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  1. glass

    WotC may have sent the Pinkertons to a magic leakers home. Update: WotC confirms it and has a response.

    So you literally thought that Cannon got the cards from a bank? Frankly that seems unlikely. Even if you'd never played Monopoly (in which case you are a lucky sciuromorph - it is terrible), you did not need to get the exact reference to realise it was not meant literally. Because there are so...
  2. glass

    WotC may have sent the Pinkertons to a magic leakers home. Update: WotC confirms it and has a response.

    There is no money in real life, we are talking about cards. That someone already paid for. The point is the phrase "Bank Error in your Favour" obviously refers to a lucky windfall or serendipitous event, not a literal bank error. Very obviously so in this case, since WotC are not a bank (and...
  3. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    Not quite. PI is the things you are not allowed to use under the OGL. This is about Wizards' OGC, which they can use under the OGL but not otherwise. The point is that the OGC is in peripheral stuff like certain monsters and spells, and not in the core mechanics. (IANAL, TINLA.) There was such...
  4. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    Alignment, maaaaybe. It remains to be seen how they deal with that, and how big the impact is. But ability scores? They're virtually gone already - monsters & NPCs no longer have them, BB character no longer have them, and the PCs that do have them never actually use them for anything other...
  5. glass

    Your Pizza Order

    That may be your truth. It certainly isn't mine.
  6. glass

    WotC may have sent the Pinkertons to a magic leakers home. Update: WotC confirms it and has a response.

    Nothing. That ship had sailed. What they should have done, both ethically and practically, is left it alone. Instead they sent armed thugs round and Streisand-effected the whole affair into a much bigger story. EDIT: TBF, I do not know for sure they were armed, although it does seem extremely...
  7. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    That does not say that they could have ripped the OGL out of the CRB and Bestiary 1 and published them in otherwise exactly the same form (which is @Rushbolt's claim). "Significantly less important" != "excised entirely". The latter is what is happening with the Remix.
  8. glass

    Pathfinder 2E What Are The Changes In Pathfinder Remastered?

    RPG publishers use the same definition, except when it suits them to pretend otherwise. That is true, but "edition" in the RPG/wargame sense does not refer to individual books, it refer to the whole gameline. So it would be correct (if potentially confusing) to refer black-cover 1995 PHB as a...
  9. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    They did. Walking away from everything in the SRD is literally the point of the Remix. Citation needed. They said they could have produced core books with the same basic mechanics without needing the OGL, but they never claimed that they could have included, say, chromatic dragons, without...
  10. glass

    Picard Season 3

    If anything, I'd imagine backdoor pilots are the ones that are less certain - if the studio is already all in on the idea, they'll pay for a proper pilot and it doesn't need to be "back door".
  11. glass

    Pathfinder 2E What Are The Changes In Pathfinder Remastered?

    Thanks to WotC's actions, it was "broke". The foundations had been undermined. Putting all the rules online for free makes it pretty definitely not a cash grab. My guess would be that is mostly referring to the myriad "always female" monsters. You have evidence of that, of course, given that...
  12. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    The Rogue Genius Games Dragonrider class for PF1 uses a similar same premise - dragons giving up abilities in the short term to gain power more quickly in the medium term as (in that case) your rider levels up. I thought it was a pretty cool idea then, too.
  13. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    Add me to the list of people who runs PF2 "manually". I do mostly play online these days, and I do make fairly extensive use of AoN, but there is not a VTT in sight - just Google Slides for the maps and Discord for voice and text chat (the closest we get to automation is DiceMaiden in Discord...
  14. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Treat Wounds and Continual Recovery feat.

    I agree; Continual Recovery does not remove the standard option to keep treating for an hour so you can still do so, but if so you are not benefiting from the feat. OTOH, to take advantage of the feat you need to stop treating after ten minutes and start again, which precludes taking advantage...
  15. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    Given the winking smiley, I am pretty sure @Retreater does realise that, yes.
  16. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    The fighter and wizard are not people, they are abstract game constructs; themed packages of mechanics. They do not have "rights". So nothing then? God-mode wizards it is! Just be honest that this is what you are asking for (and prepare yourself for the possibility that you might not get it)...
  17. glass

    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    One of the players' wives is a huge Mario fan, and both her husband and the other player had promised they would go and see the new Mario movie. It turned out that the only time they could all make it was Sunday evening. I was invited to join them, but I pointedly had not promised to do so and...
  18. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    No, that is not what "privilege" means. The literal meaning is "private law", but in the sense that you are trying unsuccessfully to invoke it carries connotations of rights granted to the detriment or exclusion of others, and/or not having to face obstacles in your daily life, career, etc that...
  19. glass

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    Using inapplicable buzzwords doesn't make your argument any better; it just makes you sound like you don't know what you are talking about. And trying to dilute serious terms like "gatekeep[ing]" is bad - please don't do it!
  20. glass

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Sunday: Cancelled. Others went to cinema. Thursday: Descend to third level? Nah!