• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Battlemap Altitude Columns

    Thanks howandwhy99! Knowing "Dr. Wizard" was enough to finally successfully google them! Dr. Wizard's Elevation Indicator - Emerald's Emporium
  2. M

    Battlemap Altitude Columns

    I remember seeing a product offered a few years ago that I'm trying to find again. Someone had produced some clear plastic towers of some kind that had little marks at regular intervals and a plastic ring around the outside that could be moved to these marks to measure altitude. The idea was...
  3. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    Thanks, I'll try to get a look at the Salvage Operations one.
  4. M

    Arabian Themed Art and Maps

    Thanks. I've mostly found what I'm looking for. Sadly, illustrations for NPCs are still a bit scarce but they're pretty scarce for "western" NPCs too. You're golden as long as you want high-fantasy stuff but if you want a run of the mill merchant or innkeeper, you're out of luck. Still...
  5. M

    Looking for Counters

    I'm looking for counters -- for terrain. I've seen plenty of counters you can print for characters and monsters, but I'm wondering if anyone has produced counters for terrain. I'd like to be able to plop down counters for things like tents, chests, tables, wagons, etc. Is there anything like...
  6. M

    Arabian Themed Art and Maps

    I'm putting together an adventure that's set in a vaguely Arabian/middle eastern setting and I'd like to have some NPC portraits and some city maps to go with it. Can anyone point me to some good resources for this? Free is great, but I'm willing to buy something if its really useful. I...
  7. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    I wonder how tough it would be to back-convert to 3e, C&C or something like that.
  8. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    Looks interesting. I may pick up a copy to mine for ideas.
  9. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    That sounds cool. I'd love to know which one that was. I've picked up the PDF but I haven't had a chance to do more than skim it. I vaguely recall having this years ago and thinking it was cool. Otherwise, though, its pretty close to being the sort of thing I'm looking for -- especially the...
  10. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    Sadly, Monte's adventure is for 9th level characters. I remember a bit about N4 from back when it was new and it might fit. I'll have to see about tracking down a copy. I also intend to look at the one from Dungeon 137. I've got a copy of that on order. I must admit that I'm surprised...
  11. M

    Shipwreck/Island adventures

    I'm looking for an adventures that involve a shipwreck, preferably on an island or in some other remote location. I'd like something written for low level characters (1st-3rd) and preferably for 3e or earlier (never converted to 4e). I found one in the Savage Tide adventure path that I liked...
  12. M

    Another Grognard Reviews 4e based on KotS

    That, ultimately, sums up my feelings about 4e. I don't begrudge the people who are excited about 4e their game (though I sometimes feel like the feeling isn't mutual). It looks like a really good game for the goal of bringing new people into gaming. I'm just not interested in converting to...
  13. M

    Now that 4e is upon us, what will you do?

    I plan to play something else for a while. I'm playing in two games that will keep on going as usual with 3e (not 3.5, 3.0). I'm not running a game right now, but I'm making plans to start a new game using another system (not decided which yet, perhaps C&C, 1e or GURPS).
  14. M

    A Doubters Review

    The first time I played D&D, I was being taught by a couple of other kids who "simplified" the rules. (roll eyes) One of the simplifications I remember was that they did away with the 'complicated' chart for memorizing spells and just said you could cast each spell in the book once per...
  15. M

    What is your top question/concern about 4th edition?

    The 1st edition DMG actually addresses this. Forgive me if I'm not exact since it's been many years since I read it, but it basically points out that when you come back you may find that you face a foe that has summoned reinforcements, redistributed resources, is more alert and is generally...
  16. M

    D&D 4E Is 4E winning you or losing you?

    I started out neutral but willing to be convinced, but I've been growing more and more dissatisfied with what I've been hearing. I suppose one of the big problems for me is that the power level is evidently going to go up again. I think the power level in D&D needs to be scaled back, but...
  17. M

    D&D 4E Do you think WotC rebooting Forgotten Realms for 4e would be a good idea?

    I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that a "reboot" would be ok IF (and only IF) they cut back the power level. I have little confidence they're going to do that given that it seems like they're going to ramp it up even more in 4e, but that's what I think will make a...
  18. M

    Are Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms being combined into one setting?

    You know, I almost hope they do it just to see the drama. However, they better have police and ambulances on hand when they make the announcement. They may have a riot on their hands and some of the fans with heart conditions may need medical care...
  19. M

    What is your top question/concern about 4th edition?

    They've actually stated this? If so, I'd be very interested in seeing the source. The snippets I've seen make me think that they're trying to make it like WoW but I've seen plenty of people argue that that's not what they're doing. If they've actually come out and said it, I'd love to be able...
  20. M

    What is your top question/concern about 4th edition?

    That's pretty much where I am on this. I don't like much of what I've heard about 4e but I recognize that they're not designing 4e for me. They're designing the game to appeal to young people who have grown up with different influences than I did. I accept that. It's the way things work...