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  1. drnuncheon

    Strange spam on ENworld bloglist?

    So I added the EN World D&D / RPG News blog to my google reader this morning and started through my new items, only to find: "Helpful pointers on finding a yeast infection cure" "Nike SB Dunk low premium mosquito" "Some Interesting Information About Clothing That You May Want To Know"...
  2. drnuncheon

    Reviews Bug

    Tring to hit any of the specific reviews (example: http://www.enworld.org/reviews/index.php?sub=yes&where=active&reviewer=TheAuldGrump&product=CP21) sends you back to the main reviews page. J
  3. drnuncheon

    Story-based levelling

    I'm thinking about abandoning XP for my newly-started game, and instead granting my players levelups at certain points in the campaign - at the end of adventures or other major victories, for example. (This would remove a lot of headache from me keepign track of individual XP as well.) But...
  4. drnuncheon

    [Origins] Single-day prices? Hotels? Help?

    True confessions time: I've never been to a really big con. I think the biggest one I've ever made it to was the first Otakon, back when it was still in State College, and there's not much here locally - the sci-fi con, Confluence, is pretty small. But, it looks like we (which is to say, the...
  5. drnuncheon

    Cave Druid?

    Somewhere, I seem to recall seeing a druid variant focused on caves, earth, and/or the Underdark. I mentioned this to a player who was considering playing a druid but hesitating because of a heavily urban/dungeon-focused campaign. He is intrigued and wishes to know more, but now I can't find...
  6. drnuncheon

    Pricing for weapon unaffected by magic

    I'm looking for pricing advice and wording advice for creating a weapon that is unaffected by magic defenses. By that, I mean that it would ignore AC bonuses derived from magical sources: enhancement bonus of armor/shield, magical deflection/armor/shield/profane/sacred/natural armor bonuses...
  7. drnuncheon

    Dundjinni & Gridsmith - best for battlemaps?

    So I'm wondering if anyone has used both of these products, and how they compare in terms of features, ease of use, etc. Gridsmith is half the cost of DJ platinum, but it only runs on Windows which means I'd have to battle my wife for her computer. DJ is supposed to have an OSX version soon...
  8. drnuncheon

    [For Psion] What Books do you actually use?

    Saw this in Psion's .sig, and figured I'd make a thread of it: Books used last session: Core rules (duh), Dynasties and Demagogues, CBoEM (for spells) For next session, the above plus: Midnight, Chaositech, and d20 Call of Cthulhu. Often used but not this time: Freeport: City of Adventure...
  9. drnuncheon

    Barbed Gifts, or Dirty Politics

    First of all, if your character's name starts with a 'D' and ends with either an 'i'Fier' or a 'ru' - that is to say, if you're one of my Freeport players - go somewhere else. Second, if you're a reader of the Freeport Story Hour, and you don't want spoilers - go hang out with those two. To...
  10. drnuncheon

    [AEG][Mearls] Empire

    Does AEG have its own forums somewhere for their 'one-word' series? I have a couple of questions for Mike Mearls regarding Empire, and if he doesn't see them here I'd like to post them there. First off - superb book. I wish there had been more realm management and less mass battle, but only...
  11. drnuncheon

    [Spoiler for Of Sound Mind]

    OK. I've run this adventure twice, and both times, the characters EDIT: OK, putting in a bunch of carriage returns didn't help the spoiler thing any, because it still showed up in the hover text. So what I'm going to do is put it in the spoiler tags, and write it backwards. So there! ...
  12. drnuncheon

    PCGen and 3.5 - estimated date?

    Well, it's 6 days into October, and the PCgen website still says 3.5 in "mid-September". Assuming that they don't mean mid-Spetember 2004, is there a revised estimate of when the 3.5 version is going to be available? Could the date possibly be updated on the webpage? Thanks. J
  13. drnuncheon

    drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour presents: Monte Cook's QUEEN OF LIES

    OPENING TITLES [BLACK SCREEN. The music begins. FADE IN and OUT on the titles:] ENWorld Entertainment presents A Story Hour Forum production of a drnuncheon film [Images start to appear - QUICK CUTS of the following, all in CLOSE-UP:] [A saddle being lifted onto a horse.] [A chain shirt...
  14. drnuncheon

    D&D 3E/3.5 If I were an elemental grue converted to 3e, what book would I be in?

    I asked this in the General forum but this one seems appropriate too. So, have the vardigg, harginn, and the other two been converted to 3e yet, or am I going to have to try to find whichever 1e book they were in and do the work myself? J
  15. drnuncheon

    If you were a 3e elemental grue, what book would you be in?

    ...or would you have been converted at all? Thanks!
  16. drnuncheon

    [Dire Kobold] List of Xenogenic adventures?

    Hey big lizards, Is there a list of the Xenogenic adventures available so far? I'm looking for something with a short plot blurb as well as the levels that the system can adapt it for. If this is on your website already, I can't find it easily. If it's not, it would make a great addition...
  17. drnuncheon

    Salvatore's Demon Wars - do they improve? (spoilers)

    So, I've just finished 'The Demon Awakens' (unemployment does strange things to a man), based on the theory that as it wasn't a D&D novel, it had to be better than his FR stuff. I was right...to a point. But now I'm left with the decision: pretend that it was a standalone novel, or finish the...
  18. drnuncheon

    D&D 3E/3.5 Modronoids - anyone done a 3e writeup?

    The title about says it all - I'm running a 3e version of the Great Modron March, and in it are creatures called modronoids: creatures bonded to pieces removed from a modron. In 3e, of course, it'd be a template, but before I start crunching away I thought I'd check and see if anyone else has...
  19. drnuncheon

    Rent - how much to charge?

    Being as D&D is based around the concept of the travelling adventurer, the PHB includes things like inn costs, which is all well and good - if your PCs are travelling adventurers. But what if they have a more permanent home? What's more, what if they don't own that home (or storefront), but...
  20. drnuncheon

    What do your players do when they're getting their items enhanced?

    This new 14th level (well, 15th, now) campaign that we've been running has been interesting for a lot of reasons - and one of them is the amount of time it takes to create a magic item. I'm not complaining about that - in some ways, I think it could even be longer - but it does bring up some...