• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

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    D&D 5E KB Presents - In my Eberron

    So this teaser appeared on Twitter here. "KB" is more than likely "Keith Baker", what do you think the July 23rd announcement will be?
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    Mearls has open slot for Eberron game!

    Mike Mearls is such a tease. Darksun, Eberron, Nentir Vale, I think he has even mentioned Greyhawk as a campaign. https://twitter.com/mikemearls/status/993619773090025472?s=19
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    D&D 5E Volo's artist working on upcoming 'Labyrinth '

    Nothing newto see here, but the artist who did a majority of the art for Volo's is working on art for 'Labyrinth '. https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/5d3zhx/some_illustrations_i_did_for_volos_guide/?st=ivkmk2pk&sh=a5d5b3ac Image dump of his work for Volo's, with commentary...
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    D&D 5E [Eberron] Calling it now.

    I dont care if it's premature, I'm calling it now. An Eberron sourcebook is in the pipeline! https://twitter.com/mikemearls/status/717051816043646976
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    D&D 5E PAX predictions?

    Somewhat disappointed with WotC for skipping Gen Con this year. I understand if they would rather do seminars and announcements at PAX, but it really made it special playing D&D with WotC developers walking around and last year Mike Mearls DMed a table up in front of the main stage. This...
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    D&D 5E Speculate on Pax

    In a recent interview, Mearls mentioned that they're moving to announce things and give seminars at PAX.With the just announced "Sword Coast Adventures", do you think there is anything left to announce this year? If so, what?
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    Essentially Eberron

    Greetings, I've just returned from a rather long hiatus from gaming (about 10 years). On a whim I jumped back in by purchasing the Eberron campaign guide for 4e and the Essentials rules compendium. It looks like that I will actually need to either purchase the unholy trinity (the PHB, DMG and...