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  1. A

    Pathfinder 1E Furious Finish ... or not?

    Isnt that pretty clear? fatigue immunity means you wouldnt normally be fatigued....the feat specifically says it still affects you if you normally wouldn't. Feats do everything they say. Sometimes they have drawbacks. Also...munchkin sense is tingling.
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    Need Inquisitor suggestions

    thanks for the suggestions guys. Got a bit more info on the group composition and rules. 25 pt buy. PCs will know each other, and need to get along(ie infighting is dumb). Looking at stats of 16(18)str, 14dex, 12con, 15wis,13int, 8cha. Travel Domain from Cayden Calain which was a recommended...
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    Need Inquisitor suggestions

    I'm about to start playing a character in the Kingmaker adventure path. I'm really leaning towards playing an melee Inquisitor and I'd like suggestions for how to build him. Mainly on which feats/spells should I take. And which domain/inquisition might help. Please no spoilers though. All I...
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    Cost of Vampiric weapon property?

    I don't really see the big deal with an eidolon having an AoMF with this property. It doesn't heal the caster. Isn't there already evolutions that add +d6s of the various energy types? In Pathfinder its even less of an issue, because the Eidolon is getting hit by the AoE priest heals anyways...
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    Belt of Reduce Person

    I think polymorph is the lowest level spell that could shrink an eidolon. Enlarge person won't work.
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    Power Attack offset

    1st-6th level is when melee combatants are the strongest compared to all the casters. I too am curious what you are fighting in that level range that doesn't die in 2-3 hits taking 2d6+6. And that's a pretty lowball number. A barbarian1 with a 16 strength could PA at +6 for 2d6+9. That kills...
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    The Knight card from the Deck of Many Things

    In all my years playing D&D (almost 20 years), I've seen 7 or 8 'Decks' show up in various games. Every time except one the result was the same. Everyone, or almost everyone drew the max number of cards. Half of the party always ends up destroyed/imprisoned/dead and the other half jumped off...
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    Planning to run Age of Worms AP - Anything I should know about before I start?

    Our gaming group just completed the age of worms campaign about a year ago. Took us about 2 years of gaming once a week to complete. Our character creation guidelines were more strict than many games, but overall we had 4 strong characters and 2 medium ones. As a player I enjoyed most of...
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    How a ****ing cantrip exterminates an entire school of magic. NO MORE OF THAT!

    casting detect magic in order to detect an invisible attacker essentially amounts to having to use 3 combat rounds worth of actions. Scenario 1: Round 1 Someone in the party makes a listen check to hear someone casting a spell, but nobody can see anything so wizard casts detect magic. Round...
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    Skipping unturnable undead

    It wouldn't make sense to count undead you couldn't turn. If you have a 30 hit dice zombie next to you in melee, and 10 wimpy ones behind it, the big one shouldn't make the others immune. In this instance I think calling it turn 'damage' confuses the issue a little. Kinda like a sleep...
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    Low Level Cooperation help.

    I second the opinion that Arcane Trickster is really really NOT broken. Especially so if you actually play it from the beginning through all those sucktastic levels where you are FAR less powerful than a straight class character. It's just like all the other dual-style progression PrCs...they...
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    rain the pain, best area spells/powers/classes

    I was rather fond of a wizard/War Wizard of Cormyr/ Archmage I played in a high level conversion of 'Against the Giants'. triple area-affect sizes(ie 60' radius fireballs, 120' radius meteor swarms), combined with the ability to substitute whichever element you want and to shape the spells so...
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    CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION: Difficult Subject Matter.

    Is reproductive management even an option? This is medieval medicine we're talking about. Sure there is magic, but a cure-light woulds isn't going to save someone with internal bleeding. Then again, maybe the problem could be harmlessly cured with a simple remove disease or neutralize poison...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 ~ Second Familiar?

    I have a dumb question. How do you get a large familiar? The improved familiar feat does not include any large creatures, and the text implies that only other similarly sized creatures be considered suitable. There aren't even any medium sized creatures in the imp. familiar list. So thats...
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    +Magic Armor Rules -Help?

    Right...but we already know there are lots of magic weapons above +10. They are called 'epic'. If the 'no weapons above +10' was meant as 'no matter what' then clearly epic weapons could not exist. This has been talked about before with the Bane property. It can easily turn a +5 sword into a...
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    wraithstrike & multiple attacks.

    I really hate the spell Wraithstrike since it totally breaks regular melee mechanics and thus yields itself to lots of abuse. Inevitably, a munchkin will eventually ask the DM 'See the formula says use activated Wraithstrike costs X(where X is completely unrepresentative of the actual value of...
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    GEOMANCER: It's Cheezetastic?

    I don't think it does work that way, since I agree Mystic theurge does not grant spells, but rather enhances spells from other classes. Even if it did work that way, it wouldn't be particularly good. I'd still rather play a Wizard3/Druid3/MT4/Arcane Heirophant10. Which ends up caster level 17...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Fighting an Old Black Dragon? (3.5)

    Please don't take my advice as an insult, because its not meant as one. I agree with Dandu. That spell list is horrible. Get haste. I also think the described tactic should fail badly. An Old dragon of any variety should not be challenged by such things. A black dragons lair should also...
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    +Magic Armor Rules -Help?

    Spells don't follow crafting limitations as far as I know. GMW should work just fine. But there are a couple major drawbacks to your strategy. First and foremost is that your weapon is very vulnerable to dispel magic. Any area dispel will hit your weapon as well as you. As this should be a...
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    Trolls, trolls and more trolls

    How does a troll breath without a head? I'd call that suffocation...or drowning(on its own blood). Undead and some other creatures are not killed by being headless. However a troll is not exactly the same.