• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. drowdude

    {Mythic Vistas - The Black Company] Prebuilt spell ideas?

    I just recently picked up the The Black Company book and plan on using the masterwork item and magic rules alongside Iron Heroes. I was just wondering if anyone had worked up any spells or blends they could share?
  2. drowdude

    Cultural comparisons between Eberron & Earth?

    All right, I am reading through the campaign setting right now.. and it looks to be exceedingly kewl... ...and I find myself wondering what comparisons you guys would draw between the nations/regions of Eberron and those of the real-world.
  3. drowdude

    [Fayetteville, NC] Mutants & Masterminds

    Anyone floating around here interested in joining in on a regular M&M game? We are looking for a couple of new players to round out the Friday night group. Email me at drowdude@yahoo.com or contact me on Y!Messenger if you are interested.
  4. drowdude

    [Complete Guide to Drow] Combat Intuition?

    I have not been around for awhile, and a cursory check didnt reveal any threads pertaining to this feat, so I thought I would go ahead and bring it up... since it's kinda bugging me a bit... This feat has no prerequisites and grants a +2 bonus to initiative & a +2 *unnamed* bonus to AC... I...
  5. drowdude

    (ELH) Metamagic feat idea...

    What level modifier would you asign a metamagic feat that changed the Spell Resistance aspect of a spell to "No." ;) It would require all the Spell Penetration feats and like 25 ranks in Spellcraft or so...
  6. drowdude

    Favorite 80s Cartoon

    Never posted a poll before... so I figured I would give it a shot...
  7. drowdude

    (Shark-World) "The Leviathan", uber-whale

    Well, it's still not completely done... but here is what I have so far... some stuff is missing... like a full-accounting of all his divine-abilities... but most of the stuff is there... ________________________________________________ The Leviathan "Great Lord Savior of the Seas", Demigod...
  8. drowdude

    Behemoth & Legendary Animal Templates?

    I am rather disappointed that they werent included as such in the ELH... and I was curious as to whether or not any of the resident monster gurus had developed these into actual templates...
  9. drowdude

    Behemoth & Legendary Animal Templates?

    I am rather disappointed that they werent included as such in the ELH... and I was curious as to whether or not any of the resident monster gurus had developed these into actual templates...
  10. drowdude

    (OT) Wheel of Time Hardback

    I am curious as to whether or not the WoT Hardback comes with a poster map like the FRCS did... I just picked up a used copy for 14 bucks.... just trying to make sure it's not missing anything ;)
  11. drowdude

    (mIRC) Looking for some new blood...

    Anyone interested in joining a new FR campaign set in the Silver Marches? We are currently playing on Saturday nights from around 7:00 pm eastern to Midnight or so. If interested please click on the link below to find out more! Heaven's Edge
  12. drowdude

    Chatrooms with e-Dice?

    Anyone know of a chat server with a built in dice-roller utility?
  13. drowdude

    [ELH] Enhance Item Feat

    Just wanted to draw attention to the kewl non-epic feat hidden on page 114 of the ELH.
  14. drowdude

    Gnomish Trickster Variant

    Looking for opinions on the requirements here, + some general feedback... BTW, if you are interested in comparing it with the original/official version, it appeared in Dragon Magazine Annual #5. ________________________________________________ The Gnomish Trickster (Variant) Hit Dice: 1d6...
  15. drowdude

    [Review] Kenzer & Co.'s B1:QftU and Deathright

    I apologize for the relative lateness of these reviews, things have been hectic of late around here... ___________________________________ B1: Quest for the Unknown I have been an avid reader of KotDT for several years now, and was very interested initially when I heard they were going to...
  16. drowdude

    Universal Spontaneous Casting?

    I am considering a house rule that will allow all classes to cast from their respective spell-lists spontaneously as a sorcerer does. Usually I run my games "on-the-fly", and rarely write up NPC spell-lists. This gives the NPCs a major advantage in any situation where spell-use comes into play...
  17. drowdude

    Ranger Variant (updated)

    Updated version, with revised spell-list. ______________________________________________ Ranger Variant Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d8. Good Saves: Fort & Reflex BAB: As Fighter. ______________________________________ Class Skills: The ranger's class skills (and the key ability for each...
  18. drowdude

    Balanced as ECL +1 ???

    These are the stats I am thinking of using for the dwarves in my homebrew... reasonably balanced as ECL +1? _________________________________________________ Dwarves As PHB with the following exceptions... +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution (Average dwarf: Str 13, Dex 08, Con 15...
  19. drowdude

    Monte's Bard: Arcane Spell Failure or no?

    Ok... I *know* what it says in BOEM2 in this regard (no ASF is the ACP is 3 or less). But really, according to the core rules Monte's version of the bard should have *NO* chance of ASF regardless of the ACP. Any thoughts on this? I figure I will just run this according to the core rules.
  20. drowdude

    Gygax Magic Shell

    Von Strucker: "BLAZING FORCE PALM!!!" Dr. Strange: "Not a bad move Strucker. But I can counter with Gygax Magic Shell." Check out Marvel Mangaverse #1.... roxxx Just thought I would share the D&D reference ;)