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  1. B

    3E & 4E Love and Hate Polls - What does it mean?

    Exactly. I won't say I hate my old Mac SE, but I won't use it regularly again. If someone had one fired up and was playing Wizardry, I'd give it a shot for a few minutes, fondly remembering how much fun I had with that game, and then go back to playing something newer. The numbers are not...
  2. B

    [Those who like 4ed] What has been lost?

    I miss the evocative prose. One of the reasons that you have so many people that hate 4e even though they have never played it is that the books are just soooo dry. I think that is also one of the sources of the "4e is about combat not roleplaying" misapprehension. The books aren't written in...
  3. B

    "If this problem is so bad, why aren't YOU doing it, NPC?"

    Had a PC once who was a junior member of a high-powered organization. He was always reporting in, asking for advice and help everytime the party advanced the quest one more step, to the point of being disruptive and annoying. One day, when he reported in a particularly disturbing tidbit, I had...
  4. B

    Children as "Companion" NPCS

    Difficulty getting a sitter?
  5. B

    How do you pronounce 'melee?'

    Jethro Tull pronounces it meh-LAY in Thick as a Brick, and if Ian Anderson isn't an authoritative source for gamer pronounciation, then I don't know what is.
  6. B

    More Dark SUn tidbits by Rich Baker

    When has that ever stopped anyone? This community thrives on people's propensity to interject how much they hate something into every conversation about that thing. And to identify every bit of information about a thing as further evidence of that thing sucking.
  7. B

    Dragon Con: A Sight of the Schism in action

    It wasn't enough that you couldn't play in a public room at a college without "normals" poking their heads in and giving you crap for playing this weird game. You travel halfway across the country and pay a pantload of money to sit in a convention center with other people who supposedly like...
  8. B

    4E Class Survivor - Round 1

    Voted Wizard, because Gandalf wasn't one.
  9. B

    Never been to a convention...(should I go to Gen Con?)

    Well all those criteria are pretty subjective. Just playing RPG's is "weird" enough to get you some strange looks from certain corners of society. GenCon is a place where you get the full spectrum. It's also a place where people go to hang out with fellow gamers, have fun and feel accepted...
  10. B

    WotC forums are back

    Why yes there is... http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/264248-wizards-forums-up.html
  11. B

    WotC forums are back

  12. B

    Presentations for your game

    Very nice PowerPoint. What's your source for the music and art?
  13. B

    Would you buy a Scarred Lands 4e?

    Color me interested. I'd buy a 4e treatment of SL sight unseen.
  14. B

    What do we know about 'Revenge of the Giants'?

    Thank Bog no one has yet used the term "Old School" Aiie! I just said it! Bad Barcode! Oh well, off to cut myself.
  15. B

    Do you actually CARE about your PC?

    I get attached enough that if they die, I want them to die well. The same applies to NPC's and villains when DM'ing. I don't need them to live forever, but it does piss me off when they "die like a punk" when they are supposed to be a memorable, scary villain.
  16. B

    GenCon Core Book Sold Out?

    Agreed. It would seem the ideal scenario in terms of immediate revenue is to almost sell out. Now you miss out on whatever there is to be gained from the "Sold Out at Gencon" status (which mostly appears to be bragging rights for your fans on message boards), but I would think that to be a...
  17. B

    Help me name a Firey Macguffin

    The Haadsi Tatzee?
  18. B

    Monster Fluff

    Yeah, for the record, I think the MM and MM2 hit the right balance. I like the tactical advice especially, since tactics are a weak spot for me. More background fluff, at the expense of more monsters, would diminish the value of the book for me.
  19. B

    What is your favorite edition of D&D and why?

    This. I'll happily play a well-run 3.5 game, but I won't DM anything other than 4e these days.
  20. B

    A long and winding road...

    Non Weapon Proficiencies were invented by the National Writing Project?