• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Exodus

    Akemi's plan sounds good to me!
  2. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    Still here also. Apologies. With work limiting my internet access now, I've had less time to get online than I used to, but worse I seem to have fallen into the habit of not posting until it has been longer than it should. I'll try to do better, but I can't promise I'll even get to check the...
  3. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)

    Jeremiah Jeremiah tries again to skewer a big wasp with a crossbow bolt... and has better luck this time. Init=9: 1d20+0=9 Hits AC 19 for 2 damage to a Wasp: 1d20+2=19, 1d8=2 Init: +0 Senses: Darkvision 60' Passive Perception: 12 Ability Scores: STR 12 (+1), DEX 11 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 15...
  4. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Garuk moves over to Sildar and drops his backpack to the ground. Rummaging through it, he pulls out a waterskin and a food ration packet and hands it over to the big human. "Here, you look like you need these." Garuk is leveled up to 2nd!
  5. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Exodus

    So sorry I've been away for so long. I've been sick for the last week or two. Doesn't look like I've been holding up this adventure at least. Hopefully this bump will get us moving again and I'm off work for the next 5 days (after today), so I'll be sure to check back to see if I can post more...
  6. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)

    So sorry for not being around. I've been sick for the last week or two and just haven't gotten onto the computer as much at home. That plus our internet access at work has been restricted, so I can't post from there anymore. Jeremiah takes cover if there is any nearby, then fires a crossbow...
  7. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    So sorry for not being around. I've been sick for the last week or two and just haven't gotten onto the computer as much at home. That plus our internet access at work has been restricted, so I can't post from there anymore. Garuk follows the others and is overjoyed to see Sildar alive, but...
  8. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    So sorry for not being around. I've been sick for the last week or two and just haven't gotten onto the computer as much at home. That plus our internet access at work has been restricted, so I can't post from there anymore. Justice keeps his shield between him and the half ogre as he attacks...
  9. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Exodus

    "Uh huh." Babington says in a distracted tone as he works to maintain concentration on the Magic Weapon spell. "Just letting you know, I think if my concentration on this spell gets broken, the magic in the bullets probably goes bye-bye. I'll do what I can still, but 'Caveat Emptor' and all."
  10. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Shrugging that the others don't seem to want to question the goblin, Garuk lines up to follow the others.
  11. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)

    Jeremiah Jeremiah looks around nervously before asking the others, "Are we just waiting here for whatever that is to come find us, or are we leaving?"
  12. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    Justice Justice swings again at the bird, starting to care less and less about whether or not it stays alive. Nissa's scream of agony focuses his thoughts and he unleashes a ferocious attack on the cockatrice. Longsword attack 1d20+5 = 23 to hit the cockatrice with his second swing for 11...
  13. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Exodus

    Airman Babington The howl from nearer by spurs Babington into action. He gets to work with the book trying to get the Magic Weapon spell to work one time on this box of ammo. Too bad it'll probably erase itself doing this, but maybe he can find another book later. He wondered where this book...
  14. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Garuk Runestone Garuk hefts his share of the coin in one hand before nodding in thanks and stashing it in his pack. Answering Aenwyr's question, Garuk says "It was a group effort, but Prophet there finished the monster off. It's part of the great majority now, along with most of these goblins."...
  15. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)

    Jeremiah Jeremiah looks up from the broken rifle as everyone starts looking around for the source of the buzzing. Perception roll 1d20 (18) +2 = 20. The gnome slung the broken rifle over his head and shoulder, then readied his crossbow just in case the bugs were bigger than normal.
  16. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    With his shield in one hand and his longsword in the other, Justice tries to stop the cockatrice before anyone else dies. AC 18 with shield active. Hoping to incapacitate, but not kill, the cockatrice. Longsword attack 1d20+5 = 13+5 = 18 to hit cockatrice. Longsword damage is 1d8= 7+3 from STR...
  17. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Garuk finished lopping off heads and requests that somebody who is better with their hands tie up the last living goblin before it wakes up, in case they need to question it later. He then heads up the stairs into the bugbear's room to look around at the gear and treasure they've found. "Could...
  18. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Exodus

    Airman Babington "I can make one box of ammo magical, I think. 100 rounds to be split up however you want. I was just about to work on that part now." Babington tells Juno.
  19. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    Justice Nature check 1d20-1=11 Justice draws his sword and says in a calming voice, "Please put that thing back in it's cage before it gets someone killed."
  20. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Garuk starts lopping heads off with his battle axe, leaving one to be tied up if the others want another prisoner.