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  1. S

    [FREE][Online][CoD2e][Sundays 9pm est]LFP for new chronicle

    I've been running a game every sunday (9pm est) for a few years now, but over time my group has been reduced to just myself and two other players. I'm looking for one or two additional players that would be interested in playing in a Chronicles of Darkness 2e chronicle. I'm preparing to start a...
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    Kickstarter Mythic expansion kickstarter relaunch

    The kickstarter for the expansion to the Mythic Savage Worlds setting was modified and relaunched recently. If you'd like to help back the project, or even just spread the word, the link is: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1008812345/mythic-ennam-and-saduri-for-savage-worlds-0 Mythic...
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    Kickstarter Expansion for the Mythic setting for Savage Worlds now on kickstarter

    The kickstarter has been relaunched to clear up some issues with pledge levels and book formats. Hopefully everything is now a lot clearer and better organised than it was. The link in the original post now goes to the new kickstarter.
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    Kickstarter Expansion for the Mythic setting for Savage Worlds now on kickstarter

    Mythic: Ennam & Saduri is an expansion book for the Mythic campaign setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game, which takes several cultures and mythologies from real world Earth and places them all together in a new and unique world. The Mythic setting book includes three cultures and...
  5. S

    Mythic setting for Savage Worlds

    I am very proud to announce that the Mythic Savage Worlds setting book from Chimera Press is now finished and available on RPGNOW, DriveThru RPG, and Studio 2. Currently on the web site you'll find family trees for each of the three pantheons of Mythic: The Olympians from Illosia, the...
  6. S

    races for a mythic setting

    So, what kind of celtic fae would make a good player race? More fae-like elves, ogres, winged fairies?
  7. S

    races for a mythic setting

    Well, right now I'm leaning towards something like: centaur for greeks animal-heads for egyptians and some kind of fae for celts (maybe a more fae version of wood/wild elves) Any other suggestions? Do the above races look like they would work as player races?
  8. S

    races for a mythic setting

    On one hand the celts were known as a very large, muscular people, so having them as a race of ogres/giants would fit. On the other hand the Tuatha De Danaan (the celtic pantheon) were enemies of the ogre/giant races in celtic myth. I don't think it would be a good idea to make the celts at war...
  9. S

    races for a mythic setting

    Although I like the idea of the animal-headed egyptians I'd like to keep it generic, so no animal type is specifically linked to a particular deity. There is one thing I can't figure out though. Some of the egyptian dieties don't have animal heads. How can I explain that when all egyptians are...
  10. S

    races for a mythic setting

    I'm making up a setting based on classical mythologies, in particular the celtic, greek, and egyptian mythologies. I'm a little stumped on what player races to include. I don't want any humans, and I want a different main player race for each mythology. At first I was thinking of using...
  11. S

    legend powers

    For a Mythic rpg setting I'm making I want each character to have Legend Powers. These are things granted by the deities, the character's race, and the character's homeland. Each Legend Power is activated with Legend Points, things characters gain by doing heroic deeds and lose by doing unheroic...
  12. S

    Orc miniatures

    OK, I'm not having much luck finding miniatures for civilized orcs, so how about half-orcs and D&D style hogboglins? I know reaper has some good half-orcs, and the DDM line has some good hobgoblins, what other companies make good half-orcs and hobgoblins?
  13. S

    Orc miniatures

    By civilized I mean not the stupid savages that most companies make their orc miniatures out to be. I'm looking for something more like the Nothrog from the Warlord ccg. A race of militaristic, organized, medieval european style orcs. I think the foundry and flintloque lines are a bit too...
  14. S

    Orc miniatures

    I checked out the LotR Uruk Hai and the DDM Hobgoblins. Although the Uruk Hai look good, and there's a decent selection of minion-types, there are pretty much no characters. The DDM hobgoblins look pretty good, and there seems to be a decent number of them. I think the DDM hobgoblins may be my...
  15. S

    Orc miniatures

    I managed to find a couple half-orc minis that work really well, but only a couple and nothing that would work as minions (soldiers, archers, brigands, etc). I still need other sources for civilized orcs. I'll check out those plastic LotR minis. If anything they would be a good source of...
  16. S

    Orc miniatures

    I thought the GW LotR minis were supposed to be really small, like 25mm or even smaller. Aren't DDM minis supposed to be closer to 28-30mm? I'm actually looking for 28-30mm miniatures (should have mentioned that in my first post, sorry). I'll check out both the GW Uruk-Hai and the DDM hobgoblins...
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    Orc miniatures

    I'm looking for a line of orc miniatures to use as characters, villains, and minions in a fantasy European campaign I'm going to be running. I'd like to find orcs that are more civilized and organised than the usual "stupid savages" most mini companies make. Something more like the hobgoblins...
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    Medieval European creatures

    OK then, let me start things off. I made up a list of all the medieval European creatures I can think of. What other good creatures can I add to this list? Cockatrice Dire Wolf Dragon Draugr Elemental (gnome, salamander, sylph, undine) Gargoyle Ghost Giant (hill, fire, frost) Goblin Hag...
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    Medieval European creatures

    I'd like to come up with a list of creatures from medieval European mythology (11th to 15th century, norse, british, german, and french). In addition to the more commonly known creatures like wyvern and unicorns I'd also like to include some of the lesser known creatures like draugr and...
  20. S

    weapon ranges and carrying capacity

    I'll probably have certain types of arrows modify the range. I was thinking of using lighter heads, like hunting and bodkins as the base range. Then heavier heads, like broadheads would reduce the range. Regarding the sling, I was surprised at their range when I first started looking into them...