• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. The Human Target

    D&D 5E Does the Artificer Suck?

    I think it's one of the better designed classes in the game.
  2. The Human Target

    D&D 5E What would happen if we got rid of opportunity attacks

    Tanks could use a lot more stickiness in 5e, so that doesn't bother me.
  3. The Human Target

    D&D 5E What would happen if we got rid of opportunity attacks

    Nah, one of the points is to speed up off turn actions with less rolling. Static average damage is probably the way to go as well for OAs using this.
  4. The Human Target

    D&D 5E What would happen if we got rid of opportunity attacks

    I think when my game gets up and running I'm going to try a variant. Opportunity attacks are always hits, no need to roll anything but damage. See how that works.
  5. The Human Target

    D&D 5E Did you like one Playtest version better than the final 5e PHB?

    There were a lot of really interesting, new ideas in the playtest. I didn't like all of them (proficiency dice make the swingy d20 even worse) but they really tried to be creative and make a good game. Unfortunately most of that was scoured away by the feedback, because people don't usually...
  6. The Human Target

    Choose One Cantrip You'd Like In Real Life

    Hey, a lot of us are American. We can just use prestidigitation to help steal guns. Way better at killing than Acid Splash.
  7. The Human Target

    Choose One Cantrip You'd Like In Real Life

    You'd be burned as a witch or captured by the government for vivisection in about 6 hours.
  8. The Human Target

    Choose One Cantrip You'd Like In Real Life

    Toss up between mage hand and minor illusion. I decided to be David Blaine. Mage hand would have won if the hand wasn't visible.
  9. The Human Target

    The Only Thing I Don't Like About 5e! (Hint- ASIs)

    Interesting perspective. A) A 20 strength isn't actually super strong. Certainly not Hercules/magical demigod status. A 20 is a +5 versus the average humans at 10 +0. That's actually one of the problems of the 5e cap- you can't actually get very strong (or smart or charming)in a meaningful...
  10. The Human Target

    The Latest Pathfinder 2 Playtest Update Has Dropped!

    That's a very odd hill to die on.
  11. The Human Target

    Mearls On D&D's Design Premises/Goals

    Every time Mearls talks I think "oh that's why I don't really like 5e." So 4e has rules bloat and is unbalanced now? Pffffft.
  12. The Human Target

    Ever try PC death at 0 hit points?

    Nope. A character dying is probably the least interesting thing that could happen to them.
  13. The Human Target

    It’s LAUNCH DAY For The Pathfinder 2 Playtest!

    Heh, fair point. I meant for the first time.
  14. The Human Target

    It’s LAUNCH DAY For The Pathfinder 2 Playtest!

    I made a character in a half hour, and a lot of that was looking up spells and how skills work. 3 hours is baffling for someone who's played modern d&d type games. Unless you're reading the rules while making the character, but then what did you expect?
  15. The Human Target

    Missed session catch-up XP

    Why is your fun predicated on people having characters of different levels?
  16. The Human Target

    How often does your party take a short rest?

    Whenever we have expended renewable resources and have the opportunity. The rules for them are... goofy.
  17. The Human Target

    It’s LAUNCH DAY For The Pathfinder 2 Playtest!

    I would say, very rules heavy.
  18. The Human Target

    Out of combat balance - skills trained and known

    The problem I tended to see in my games that made me make a change was the old "I'm not trained in that skill, so I shouldn't even try it" issue. So more diluted skills really helped. Even if the fighter has no charisma bonus, if he takes Diplomacy he's still going to feel pretty confident to...