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  1. Ruined

    D&D 5E Ghouls still not quite right in MM

    Was that the one at the bottom of a well? We had a new GM run that one, and would have been a TPK save for one player with a twinked-out character that happened to be an elf. Immunity to paralysis for the win, I suppose.
  2. Ruined

    D&D 5E D&D 5E NPC Attitude Rules

    Thanks 77IM! That had exactly what I needed. (I still had a copy downloaded from last year - I just hadn't looked there.) For those interested, it has three attitudes: Friendly, Indifferent, and Hostile. Each has a DC reaction check to see what the NPC will do based on a Charisma check. DC...
  3. Ruined

    D&D 5E D&D 5E NPC Attitude Rules

    Thanks to both of you. I'll go with that suggestion for now and see how the DMG handles it.
  4. Ruined

    D&D 5E D&D 5E NPC Attitude Rules

    Hello All. I'm using some older adventure path modules while running 5e, and I had a question about social interactions. In certain previous versions we had NPC attitudes (hostile, unfriendly, helpful, etc.) that you could adjust via social skills. I'm looking to mimic that with new rules, but I...
  5. Ruined

    The Phantasm Movies

    I would have thought that Angus Scrimm was getting too old at 85, but he looked decent enough in clips of I Sell the Dead from 2008. He seems hopeful in interviews. I would hope that someone puts it together to apologize for that godawful 4th movie. When we first saw it, I wondered if someone...
  6. Ruined

    January: What are you reading for your penultimate year?

    Looks like everyone's reading Butcher's books this year. I finished Storm Front (the first) last week, and I'll be starting Fool Moon shortly. I'm also nearly through with Boneshaker by Cherie Priest.
  7. Ruined

    Modrons Look Funny?

    Every certain amount of cycles/years, the Modrons would send out a mass pilgrimage across the planes for their own unfathomable purposes. The path they would take is the same, regardless of if other beings set up cities or other obstacles in their way. Many modrons are lost along the way, but a...
  8. Ruined

    Background music for your gaming sessions

    Thanks for posting this, Michikawa. I've just started compiling my game music for my current games, and I'll gladly add this to the mix.
  9. Ruined

    Quitting a Game...

    Yeah. Had a falling out with one of my best friends for the past 13 years recently. So it meant dropping out of his excellent L5R campaign (two sessions from the end!!), and putting my 4e campaign on indefinite hiatus. It's a real bummer, but life happens. I did the rebound deal though, and...
  10. Ruined

    Sources of images for use as tokens

    Just found this thread. Great stuff Frank! Thanks!
  11. Ruined

    IDW announces new "Dungeons & Dragons" comic series

    Looks like our friend jonrog1 is involved in this. From his blog today: Kung Fu Monkey: What the Hell's That Smell?
  12. Ruined

    What Do You Carry to a Game?

    I've just decided to stop carrying the milk crate full of 4e books. It was cool nostalgia for me, as I did that with my 1e books, but my back has begun to protest. I have laptop with me anyhow, should I need refence. Otherwise: toolbox full of minis, tac-tiles, backpack with laptop, dice...
  13. Ruined

    MP2: Cunning Sneak/Stealth questions

    Here's the reference for the Shadowy Rogue class feature. Cunning Sneak: If you end a move action at least 3 squares away from your starting position, you can make a Stealth check to become hidden if you have any concealment or any cover, except for cover provided by intervening allies. It...
  14. Ruined

    Your FLGS and You - What's your take?

    I just wanted to chime in that we have some really good ones in the area. It helps that my closest one (All Fun n Games) is owned by someone we knew from the gaming community for many years. The store is clean, decently stocked in RPGs, minis, cards, and a large stock of board games. Staff is...
  15. Ruined

    Crossing a Bridge

    The very first Pathfinder AP module, Burnt Offerings, had a fun rope bridge encounter. The PCs are going to deal with goblins in a fort they captured at the other side of the bridge. The PCs can try to sneak across and not be seen or deal with lookout on opposite side beforehand. Then they try...
  16. Ruined

    Reflavoring Races

    I'm a big fan of the Obsidamen race from Earthdawn, so for the current campaign we reskinned the Goliath race to represent our stony friends. We kept the feats and mechanics, but the flavor is pulled whole-cloth from the Earthdawn source material. My player is a Warden, so the racial bonuses...
  17. Ruined

    Help with dressing up a combat

    Okay, I had more time to digest what was written. Thanks a lot for the intricate scene RangerWickett. I'll definitely snag large chunks of that and use it (hopefully) well. And thanks as well, theskyfullofdust! My players joked about the last boss having the exploding HQ power, but I'm...
  18. Ruined

    Help with dressing up a combat

    Hey, thanks for the replies so far. Yes, it is 4e, and the characters are mid-Heroic tier. (6th level).
  19. Ruined

    Help with dressing up a combat

    Hello All, My group is ending a short adventure fighting a flying necromancer atop a twisted tower. I have some ideas on it, but the encounter is missing something to make it awesome, so I'm hoping the community could provide soem cool ideas. Background: In this military campaign, in the first...
  20. Ruined

    DDI Group Penetration

    Myself and 1 other, but I suspect there's some sharing going on. 5. The groups shift, so I'm the only guy with this exact group makeup, but there's lots of gaming options. 0. Two have designs on running 4e soon, and all of us have run other systems over the years. 2 0 (all have...