• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Siberys

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    The cost of the factory and machines is covered by overhead, which would be part of the "cost to make the widget". Profit is money above and beyond that. Arguably you could say that profit is the portion of the sale that pays for the managerial side of the business, but I think you'd have a hard...
  2. Siberys

    Hello, I am lawyer with a PSA: almost everyone is wrong about the OGL and SRD. Clearing up confusion.

    Even if this is all true, does the fact that Wizards claimed in an official capacity (via the FAQ) that it was unrevocable factor in at all? Wizards is essentially claiming they lied to the entire industry about intent, and a large number of people worked based off of that statement. Like, even...
  3. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    It’s been a while, but I’m pretty certain I kept elements introduced in later levels in their own separate docs. So there was a base file, then “add this at Level 2/3/4/etc”
  4. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST Returns with Ryan Nock's 'Death of the Author' for D&D 5E

    My mistake; I was working off of this thread from Ryan last year. I suppose plans must have changed in the meantime. Either way, I'm looking forward to both! Zeitgeist is easily my favorite AP, so I'm looking forward to more adventures! I'm looking forward to hearing how the setting deals with...
  5. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST Returns with Ryan Nock's 'Death of the Author' for D&D 5E

    I'm excited! A few quick questions, though. In the past this adventure has been described as the intro for a setting book. Is that setting book still planned? Is the default time period for that setting book the 500s (for use with the original adventure path) or the 520s? Will the setting book...
  6. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    I hand-updated the old CBLoader files to include everything in the player’s guide, though it includes some houserules. You can PM me if you’re interested.
  7. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST X-Men in Zeitgeist

    A handy table of these would be great if it wouldn’t be too much trouble. I’m going to be commissioning portraits for my game’s PCs soon and I want the players to “cast” their characters, and a list I can check against to avoid repeats would be helpful.
  8. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST X-Men in Zeitgeist

    Quick Question, Ryan - who is Nevard’s art based on?
  9. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Nathan and Asrabey

    So this is what I settled on (4e rules, if anyone cares to use them for themself). I went with Olazdor, Thisaldrion, and Rock - Olazdor has neat parallels to Gale, and Thisaldrion let me "preview" Rock. I figure between Gale and all that with Rock and Asrabey, the PCs will have plenty to do...
  10. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Nathan and Asrabey

    So, this is what I'm currently working with for a change to adventure two. I need to more "formally" write this up, and I still have some wrinkles to iron out, so if anybody has any suggestions feel free to introduce them. Gale's Canary is more-or-less a magical invitation to a Fey Revel. Same...
  11. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Nathan and Asrabey

    Hrm, that's an idea. Maybe I could combine that with the Gale subplot in the Dying Skyseer somehow? Perhaps instead of a daylit meeting at the falls, it's an evening fey revel that Asrabey is attending as a representative of the Court? While the Vekeshi gets to speak with Gale about the mirror...
  12. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Nathan and Asrabey

    This last weekend, I completed Island at the Axis of the World. The party burst into the observatory as soon as Nathan started speaking, then agreed to the plan Asrabey suggested - after which he promptly slew the Duchess and absconded with Nathan. I have a few things I'd like some guidance on...
  13. Siberys

    got Act2 & Act3 hardcovers, but...

    I sent you an email, as requested.
  14. Siberys

    got Act2 & Act3 hardcovers, but...

    Now I'm in Big Rapids, but that's still Michigan - bit of a ways to Washington though. I'd be happy to do a swap via shipping if it comes down to it.
  15. Siberys

    got Act2 & Act3 hardcovers, but...

    RangerWickett - I just got a hold of my books, and I had the opposite problem! Chose 4e, 4e cover, Pathfinder stats. What should I do? (Act III is fine)
  16. Siberys

    Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution - Act Two: The Grand Design

    Nah, waiting's fine. Will the 4e take longer to ship, or will you assume that's okay if the PF proof turns out well?
  17. Siberys

    Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution - Act Two: The Grand Design

    What's the ETA on Kickstarter backers getting their copies? I'm signed for the second pack of NPC cards and a hardcover copy, and I'd like to know when the PDF'll hit my email. EDIT: Speaking of which, when will the 4e version hit? Has it got a bit more layout work left?
  18. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST Which movies (and soundtracks!) should I use to introduce Zeitgeist?

    Another good one is Brotherhood of the Wolf. I recommend that one as a good "adventure game movie" in general, though.
  19. Siberys

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist: What do you use for inspiration?

    In no particular order; Allan Quartermain Indiana Jones Sherlock Holmes The Works of H. P. Lovecraft Certain stories by Edgar Allen Poe Noir Novels (frex, The Maltese Falcon) Modern Procedurals (Law & Order, NCIS, possibly Criminal Minds) Frankenstein These are the IPs that I can detect hints...
  20. Siberys

    D&D 5E Does RAW have a place in 5e?

    If the thief wanted a bonus to an attack for sneaking up, they would first use Create Advantage to set up that situation, then use the free invoke (assuming the succeeded) to get a bonus on their attack. As long as they were being Sneaky, they'd roll Sneaky. That's all orthogonal, though. Notice...