• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. I

    Huntsville Group seeks a DM

    Hey all I and the rest of my group of 4 players are looking for a good DM to rum our games. We are all willing to start from level 1 in nearly any campaign setting. We are all well versed in the D20 system. We have played Frogotten Realms extensivly, D20 modern a little and D20 Call of...
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    Magic item use with wildshape

    My wife told me about a feat that she read about but can not remember the source. that basically let you use some/all of your items even while wildshaped. Does anyone remember what source this was in or have the info handy... gotta see if the char has the pre-reqs. Thanks
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    Need an Epic Solar< Arravis STAY OUT!>

    in an up coming game I'm going to have my party face an Epic Solar. they are sopose to get a bow string from it. Basically I'm going to have it chalange the party to a duel or sorts. I need it to be a chalange but winnable. The party is made up of the folowing. ranger 12 druid 10 devine...
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    New Meta Magic feat

    I'm thinking of trying to make a feat that will alow the caster to beter over come SR. I was thinnking that it would add something like 2 or 3 levels to the spell. This would add something like 5 caster levels only for overcoming SR. Do you think this is balanced? How would you set the ranges.
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    AoO's With a bow

    Ok one of my players wants to make the peerless arecher class ability of threatning 10' with a bow. We are epic so I don't really have a problem with this but ... I set the requirements of BaB of +12, Combat reflexes, and precice shot. he thinks that the requirements don't make sence and...
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    When am I Epic?

    can't find my ELHB at the moment but there is a passage in there that says that. if your char is ECL +6 you become epic at 15. there is an example in the book that talks about this and it is very clear. gonna find the book and post that info soon.
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    Favorite duke of hell?

    DOn't tell me I'm the only guy here that likes Dispater. I mean come on the guy isn't freaky looking and he has a wicked sence of humor, pun intended:p .
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    A question for you firearms aficionados...

    Why wouldn't 25% more energy -- combined with a smaller cross-section -- result in greater penetration? you do have a point here but if you consiter this example I think you will get what I was trying to say. Consiter a 30 cal wepon firing a .223 sabot. The round will be traveling at about...
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    A question for you firearms aficionados...

    A few things about sabots to keep in mind. if you use a sabot method called paper patching then when the projectile is fired the only thing left at the scene will be the paper patch and this will make any forencis id useless as the paper will be suficently dammaged by the firing as to be...
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    A familiars size?

    Familars don't gain HD so to speak but they do increase hp as the caster does. But as to the size issue it would really depend on the familar type in question. ie a toad may indeed get bigger as it's HP increases, but a mefit on the other hand prolly would not.
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    The Sage on Arcane Archers

    Again that post was in regards to phase arrow not the seeker. Sorry I got sucked into this argument again... Arravis you are wrong weither you care to accept it or not that is and will alwase be my opinion on this subject. And since I know you think the same about me I'll not post on this...
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    The Sage on Arcane Archers

    the phase arrow doesn't seek it phases. why is that so hard to understand?:)
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    The Sage on Arcane Archers

    Guys I don't think you are going to convince Arravis of our point on this issue. He has already made up his mind on this subject and refuses to change it. I along with you don't see the confusion... seeker seeks... phase ... well it phases:) What would the point of a seeker arrow be if you...
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    Some more basic rules questions...

    Can you move more then 30' as Movement Action only, double move is both a Movement Action and a Standard Action. Wer'e trying to find out if it's possible to attack once and move more then 30' (but not charging, or buffed by spells).
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    DR per round or per Hit?

    This question came up in a recent game and we have assumed that like elemental restance that is is per round but I was unable to find that paticular rule.
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    Looking for Epic Monk...

    Gamecat I HATE YOU :D I'm one of his players/co-DM and this guy gave us living hell. This guy took us like 11 rounds to kill. For comparison we killed a Great Wyrm white in 7 rounds. So from now on you are banned from making NPC's for our game! BTW Great job he was really fun to fight...
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    [FR] Githzari info needed(Arravis don't read)

    can some one point me to another sourse of info on the Githzari/Githyanki other than the MotP? I need this info for a game I'm running this weekend. It's gonna be a plains hopping game for low epic level PC's and any ideas that you could give me would be helpful. The game is going to center...
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    A few basic rules questions...

    so even tho hte hero knows the bad guy is there and attacking he can not raise his shield or even declare that he is going to dodge that target. So basically the hero knowing that there is a nasty orc in his face he can see the orc and even smell his stinky breath he can't defend? What about...
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    A few basic rules questions...

    Also are you still flat footed if you can see the bad guy attacking you but haven't gone yet. ie bad guys suprise you get a free partial action and use that action to close with you. then since they won init they attack you first. the hero makes his spot check when the bad guy charges into the...
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    permanent SR

    Ok using the Epic Spell Greater Spell Restance on page 80 of the ELH as a base I'm trying to figure out how to make this permanent. please let me know if my math is correct. Base spell DC is 45 Make permanent =45*5=225 1caster giving up 1 ninth level spell slot = (DC 17) 225-17=208 1caster...