• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. 7

    I was recently convinced to pick up a copy of Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and I have some questions.

    I was using a very broad and warning version of the term adult.. Some are actually quite awesome, some are puerile. I don't rate the core rule set, but YMMV if u want a B/X style system.
  2. 7

    I was recently convinced to pick up a copy of Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and I have some questions.

    It's a very OSR retroclone. So it uses old modifiers and saves and so on. As such doesn't appeal to me. The adventures, however, are mind-blowing.... and adult. Not too hard to run with any d20-ish system.
  3. 7

    Starfinder Should I pick up Starfinder if I hate Pathfinder

    SWN is a white box type retroclone. It does have great world/system/faction generation rules but I would hesitate to say it is an alien packed sci-fantasy
  4. 7

    Starfinder Should I pick up Starfinder if I hate Pathfinder

    I hear you. Then Savage, SF Companion, and one of the Last Parsec setting books: I recommend Leviathan or Eris Beta V I'd get the Last Parsec primer. That could keep you going for a full year of gaming.
  5. 7

    Starfinder Should I pick up Starfinder if I hate Pathfinder

    Don't get it. Have you played Savage Worlds? Get that and the SF Companion instead That's half as complex as PF but with lots of aliens and sci-opera
  6. 7

    How would you indicate to your players that a creature is a minion?

    I adopted the 13th Age approach: all NPC meta status are visible to PCs. But only in games which have such statuses or a meta approach. So 4e or 13th Age only really. In FATE revealing such aspects is an actual part of the game engine. 5e. Mmm would depend on the table style or the required...
  7. 7

    Best Fleshed Out Cities for use with fantasy TTRPG

    The Pavis and Big Rubble setting for RuneQuest is different and had great scope for different play styles from noir to epic
  8. 7

    Why 5E may be the last edition of D&D

    Like the Shannara Chronicles
  9. 7

    Why 5E may be the last edition of D&D

    But you have that don't you? Either a retro clone or buy one of the older editions as print on demand
  10. 7

    Rat-lings / Rat Folk

    They're goblins with tails. Or halflings if they are PCs..
  11. 7

    What's the hardest thing about preparing for RPGs

    My internal terror that I will fail. Once I get over that I can cope with full prep or lazy GM prep.
  12. 7

    An Army in the Dungeon

    Savage World's has simple easy to run rules for "Allies" and associated combats. Many SW games I have read or run seem to have naturally included bands of same. It suggests that the decline of henchmen in more complex RPGs is a consequence of book keeping for player *and* GM.
  13. 7

    An Army in the Dungeon

    He failed to deliver a big RPG project he had promised. IMHO various things broke him at the same time as this very big project. This happens. People are people. Kickstarter is not a store.
  14. 7

    The Witcher RPG to Debut At Gen Con!

    Read the developer notes. The default may have Witchers but they are rare. I suggest it's going to be a test of your player's maturity, can they cope with assymetric character mixes. Assymetric challenges will help. I have played such games before such as Stormbringer or Ars Magica and it's...
  15. 7

    The Witcher RPG to Debut At Gen Con!

    It's a grimdark setting as much inspired by 20th century Eastern European politics and war as fantasy. But it could also be as simple as "go kill that monster of the week".. although usually the books suggest it's more subtle and nuanced than that; even monster killing can be an eye opener.
  16. 7

    The Witcher RPG to Debut At Gen Con!

    Witchers are not liked, but they are *needed* The School is in decline, indeed the setting is in turmoil in a "D&D meets the Eastern Front" with as much emphasis on pogroms, partisans and cynical political betrayal as mass armies waging total war. But the conceit of monster of the week still...
  17. 7

    D&D (2024) 6e? Why?

    The skill will be to have a refresh that is attractive enough to old players to buy but didn't break compatibility. Unless you need/want a new design philosophy then this isn't too hard. A Golden Anniversary version, with a remix of classes/races/backgrounds, would make a PHB that would be fun...
  18. 7

    D&D (2024) 6e? Why?
