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Search results

  1. L

    Character assistance: Pun lines

    WARNING: Thread contains lots of awful puns. For an upcoming oneshot, I want to play a fun character. The character is a magical spear, which is being wielded by a warforged the spear treats as its "mount". The spear only cares about two things: fighting and making puns, as these are a form of...
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    D&D General Campaign Plotting Help

    I need help with the over-arching meta-story of my campaign. The important thing to know is that the campaign is set in a Virtual Reality MMO. The PCs are players logging into the game. "Wait, why bother with that, why not play it as normal?" There are multiple reasons why I decided to do it...
  3. L

    What RPG would fit this one-shot idea?

    I had a fun idea for a one-shot but am not sure exactly what system would be best. The base premise is a reverse horror game. All the PCs are ghosts haunting a site, and some living people have come into their place--either moved into a house, urban explorers, a movie crew doing a shoot, etc...
  4. L

    D&D General Adventure help; Escaping the Dreamworld

    Needing just a bit of help with an adventure design. The plan is to have the PCs thrown into the Plane of Dreams. The goal for them is to get back to their normal plane, but have they have zero plane shifting magic. So this is very much a "journey to find the out" or "come up with a way to get...
  5. L

    D&D General Help Making a Puzzle Room

    I'm wanting to design a sort of "maze room" that the party has to traverse. But rather than a static maze, they are able to create their own path. The idea is that each square has two blocked sides and two open sides--think of it like a section of pipe. Most sections are a straight pipe and...
  6. L

    Specific NPC given quests

    Normally when I ask for setting/game help, it doesn't go well, and that's partially my fault. I am looking for a lot of suggestions because often most don't work because of the situation, or a specific kind of answer. What happens is I usually say "that won't work" and then spend time arguing...
  7. L

    Volcano + City + 800 years = what's left?

    Need a bit of brainstorming, or at least, some extrapolating. In my game there was a city that was overrun with an abyssal plague and actual demons. The Goddess of fire smote the city with a volcano--the lava kind, not the explosive/pyroclastic flow kind (Mountt St Helens/Pompeii). The...
  8. L

    Tell me about Demogorgon

    I'm interested in information about Demogorgon, but I can't find much information about his schtick, what he does, what his interests are. Even after reading the Dragon article in 357, it feels like his main focus is fighting demons in the Abyss? Abyssal politics and the tons of history isn't an...
  9. L

    Old old threads?

    Is there a way to find old threads? I notice there's an Archived, but that looks like specific threads had to be archived? I did a search for a name and could dig up old threads they posted in, too, so are old threads somewhere, but the links just don't match up anymore?
  10. L

    Light Worldbuilding: Weird religious sect and cursed skeletons

    Developing some things for my game and I wanted to put this out there for some brainstorming. Black Ziggurat of Bloody Bones This is the site of a cult dedicated to a nasty spirit or demon prince who demanded blood sacrifices. The cult was wiped out, but the entity being worshiped was powerful...
  11. L

    Building a settlement from scratch, how much progress by month?

    (MINOR spoilers for Ruins of Azlant 1 - The Lost Outpost) Currently doing the prep work for a campaign, I'm using some adventure modules to handle frameworks for things I'm unfamiliar with, but I'm looking to change them, and I'm not sure how to gauge things for that. Also "checking the math"...
  12. L

    Leveling up with Milestones--how do you handle it?

    For those who handle "You level up" when it's story convenient or when you feel like it's time, how does that typically play out in your game in terms of number of encounters/sessions/time-played before a level up? How does that usually end up if you were to go back and measure it. Mainly...
  13. L

    Paizo A question about Paizo/PF adventure design

    I haven't gotten the chance to play PF, but I really enjoy the quality of Paizo's adventures, from their NPCs to the maps to the general aim (like Kingmaker's hexcrawling and nation building rules). But I notice one design habit that goes across many of the products, and that's why I'm here: i...
  14. L

    How to handle adventuring loot outside of a strong economy?

    I'm hitting a snag with an upcoming campaign. The setup is very similar to the pre-Colonial period of the USA. The PCs are part of the first settlers on a new continent full of natives on a similar technological level to the Native Americans. Part of the result though is that it's probably a...
  15. L

    D&D 4E Who created "Marvelous Monsters" creature design here on ENWorld?

    I'm pretty sure someone here on ENWorld wrote this and posted in a thread. That's where I remember getting it. Been running a 4e game and this little PDF is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Yet I have some questions about the design. Problem is there's no author attributed, and good luck digging...
  16. L

    Worldbuilding: How far should things be?

    While this is specific to my current situation--see post two for the setting I'm working on--it's worth asking in general: when trying to go for some sort of semblance of believability, how far should things be from one another, geographically speaking? Villages fo different races...
  17. L

    Anyone ever played a game with two linked groups?

    Right now I'm running a short-ish campaign, so my eye is on the next. I could run it with two different focuses: either nation building/diplomacy/sticking around the home base and defending it, or going out and exploring uncharted areas. Then I realized I could run each, one for two groups. And...
  18. L

    What kind of "Friendly" encounters could happen in the Far Realms?

    I'm running a short-ish campaign where the PCs are trapped in a mega-dungeon dungeon that has been sucked into the Far Realms. The goal of the campaign is to get back home safely, which entails sending the dungeon back. Denizens in the Far Realms thus are going to come into various parts of the...
  19. L

    Characters over an infernal barrel

    I am not quite sure how to exactly handle a situation in an upcoming game. It could be very cut and dry, but it has the potential to be more interesting, and I want to inject a possible social challenge. The campaign involves the PCs stuck inside a big underground dungeon that's been sucked...
  20. L

    Drawing a Big Dungeon Map--Help?

    I've been hit with some inspiration and I want to try to run a particular campaign, but I'm not quite sure how to get the square peg into the round hole that is my brain. The inspiration for the game's start is Half-Life. For those who haven't played it, scientists at a top-secret research...