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Search results

  1. ControlFreak

    2 Gamers in Broward

    Work and family committments appears to have claimed the rest of our gaming group, leaving the 2 of us to fend for ourselves. We are located in Northern Broward/Southern Palm Beach and are looking for a gaming group. The best situation would be bi-weekly during the week, but we're begging, and...
  2. ControlFreak

    Can swarms charge?

    Can a swarm with movement 20 charge 40? If so, are there any special rules for doing so? Thanks in advance, CF
  3. ControlFreak

    Awarding Experience

    I've always been a bit confused on how to award experience at the end of a fight. Let's say that the group is 4 people, all 1st level. They are fighting 3 monsters, all CR1. Finally, the room in the adventure I'm using shows EL 3. My first instinct is to award 900 XP divided between the 4...
  4. ControlFreak

    Goodberries while Unconscious?

    In my game a druid with some goodberries wants to force-feed them to an unconscious player to heal/stabilize him. Would this lead to the desired effect, or would it more likely lead to choking to death? CF
  5. ControlFreak

    Do Spiritual Weapons get AoO's?

    Do Spiritual Weapons get Attacks of Opportunity?
  6. ControlFreak

    Gray Orc - Darkvision?

    In the Unapproachable East book, page 16, it covers the details of the Gray Orcs. I noticed that according to that, Gray Orcs have Light Sensitivity, but no Low-Light Vision or Darkvision. Has anyone seen any type of errata on that, or is it actually correct? ControlFreak
  7. ControlFreak

    Drow Weapon Proficiencies

    I realize that the Monster Manual 3.5 shows that Drow get to replace Longsword/Longbow with Rapier/Hand Crossbow, but does a Forgotten Realms Drow get to do that as well? If so, please let me know where that is? I've scoured the FRCS, RoF, and PGtF books cover to cover (or so I thought). Thanks CF
  8. ControlFreak

    Weapon Focus: Dagger quesion

    If a character has the feat, "Weapon Focus: Dagger," does this count for thrown daggers as well, or would he need an additional, "Weapon Focus: Thrown Dagger" feat? Thanks in advance, CF
  9. ControlFreak

    CW: Invisible Blade - Unfettered Defense question

    In the Complete Warrior, the Invisible Blade prestige class has an ability called Unfettered Defense. I'm confused as to the way this is calculated. At first look it appeared to me that if the character has an Int bonus, they get a dodge bonus per level of Invisible Blade (if they are wearing no...
  10. ControlFreak

    Player looking for game

    Not sure if this is the right way to go about this, but based on the FAQ it "seemed" like the right way ;) Anyway, I would like to join a D&D game (either new or in progress) as a player. My preference is 3.5 Forgotten Realms, but of course I'm flexible to almost anything :) ControlFreak
  11. ControlFreak

    Looking for a game in South Florida

    I am looking for a game in South Florida, specifically somewhere between Boca Raton and Ft. Lauderdale (I am in Coral Springs). I am 39 and play most games, but lean towards D&D 3rd Edition (and 3.5 now). ControlFreak - evandictor@hotmail.com
  12. ControlFreak

    Supporter Time Frame

    What is the normal turnaround time between sending payment and having it reflected here? CF
  13. ControlFreak

    EricN .. about those .xsl files ...

    Ok, where are you finding all these extra tidbits to add into the reports? Is there some sort of document out there that will tell me what I can get at, or was this something only people in the beta were able to get? Inquiring minds want to know ;) ControlFreak PS: All I really want is to...
  14. ControlFreak

    A few annoying eTools things

    I decided to use eTools to prepare for my Wednesday night game and here are some of the things I found: 1) The party will face both Average Salamanders and Noble Salamanders. However all stat blocks show only "Damage Reduction," while the Average Salamanders get 10/+1 and the Noble Salamanders...
  15. ControlFreak

    eTools FR Stuff

    I'm really not sure if I did this all right, but this zip "should" contain the stuff for FR Dieties, Domains, and Feats. There was a good amount that I just couldn't do, but I think I got everything in there and most of it seems to work. frstuff.zip ControlFreak
  16. ControlFreak

    FR Atlas

    Anyone have any idea where I can get the patches for this? The people at ProFantasy say they no longer host them because Wizards should .. and Wizards sure doesn't host them :( ControlFreak
  17. ControlFreak

    PDA-Friendly HomePage?

    Any chance of getting a handheld-formatted version of the frontpage for those of us who mostly use AvantGo to get our en-world news? ControlFreak
  18. ControlFreak

    Epic Prestige question

    Yeah yeah .. I know the book is barely out .. but I was looking at the web enhancement and had a question. I have a player in my game who is a Wizard 5, Elemental Savant 9, and I'm guessing that he'd be interested in becoming a Wiz5/Ele11 at some point .. so my question is whether someone needs...
  19. ControlFreak

    What happens to the Familiar?

    What happens to the Familiar when a Wizard/Sorcerer dies? What happens when he is Raised/Resurrected? ControlFreak
  20. ControlFreak

    S&F Feats

    I don't have the book here so I'm asking this from memory: A fighter in my game who has the "Knockback" (I think that's the name) Feat (where when you hit someone you do a STR roll to see if you knock them down) and just added the Feat where you get a free attack when someone loses their DEX...