only things dedicated to Evil will bling-bling on a paladin's Detect Evil ability. Undead, clerics with Evil as a domain, things Powered by/DEDICATED to Evil in the big cosmic sense...
  10. Vrylakos

    Alignment in Eberron: Yay or nay?

    Well... I'm not sure I like the alignments in Eberron. If Sam Spade had access to detect evil, it'd be a totally different Maltese Falcon, you know? Isn't there a moral murkiness that alignments sort of make moot? Don't get me wrong, in many setting the classic struggle for good and evil is a...
  11. Vrylakos

    Official ENWorld Share the Love thread (updated)

    Hm, I sent out a STL on Eberron about 6 or 7 days ago, I think. Did anyone decide to get it? I just wanted to follow up on how the system works... Vrylakos
  12. Vrylakos

    Anyone homebrewed a d20 Harry Potter-style world?

    I'd recommend looking at the Redhurst Academy of Magic. You can buy the book including the margin notes which sort of reveal a the workings of a hidden enemy of Redhurst, or download a copy of the book without margin notes at the link below. Read the reviews and judge for yourself...
  13. Vrylakos

    Eberron: Tentaclehead dinosaur!

    Oh, well cool. Guess it's not a dinosaur, but when I first saw it, the Inspired weren't even known. Well, poop! So much for the Cthulhusaur Riders of the Talenta... Vrylakos
  14. Vrylakos

    Eberron: Tentaclehead dinosaur!

    Hrm... Hellcow! I summon you! Do I haveta go to the WOTC boards? :( No? Tentaclehead dinosaur? Man.... Vrylakos
  15. Vrylakos

    Eberron: Tentaclehead dinosaur!

    So, there was a picture in some promo material of an interesting dinosaur with a tentaclehead. I think halflings were on it. In short, I loved that picture. It actually made me want to play a halfling, which is saying something. Flipping through the book at Barnes and Noble, I did not see...
  16. Vrylakos

    Angelsboi passed away 16 Jun 04 (was: Angelsboi Health Update)

    We spoke a couple of times here and there in threads across the boards. I would wonder how he was doing, this person I barely knew. I would read the threads on his health, and keep my fingers crossed. He will be missed, he seemed such a sweet person. And thank you to the EN World boards for...
  17. Vrylakos

    [ShareTheLove] Hatin' Eberron?

    Hola! I'm involved in the Share the Love lists. One of the more interesting aspects of this is seeking buying trends. I've noticed that no one has preordered Eberron, so I figured I'd ask if people were waiting for reviews, turned off by the setting, or just hadn't gotten around to it yet but...
  18. Vrylakos

    Mr. Holland's Opus, and synesthesia.

    For a good while, I've been brainstorming a short story about dealing with all the weird spam email people get, the stuff that has a subject line like "Good stuff excffgh" Where does that stuff come from? Is it some alien race trying to communicate with us via what it sees as the most dominant...
  19. Vrylakos

    Doom Striders

    Ok, I'm the proud owner of Doom Striders. Now, it seems a bit strange that the other Bastion book I love is Airships... big flying Airships.... YET Doom Striders that actually fly aren't covered in the DS book. Seems a pretty common staple of anime, which some people will pick up Doom Striders...
  20. Vrylakos

    D&D Miniatures news

    http://www.gamingreport.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=My_eGallery&file=index&do=showpic&pid=989&orderby=dateD The glabrezu... how could I leave that one out? Vrylakos