• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Dannyalcatraz

    Do highly unique characters still get a bad rep; and: how to give them room to exist?

    Hi there. I’m Dannyalcatraz, and I design oddball PCs. I’ve done it since early on in the hobby, all the way back to AD&D. Most of my D&D characters are within normal, expected boundaries, but there’s enough oddities to fill a sideshow circus. Thanks to a Dragon Magazine article, I was the...
  2. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    I can’t speak to other games, but HERO has a pretty good history of illustrating how to build classic comic book characters, especially in magazine articles. Besides obvious NPC homages to certain characters in game supplements, I’ve got several articles in which writeups for various Marvel & DC...
  3. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Never saw it. The only MCU stuff I’ve seen in theaters were the 1st Avengers and Iron Man movies. How does it’s plot apply to my musings?
  4. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Could be. I basically quit buying comics in the mid-1990s, but still kept checking up on developments in the major characters. But not as obsessively as I used to when I was buying virtually everything. So I may have missed them doing that, if so.
  5. Dannyalcatraz

    D&D General So, how much did/do you use psionics?

    From AD&D through 4Ed, I have used psionics in most of the campaigns I’ve run, plus many times when it was an option in a campaign in which I was a player. And I’ve designed many psionic PCs that have never been used.
  6. Dannyalcatraz

    D&D General Brainstorming an inland temple of a bronze age sea goddess

    A thought occurs… Perhaps you’re designing too difficult a challenging for the low level party you’re describing. Perhaps tone it down a bit, and have them react to THIS heist with more powerful guards & wards for subsequent adventures? Instead of golems & tentacle horrors, perhaps there’s...
  7. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    That was kind of my point. Batman as written for the past 20-30 years has an arsenal of equipment and a plan on how to use it against nearly any super-powered threat he knows of. With enough time to prepare, he’s a threat to virtually any DC character on Earth, and some off of it as well.
  8. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    They’re the same “power levels” across much of DC’s history in terms of character efficacy, especially when you consider Batman’s noted ability & intent to plan to take down any superhero/supevillain he’s aware of, coupled with a billionaire’s bankroll to “get things done.” His cave that houses...
  9. Dannyalcatraz

    No More Massive Tomes of Rules

    Mod Note: The phrase, “with respect” does not mitigate subsequent disrespectful proclamations. Be better, going forward.
  10. Dannyalcatraz

    Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

    “These are the people in your neighborhood. They’re in your neighborhood. They’re in your negh-bor-hooooood!”
  11. Dannyalcatraz

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    You want power imbalance? Play RIFTS. But in terms of point-based supers systems, you don’t necessarily get power imbalances in the campaigns, regardless of the heroic archetypes. If you modeled Supes & Bats in HERO, you’d probably use the same amount of points for each. But where Superman’s...
  12. Dannyalcatraz

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Mod Note: First post; first violation of the rules. Familiarize yourself with ENWorld’s rules- which you agreed to abide by when you created your account- or your time on this site will be very short.
  13. Dannyalcatraz

    D&D General Brainstorming an inland temple of a bronze age sea goddess

    Some thoughts: 1) not a copper golem, a coral golem. The sharp roughness of the coral plus the stinging tentacles of the polyps might make for a nasty foe. 2) I wouldn’t have giant oysters, but having the clergy & workers within the temple cultivating pearl oysters within the temple pool...
  14. Dannyalcatraz

    Cookin again

    I might be tempted to make a Meyer lemon infused simple syrup for drinks and dessert glazes.
  15. Dannyalcatraz

    Cookin again

    Ditto…except for my *#%^%%^#ing carbon-steel pan! It’s CURSED! (But I love it.)
  16. Dannyalcatraz

    Cookin again

    Correct me if I’m wrong, aren’t Meyers slightly sweeter than most other lemons?
  17. Dannyalcatraz

    Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

    “Rolling Coal” is already illegal in some states, but not enough. And the penalties for doing so are woefully inadequate, IMHO.
  18. Dannyalcatraz

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    and By “impossible” I mean something more than a trivial commonality. A poem about sunsets could have been composed at anytime in human history and still be relatable. OTOH, someone asserting that a poem written in the 1700s was about Robin Williams’ rise to fame and untimely demise would be...
  19. Dannyalcatraz


    Susan Backlinie has died. https://people.com/susan-backlinie-the-first-victim-of-the-shark-in-jaws-dead-at-77-8647337