• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Holy Bovine

    Monte Cook On Fumble Mechanics

    Now show how that high level 3E fighter with 4 attacks per round screws up 4 times as often as Bob the 1st level warrior. Fumble rules just screw over exceptional PCs, glad we never used them.
  2. Holy Bovine

    Hasbro, Mattel, and D&D Makes Three?

    I think it will come down to the simple question of is D&D making the company profit? If yes - little will change (except maybe an expansion into other venues like TV, movies, merchandising etc) if no then there will likely be yet another shakeup in the D&D stable.
  3. Holy Bovine

    Fishing for a new system

    Wow - thank you for the offers of help and the link to the pegforum! When I get deeper into creating my first game/setting I'll be sure to keep you in mind for my inevitable stupid questions!
  4. Holy Bovine

    Fishing for a new system

    Not to hijack the OPs thread or anything but I am looking into Savage Worlds - where does this cadre of players/GMs hang out?
  5. Holy Bovine

    15 Best D&D Modules Of All Time

    I couldn't agree with this more even if I had a nuclear powered agreeing machine. Dwellers was a campaign setting in 32 pages. Temple was a 32 page dungeon delve dragged out to 128 pages. The only other one I would have liked to see on the list somewhere was A1 Slavepits of the Undercity.
  6. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Bob's HotDQ Issues List (SPOILERS!)

    Of course not - they never add extra canoes to their adventures!! The very idea! *adjusts monacle*
  7. Holy Bovine

    BadWrongFun: how far is too far??

    I don't like to met with a tableau of blank stares when I lay out ample adventure hooks tied to key pieces the players have said they are actively looking into.
  8. Holy Bovine


    Well at least you're staying classy about it and not crowing like you cured cancer or something actually important.:hmm:
  9. Holy Bovine

    Death in the party

    Like Umbran I too have a friend who will soon pass due to advanced cancer. he's lived with it for 5 years and that was beating the odds - he was originally told he'd be dead within a year of diagnosis. The campaign I'm running is for him - I want to keep in touch with him and he has always...
  10. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Petty Reasons I Might Buy 5e

    Petty reason to buy 5E? Now that's something I can get behind! 1) It'll show those no-goodnicks over at paizo a little of the what-for, eh!? 2) Ogres have exactly the right/wrong amount of hit points at last! 3) 1000s of people will be happy/angry over the new edition - both reactions will...
  11. Holy Bovine

    Gnomes! (HUH) What are they good for? Absolutely nothing!

    Don't like gnomes and they are banned from any and all games I DM. Oddly I have never, ever had a player want to play one.
  12. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Collectors series miniatures

    99% of painters I know would take these on just for the joy and challenge of painting them. As others have said the price is on the high end of normal for resin minis but if you don't like painting you won't get any value out of these (of course you also won't have a sweet Illithid Hunting...
  13. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Collectors series miniatures

    I would think postage costs and wait time for delivery would be much higher than public transit and a 90 minute drive. Also can't any store petition GF9 to sell to them? I mean - why wouldn't GF9 want to sell to as many people as possible?
  14. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Collectors series miniatures

    Some of these seem a little high ($20 for a single tiefling) but others look like a good deal (Lloth and that Illithid Hunting Party especially). The detail level is amazing (as expected with resin) I just wonder how easy assembly is - that was always a killer for me - my thick clumsy fingers...
  15. Holy Bovine

    Laptops at the table..and recent research showing how bad it is in education..does it carry over to gaming?

    I find it interesting that this thread's "Similar Threads" listing has 5 threads dating back to 2002! This isn't a new problem and even before cellphones and tablets 'distracted gamer syndrome' was hardly rare. Often players would get caught up in reading some game book or something and 'zone...
  16. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Is Anyone Unhappy About Non-LG Paladins?

    Oh thank the Maker we might actually see an end to the 'Your Paladin can't kill those baby orcs he has to be LG!!!' I mean I'm not holding my breath or anything but am quietly optimistic. So a major selling point for me is seeing the end of the LG-only paladin.
  17. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Starter Set Excerpt 2 -- Equipment

    Might want to cut out the extra formatting/sizing/colour changes there, sport.
  18. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Starter Set Excerpt 2 -- Equipment

    Once you accept that a dragon can have a mound of gold big enough to sleep on it really doesn't matter anymore.
  19. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E 5e Tieflings and Dragonborn

    Why would cultural biases in a fantasy game be such a problem? Most of the games I've run or played in have had some kind of cultural bias as a potential source of conflict. I just don't understand why it would be considered a 'sticky' subject where as bias based on physical differences is...
  20. Holy Bovine

    D&D 5E Upcoming OGL-Related Announcement!

    If in the unlikely event that there is a wide-open 3E style OGL I wonder if there would be a way to put some kind of quality control barrier in place. I remember all too well the glut of sub-par and downright atrocious 3E compatible books that came out in the 2 years after 3E. When that bubble...