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  1. V

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist 5e and Stipends and Magic Items

    I'm playing this under Pathfinder 1st edition. 5th edition D&D is kind of 1/10 of the money of the wealth by level it kind of looks like. Between adventures I let the players re-spend without any restrictions, they can buy any magic items they want. Favour is irrelevant here. There are a lot...
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    ZEITGEIST NPC Rings (Spoilers)

    I assumed that all rings are a part of a ritual magic and share the same spell. Your ring is bound to you as part of a ritual when it is made for you and inscribed with 3 words of OBS. One of the things about the rings is that they only work for you. The core of the ritual probably needs...
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    A Question of Religious Character

    Instead of allowing the player to pick the character’s spells per day, the GM does so and keeps them secret. At any time the player wants to cast a spell they announce their character is praying for a blessing. If the GM sees a spell in the list that will help, it gets cast. If not, nothing...
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    Character vs. Campaign

    You need to talk to your players and work with them. I'm running a Zeitgeist campaign and everyone is an agent of the RHC so the requirement that you have that background and are loyal to Risur makes it all work. They also have other backgrounds elements as well that make them all very...
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    Gen Con Is Going Ahead

    And this is why Int should not be a dump Stat for anyone
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    D&D 5E Everything We Know About The Ravenloft Book

    trains are simple. Ignore the real world scale and use the human scale. A train is 2 seats, 1 carriageway and 2 seats wide. That's 5 squares wide. That's your scale.
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    ZEITGEIST Book 5 Questions: Kell minigame and Team B

    The biggest problem is that the B-Team aren't the players characters. They haven't grown up with the love care and attention of the players. It felt like something foisted on the players to do and distracted from the main plot. My players want to play their characters, and weren't invested in...
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    ZEITGEIST Discoveries from the playtest of the ZEITGEIST setting book intro adventure

    I have to agree about the Von Reklinghausen name, it's very memorable
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    ZEITGEIST Resurrection in Zeitgeist Adventure Path

    I had the RHC offer a group insurance policy where they would price match what the players put in, and so had the players contribute 50% of the total required. That made it attractive enough that they went for it. The RHC cares about it's operatives, it's not a faceless evil bureaucracy.
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    No Good Choices

    Here's your hard choice Mr GM. Who are you going to find to play your game in my empty seat thereafter?
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    ZEITGEIST General tips for running Zeitgeist?

    Link the players to relevant allies/antagonists and insert those into the backgrounds of the players. Offer some of them up to the players before they do their backgrounds. Surprise players by introducing some of the NPC's and link them to the players there and then (he's an old friend of your...
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    ZEITGEIST The maps of Zeitgeist

    I've taken many of the maps and other locations (including the Coaltongue) and had the blown up and printed out by photobox.co.uk on their largest poster sized printouts. Sure I could draw them out on the battlemap, but the glorious full colour maps look great and get awesome player reactions...
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    D&D General Putting The Awe Back In Magic

    The first time I cast fireball is awesome. The 47th time, not so much so.
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    #RPGaDAY Day 19: Which RPG features the best writing?

    Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror Trollpack Borderlands Back in the day when they were released they set the tone for awesome world building and fleashing out.
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    D&D 5E How to engage a "poke the bear" player?

    Have a "Mission Giver" 10 level higher than him take umbridge with him. "Listen up punk. You're annoying me. Do it again and I'll kill you. I was gonna ask you guys to get a maguffin for me, but heck there are plenty of other adventurers I can send. Take off now, while you still can" Then...
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    So How Do You Recognize those High Level NPCs anyway?

    High level NPC who you want to be known to the PC's ARE known to the PC's. Simply tell the PC's that they have heard of this NPC and his famous deeds when they were children (make up 1-3 deeds, saved a village, destroyed invading army of 100 giants, sailed beyond the sunset and returned with...
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    Selling spells = broken?

    This is covered under the rules as written. His selling of spells over a long time is working at a job. And that's exactly what the "profession" skill is all about. Profession says: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning about half your Profession check result in gold...
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    Is this broken?

    It's very simple, what he is trying to do simply does not work for a multitude of reasons, any of which is sufficient to make it fail. Here is the writeup of Fabricate: You convert material of one sort into a product that is of the same material. Creatures or magic items cannot be created...
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    So I've hit the damage roadblock on an Archer

    Archers need 2 things to do damage with: a bow many arrows. Each of those two things can be enchanted seperatly - and should be in order to stack things for maximum effect. Get some permenant enchantments on the bow that aren't straight up plusses. Now ask your DM for a custom...