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  1. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    One way or another, 1.0a will effectively be sunset. Even if it isn't deauthorized, would you trust Wizards of the Coast again? I wouldn't. And SRD 5.2 or 6.0 or whatever they call the OneDnD SRD will have a new license regardless. But I'd argue that it's still important to fight for it. And...
  2. Glade Riven

    What are your thoughts on system-less worldbuilding/setting books?

    Just curious. Like the original Dinotopia books were more of an art and worldbuilding book, not actually related to tabletop or other media.
  3. Glade Riven

    Level Up (A5E) Going old school: Gold as XP

    I got to thinking that this could be an interesting dynamic. Sure, a narrator would have to increase the wealth of drops to compensate for XP, and sure, players could buy (maybe) higher tiered magical items at earlier levels, but it would allow for strongholds to be invested in fairly early. And...
  4. Glade Riven

    Level Up (A5E) Party Strongholds

    I love A5E's strongholds, but the text surrounding them is very focus on individual ownership rather than party ownership. If the party chips into make a stronghold, is it best to handle it through sub-strongholds? Let each party member have the stronghold feat?
  5. Glade Riven

    Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker Anniversary Edition delayed again.

    I am not surprised but I am angry and disappointed. Paizo really should learn from Enworld on how to run a crowdfunding campaign. Now if they have hard copies for sale at Gencon before I at LEAST get my PDFs, I will be full on enraged. Right now I am venting on Twitter, which is not something I...
  6. Glade Riven

    Level Up (A5E) I, for one, am looking forward to Level Up on Fantasy Ground.

    But I also know how long it can take to develop for that platform, so I'm not expecting it for 1 to 2 years for base functionality, 2 to 4 years for polish. Fortunately 5e is very well supported on Fantasy Grounds and the 5e OGL module should make a great starting point.
  7. Glade Riven

    When Fantasy Racism gets stupid

    I get it - there are folk who love their orcs to be evil and barberous, their drow to be evil, a bit psychotic, and prone to extreme darwinism, etc. I just find it shallow and pedantic. Orcs are more interesting if they're hostile jerks because all the "civilized" races treat their beliefs...
  8. Glade Riven

    The Return of D20 Modern

    No, I'm not asking for this to be core. But at some point, I'd like a "d20 Modern/Future/Past" version compatable with 5e. Had some fun times genre bending with 3.5. Fun times.
  9. Glade Riven

    Presentation! Saga Style

    Star Wars Saga - one of the best product lines by WotC, blending 3.5, D20 modern/future, and a few things that were going to end up in 4e. One aspect I really liked about how Saga was handled was in the presentation. I'd like to see something similar with 5e. Step 1: Forgotten Relms treated as...
  10. Glade Riven

    Replacing the Encounter Power

    One thing I liked about 4e monster design over 3e was the sheer amount of powers (especially for high level monsters) got trimmed down, often paired with a recharge mechanic of "roll a d6." I'd like to see it on the player side, perhaps as a replacement for the "Encounter Power" - Roll a check...
  11. Glade Riven

    Playable Large Characters

    For some reason, going between Small and Medium size creatures in 3.5, Pathfinder, and 4e works out fine. But from Medium to Large (at least in 3.5 & Pathfinder)? It doesn't work well. There are balance issues, which means I have to creatively solve/work around on the fly, etc. I'd like to...
  12. Glade Riven

    Screw Nostalgia

    There. I said it. There is one thing that will kill 5e for me, and that is if all it does is commit Wizards of the Coast to the abyssal plane of Remakes. I'm fully aware that isn't WotC's intention, but some of the feedback they receive could push them in this direction. It's the difference...
  13. Glade Riven

    Emotional Attachment

    As someone who isn't emotionally tied to a system, I am curious - what is it that ties a person to a specific gaming system emotionally?
  14. Glade Riven

    You're playing it wrong

    Let me tell you a little story... I started playing during the heyday of 3.5. When I looked throught the core rulebook, I decided to play an elf paladin. I was warned that it was going to be a bit tricky, especially for a first time player, because elf paladin isn't optimised. I also played...
  15. Glade Riven

    Flavors of Elf

    Current write-up of elves and elf-related races for my current campaign setting (recently gone systemless). Depth into their cultures has more to do with individual regions of the world, and I want to leave a decent amount of fuzzyness. Plus I don't want it to read like a bad sociological paper...
  16. Glade Riven

    When you first read up on a race...

    Does anybody really read past the first paragraph or two in a core book or splat before skipping down to the stats? On occassion I might, but usually I read just far enough in to see what the basic flavoring is, unless it's a campaign setting. "Hrm...elf..what flavor? French polynesian samuri...
  17. Glade Riven

    The importance of the Short Stuff

    I'll be honest - I have trouble designing with the shorter races in mind. Oh, kobolds and goblins are easy enough, but halflings, gnomes, etc are always kinda just there. Build their own little world around them and they are just another near-human, with everything built to their scale. In a...
  18. Glade Riven

    Forgotten Realms Saga

    I got to thinking...while Forgotten Realms (FR) isn't nearly as huge as Star Wars (SW) as a franchise, there's a lot in common between the SW Expanded Universe (EU) and the FR novelizations: both have to keep some sort of crisis going in order to sell books, both are subject to editorial...
  19. Glade Riven

    What's in an elf?

    Or really, any other race in D&D - what is the essense of that race? 4e split Urban, magical elves from woodsy elves. 3e mixed both with mixed results, then patchworked with "there's an elf for that." The race started as a class back in the old days as a mix of wizard/fighter. Dragonlance kept...
  20. Glade Riven

    How do you like your elves?

    Over-easy, or sunny side up? There's the Tolkien Elves, which represent a cross between fallen angels and perfection ultimatly marred by hubris, built more or less along a Celtic/Nordic (icelandic nordic, I believe) background. Pretty much the current trope of High Fantasy. D&D..well, you...