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  1. K

    D&D 5E 5E economics -The Peasants are revolting!

    Hello all, So has anyone else looked at the cost hirelings vs lifestyle expenses? In 5e I almost never used hirelings but the GM gave us a decrepit estate as a reward. And now I am of the opinion that 5e should be a world constantly on the edge of peasant revolt. Why? Income: Hireling -...
  2. K

    D&D 5E Ending movement in occupied square?

    Edited in an attempt for clarity. I know by RAW it's not something characters do. But.... we have an Eversmoking Bottle, a cleric and are facing an army of undead in a cave*. So what happens when a panicked ghoul moves through undead allies' smoke filled (heavily obscured) squares to escape...
  3. K

    D&D (2024) How should a Summoner/Mob class be implemented in 1DnD?

    I saw the other thread on making single-pet class which I realized is the antithesis of the summoner I like. Harry Dresden is a good example from pop culture, who had befriended the smallest fey early in his career by feeing them pizza and arming them with x-acto knives. One of the other...
  4. K

    D&D General NPC farmer & merchant levels by age

    The various magic discussions have me thinking about the foundational aspects of d&d society. So, I want to ignore magic and think farmers and the fundamental artisans like millers, weavers, brewers, coopers, cobblers and smiths. These people should make up the vast majority of the populace in...
  5. K

    Need ideas: Land of a Thousand Gods

    Hi Enworld. I'm helping a friend build his first campaign and the general theme we came up with was "Land of a Thousand Gods." This is a setting where every village has some protector and cities have their own "deity" living onsite. The only universal religions are elementalists (sun/fire...
  6. K

    Draconic Auras & PrCs

    Hi folks, Has anyone found a rule in the PHBII or Dragon Magic that explicitly says that two classes that provide Draconic Auras do/don't add the aura strength ratings together? I'm specifically thinking of the Dragon Shaman (PHBII) and the Dragon Lord (DM). If they do add then someone with...
  7. K

    SwordSage + Monk = 2x Wis AC bonus?

    One of my players (monk with a high wis) is looking at ToB's Sword Sage. He has yet to notice that it provides an AC bonus based on wis that, from what I can tell, is untyped. Am I missing something or will he really get to use his (no magic) 20 Wis + 16 dex +3 monk AC bonus to have an AC of...
  8. K

    PHB2 Epic rules?

    Hi folks, I've flipped through the PHBII but I'm hesitant to start using it as my game has just hit the epic junction (20th level). Are there epic rules in the PHB2 I didn't see or a web enhancement? I can hack up epic classes if I need to but I'd rather not if I don't.
  9. K

    Religious War - suggestions?

    Hello all. First off: Anyone in the Spirits of Krinn campaign should buzz off. NOW! Right. So moving on: I've got a classic recipe for disaster: poor, disenfranchised people who suddenly gain a lot of power and do so in such a way that it not only poses a physical threat to the existing...
  10. K

    Ask me about Shadowrun 4th!

    I'm one of the lucky ones to latch onto it from GenCon so ask away! I'm planning on writing a review of it in the next 2-3 days once I catch up on work. FYI, I read the hacking section while exhausted so not a whole lot of that stuck. I'll answer hacking questions when I'm home with the book...
  11. K

    3.0 Bracers + Ring Force Shield?

    Hi all, I was recently rolling up some magic items and wound up with a set of bracers of armor +7 and a ring of force shield. Per the SRD "Bonuses from armor and a shield stack. This bonus is an armor bonus, so it does not stack with other effects that increase an armor bonus, such as the...
  12. K

    Where the heck did the siangham come from?

    I've googled, I've sifted through ENWorld forums but I cannot find what real-world weapon the siangham is supposed to be based on. Did they make it up? I thought it might be the emei piercers but those are double ended and have a ring so they can be spun on your hand. They can't be rods since...
  13. K

    Blur, Concealment and Sneak Attacks

    During my game on Saturday I ruled that an archer could not use sneak attack or other precision-based damage on a Blurred foe. After all, if there's a chance they would miss the target entirely they can't be too precise. The Deepwood sniper was allowed to use his sneak attack/precision bonuses...
  14. K

    Spellweaver CR10??

    Has anyone used one of these in a game? Did it seem like a CR10? Did I miss an errata? The spellweaver, for those not aware, is a 10hd six-armed monstrous humanoid from MMII. Weak strength and con but decent-to-great everything else. It casts as a 12th level sorceror, can cast up to six...
  15. K

    Collecting poisons

    My group recently slaughtered a trio of purple worms. They took the worms out in record time; One of them never even got a chance to sting. Purple worm venom is worth 700gp/dose according to the DMG. Even assuming 1-3 ounces of venom/dose how much poison is collected from a creature that is...
  16. K

    Epic XPH - Psionics true power?

    All, I was just contemplating the psionic classes at epic levels and realized that unlike mages, a psionic character can end up with virtually unresistable powers. At epic levels, a mage typically sees his opponent's saves outstrip the DCs of the spells since the oponent's saves go up every...
  17. K

    XPH: Schism

    I've loaned out my XPH but had an idea pop into my head: Can Schism be used to re-establish psionic focus? From what I remember, it says "allows a mental action, such as manifesting a power." If so, does the focus apply to the powers manifested by the schismed mind only? What about physical...
  18. K

    Savante Class - Critique and comment

    I'm toying with this in one game I play and another I run. I'm curious what flaws/loopholes people see with this before it has a chance cause problems. Be cruel; I mainly want it for some cohorts and oddball NPCs rather than playing one. Tho' one player has expressed interest should his bard...