• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Drew

    PDF Printing Website

    Thanks for the responses. I should have noted that I'm in Seoul, South Korea, so Staples isn't really an option. Online is vastly more convenient. On a related note, do people have issues with Staples and such chains refusing to print PDF products you've legitimately purchased for fear of...
  2. Drew

    PDF Printing Website

    Ages ago (three years, maybe?) someone on ENWorld told me about a website where you could upload a PDF and, for a fee, they'd print it out comb-bound and mail it to your address. Does anyone know what the website was?
  3. Drew

    Need help with Military stuff

    Ha! Roger that!
  4. Drew

    Need help with Military stuff

    Sure. You can call anyone in the army above E-5, Sergeant and get awaybwithnit, except a Sergeant Major or Command Sergeant Major, whom you have to address by full title. In my experience, Marines like you to use the full rank, i.e Sergeant First Class, Staff Sergeant, etc. Otherwise, they have...
  5. Drew

    Need help with Military stuff

    I'm currently in the US Army. I work almost entirely with Air Force, went to basic at Ft. Jackson, and have seen Marine Drill Instructor training at Paris Island. I can say that a person's job is more important than his specific branch. In theory, all basic training is the same. The Marine Corps...
  6. Drew

    Joke Names you've never used...but want to.

    I once slipped in an NPC named Captain Antoneel. Obscure enough that nobody got it. Kind of Marshall Willenholly, if you will.
  7. Drew

    Warlock or Wizard

    Fair enough. The original poster did ask for help from a mechanical standpoint. Thus, that's what he received. I just think (as someone above touched on) that playing a character you find appealing for non-crunchy reasons probably leads to a character you'll enjoy more in the long term...
  8. Drew

    Warlock or Wizard

    All this talk of damage optimization vs "mobs" makes my head hurt. Which character do you want to play? I'm currently running a warlock because I thought that the Starpact option had a very cool, Cthulhu-esque feel to it. Am I nuts? Have I become some kind of "story gamer", because I sure don't...
  9. Drew

    D&D in the Military?

    I'm currently in the army, a brand new active duty soldier (a lowly private). I'm public affairs working near Lackland Airforce Base in San Antonio, TX. One of the NCOs in my unit is familiar with D&D, although he doesn't seem to hold it in much esteem. One of my civillian bosses (former army)...
  10. Drew

    FLGS in San Antonio, TX

    The army has brought me to San Antonio for the next 1-3 years. Can anyone recommend a quality gaming store? By the way, glad to be back on ENWorld after basic training and my AIT. :)
  11. Drew

    Gaming in the Military - Your Experiences?

    Just like the topic says, how prevalent are RPGs in the military?
  12. Drew

    What Knowledge Covers Werewolves?

    Ok, werewolves (and other lycanthropes) are humanoids or giants. PCs making a Knowledge check to know how to overcome their DR would make a check using Local if the creature is a humanoid, and Nature if it is a giant. Am I correct? Does this strike anybody as kind of goofy? Lycanthropy is a...
  13. Drew

    Hide and Move Silently in Actual Play

    The Spot skill states "A Spot check result higher than 20 generally lets you become aware of an invisible creature near you, though you can’t actually see it." Listen as written would allow you to hear an invisible creature opposed by its Move Silently. I'm not sure that there's a difference...
  14. Drew

    Pathfinder 1E @$#&!! My Funny Bone!!!: Critical Hit Cards from Paizo

    I like fun things like these, so I picked one up at the FLGS. The only problem is that my group is already using the Crit / Fumble chart from the Dragon Compendium, and they seem to really dig it. It looks like these might be a tough sell if only for that reason. Still, a I'm willing to shell...
  15. Drew

    Hide and Move Silently in Actual Play

    Thanks for the replies. I'm gleaning that, all things being equal, most of you require two rolls to do the (nicely put) "Navy Seal thing". Being invisible or silenced just negates one of the two rolls. Interesting, because I usually call for one roll or the other, which is why I thought...
  16. Drew

    Hide and Move Silently in Actual Play

    I've been thinking about Hide and Move Silently in actual game use, and I wanted to compare experiences and see how others actually do things. I'm looking to justify the existence of these as separate skills, rather than combining them into a Stealth skill opposed by a Notice skill. I'm looking...
  17. Drew

    The Slathered Plates of Butterworth

    Look, I'm glad WotC makes money with their collectable minis, but this is getting stupid. I sent in my five UPCs with proof of purchase, paid for shipping and handling, and still no mini! The box says 6-8 weeks, but its been three months! How long did it take you people to get yours? I know I...
  18. Drew

    Anyone want to review War of the Burning Sky?

    I just downloaded it. Give me time to give it a good read through and I'll get something posted.
  19. Drew

    Anyone want to review War of the Burning Sky?

    I honestly assumed that the product would be reviewed fairly quickly over on RPGNow. I'll double check when I get home from work to see if there are any more staff copies available and, if there are, I'll get a review within a week or so.