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  1. evilbob

    question to all: games for 8-10 players?

    TL;aint-gonna-read: Anyone know of ANY co-op/RPG, story/character-drive game out there (even a board game) that can cater to 8-10 players? Or is it impossible that a game where at best you get 10% of the interaction time, everyone can remain engaged? A brief history: We've been gaming for over...
  2. evilbob

    Pathfinder 2E biggest issue with PF2 playtest

    We all have our quibbles and pet peeves: there's another thread for that. "This class lost this" or "this mechanic is dumb" or even "this is really confusing" are all important, but solvable / houserule-able issues. Even the second-biggest issue in my mind - which is that the entire playtest...
  3. evilbob

    Pathfinder 2E questions about playtest: two-handed weapon + open door, and how does shield block work

    Spells take as many actions as the types of casting requires, right? (So, S + V is 2 actions, for example - right?) If you're using a 2-handed weapon, you use an "interact" action to ready it, correct? What if you are wielding a 2-handed weapon and want to open a door: which actions do you...
  4. evilbob

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd (spoilers): PC wants to be a werewolf

    This is not exactly a new problem, especially with this adventure. Here's the context for those who want to read it: (spoilers) The character, who I'll call Creepshow, is a barbarian who has the insanity that he believes he's a werewolf even though he is not, and he is constantly hunting for...
  5. evilbob

    D&D 5E tweaking narrative structure in CoS (spoilers; also really long)

    In this thread, I made a rough outline for Curse of Strahd to show the general narrative structure of the story in case it was (reasonably) overwhelming or you'd rather have a more linear plot. It looks like this: Outline Opening Quests I. Intro/hooks a. receive fake burgomaster letter...
  6. evilbob

    D&D 5E another Death House play report (spoliers)

    There are two excellent play report write ups worth reading here (by GrandDM) and here (by MerricB). In that tradition I thought I'd share my own. The TL;DR version: they actually killed the thing in the basement, thanks to luck and extreme caution! Us: We started CoS with 3 players: a sort...
  7. evilbob

    D&D 5E where you're going to die in CoS (spoilers)

    There's "deadly" (as defined in the DMG for encounter guidelines) and then there's: one or all of your party will absolutely be killed here, baring some extreme circumstances. I started a list in this thread of likely places the party would encounter a TPK in CoS. But as I started to expand...
  8. evilbob

    D&D 5E what to do with a camptured spellbook when you have no wizard?

    Using CoS and the party has no wizard; what good is a captured spellbook (other than selling / trading to someone)? You can't make scrolls out of it, right? I'm thinking I may replace the spellbook with different treasure (probably some scrolls).
  9. evilbob

    D&D 5E two things about D&D that could be more interesting

    Disclaimer: I love D&D, our group loves D&D, D&D is great. (Also I am American. Also this post is long and very system-meta.) Issue: While we've always loved D&D, as long-time vets there are other games that we just love more. Not because they have better systems, but we just have more fun...
  10. evilbob

    D&D 5E when Strahd attacks (spoilers)

    Strahd is supposed to attack the party early and often. He's the centerpiece of the adventure, and you want his presence to be felt as much as possible - but there's also the danger of seriously jumping the shark. "Attacking the party early and often" goes against millennia of established...
  11. evilbob

    D&D 5E does Daylight make daylight?

    It sounds like a dumb question but the spell's description doesn't say that it's actual daylight. Just a "sphere of light." This is of some concern if fighting a vampire. :)
  12. evilbob

    D&D 5E spells for a mage-hunting sorcerer?

    What thematically appropriate, early spells would you suggest for a sorcerer who wants to be a mage-hunter? I'm talking about spell levels 1-3. Alter Self, for example, seems like a great one, so you can sneak up on your prey. What are others? (The bigger question here being: when you only...
  13. evilbob

    D&D 5E CoS - what to do with all the NPCs that want to come with you (spoliers)

    In nearly every location on the map, the party can meet up with one or more NPCs that want to come with them. This is in addition to the "special" NPC chosen by the cards that definitely comes with them, and Ireena, who no good-aligned, sane party would let out of their sight. There are groups...
  14. evilbob

    D&D 3E/3.5 curse of strahd from a 3.5 ravenloft perspective

    I've only seen a couple of CoS impression threads so far so I though I'd share my thoughts as someone who is VERY familiar with the 3.5 version of the book. First, as others have already hailed, the art is amazing. I've not gone through the book in fine detail yet, but some of the full-page...
  15. evilbob

    D&D 5E challenge: rewrite Death House to avoid a key feature (spoilers)

    Spoiler alert. TL;not gonna R: Suggestions for rewriting Death House to remove all the dead children? Our group loves Ravenloft; we've played multiple multi-year campaigns in the setting in different systems. We are excited to go back and start again. Looking over Death House, the (free...
  16. evilbob

    D&D 5E save or boring

    The thread title is a little dramatic, but now that 5.0 is a little older and campaigns are a little more along, how are people feeling about spells that are not save-or-die, but rather save-or-can't-do-anything? (Mid-campaign spells, typically.) I find they tend to create two weird situations...
  17. evilbob

    D&D 5E anyone know a good adventure about the planes?

    I'm looking for a good adventure set in the elemental planes - specifically the planes of fire and air, preferably (all Djinni and Efreeti and whatnot). Ideally it would be a mid-level, campaign-style thing, but anything would be great. We're playing 5.0, but the edition doesn't really matter...
  18. evilbob

    D&D 5E find steed: giant bat?

    So, completely ignoring the whole "range (self)" question that is really just a sideshow in my opinion, this spell really doesn't seem to have any kind of specific limit or even much of an implied one on what can be used as a steed, other than pure "DM fiat." It gives a few examples and uses...
  19. evilbob

    D&D 5E transporting a large, unwilling creature

    How would you transport, say, a large (young) dragon over several hundred miles? Assume it was captured and unwilling, and the party is only about level 5 or 6 (access to 3rd level spells). Some spells might be available to hire from a nearby city, but they might have restrictions as well...
  20. evilbob

    D&D 5E spell points and wizard/druid recharge

    Arcane Recovery says 1/day after a short rest, you can regain spell slots equal to your wizard level / 2, rounded up, with the additional caveat that no spell slots above 5th level can be recovered. Land druids get the same thing. Anyone have thoughts on adapting this to spell points? I'm a...