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  1. Kahuna Burger

    Which comics are carrying over to DDI?

    A comment made on the 4e forum discussion of DDI pricing made me wonder something about the online "Dungeon" and "Dragon" : what comics are (planned to be) included in the DDI? I can't recall seeing it discussed, though I'm not ruling out having missed it.
  2. Kahuna Burger

    VTT / play by chat gameday?

    I recall on one discussion of Virtual Table Tops, someone mentioned a "con" of sorts built around trying out different ones. I was also thinking that before the VTT part of the digital initiative goes online, folks interested in it should take the time to see what is already out there to compare...
  3. Kahuna Burger

    Do you like "off screen" events to be rules-plausible?

    There was an extended discussion over on the 4e forum, about whether DMs should feel constrained by the rules of the game when establishing off screen background information. One of the examples given (and used ad nauseum) was of a warrior king who had heroicly slain a dragon at one point in his...
  4. Kahuna Burger

    What was so bad about DMing 3x?

    folks keep cheering the "npcs/monster and PC use different rules" philosophy on the basis that it's lack made 3x "fun to play but horrible to DM". I don't get it. I love to DM, and I am as happy to DM 3x as any other system. The only reasons I don't currently DM are practical. I would rather DM...
  5. Kahuna Burger

    mmmmm..... Cadbury Cream Eggs.....

    Early this year, but no way am I complaining..... Best. Holiday. Candy. Ever.
  6. Kahuna Burger

    Silliest application of favorite quotes?

    I have a new job doing stocking, and I am regularly faced with boxes wrapped around with a few yards of tape over every area that could possibly be opened and "Do not open with knife!" or "Do not use sharp objects to open" in big letters. At least once a night, I just have to channel Aliens ...
  7. Kahuna Burger

    Subtitles or dubbing?

    How do you prefer your foreign language films? I have a strong preference for subtitles, unless the principal stars are doing their own dubbing. But I know some people find subtitles distracting. Strong opinions or strong apathy?
  8. Kahuna Burger

    "Alternate" half orc backstories.

    In a 4e forum thread on the (temporary?) elimination of half orcs in the new edition, there was a lot of focus on the assumption that all half orcs are conceived in rape and what I saw as a false dichotomy that the other option was completely civilized and integrated orcs who Farmer Bob was...
  9. Kahuna Burger

    Points of light - stable or fragile?

    Inspired belatedly by an older thread, I find myself wondering how stable folks consider a "point" in a PoL setting. That is to say, is the average settlement/village/town your PCs will encounter a besieged fort, constantly on the razor edge of falling to darkness, or is it a isolated but...
  10. Kahuna Burger

    Windtalkers assignment - an alignment thread.

    Thinking about the beginning of Windtalkers (never saw it all the way through) last night, and of course my train of thought came around to "Could/would a paladin accept an assignment like that and carry it out? What about just a garden variety Good character?" For those not familiar with the...
  11. Kahuna Burger

    Best way to subtlely remind the inlaws of my name?

    So, I'm married to Clashmore Dave, he of very rare posting here. After some discussion, neither of us changed our name upon marriage. When the Kahuna Meatball was born, we decided (again after some discussion and saying things out loud a lot) on a hyphenated last name in the order we liked. We...
  12. Kahuna Burger

    Happy Solstice!

    In just under 4 hours where I am, the longest night of the year begins. Which means, among other things, that the light situation will start getting better instead of worse. ;) So Happy New Year to the Northern hemisphere, and hoping there will be light to your longest night.
  13. Kahuna Burger

    New Hobbit film - songs or not?

    Thinking specifically of the songs that are in the book, "That's what Bilbo Baggins hates" and "15 Birds" are the two I remember, there might be more. Should they be included in the movies or left out?
  14. Kahuna Burger

    The Santa thread part 4 : Many Santas

    This is mostly for parents who "do" literal Santa or those who would : how do (would) you describe various mall Santas, charity Santas, etc? Are they Santa? Are they the real Santa's helpers? People dressed up as Santa? Even if I was into doing a literal Santa (as opposed to the "tell about...
  15. Kahuna Burger

    Six Blind Men and the Fourth Edition....

    This isn't a thread about what we think of 4e so far.... it's more about the way the info we have has been revealed. Frankly, it's annoying me. :mad: All the teasing bits of playtests, with various terms used but not explained, this or that name of a feat which might have something to do with...
  16. Kahuna Burger

    Points of light - Unpopular adventurers?

    A thought about the "points of light" setting idea - how might it effect the social status of an "adventuring group" wandering through a far flung "point"? On one hand, adventurers are capable of improving the situation of a small settlement pressed by various natural and supernatural threats...
  17. Kahuna Burger

    The Santa thread, part 3 : Responsibilities of unbelievers

    In the Santa threads I've seen on parenting boards, a common theme that emerges is "Well, you don't have to do Santa, but you better teach your kids not to ruin Santa for my kids!!!!" Now on first glance this seems like a fairly reasonable "don't dis other families' beliefs" sort of thing. But...
  18. Kahuna Burger

    Best / most common "dip" class?

    What class are you most likely to find yourself dipping into (or at least considering it / wishing the multiclassing penalties would allow it) for a character you are building primarily in a different class or multiclass? Fighter for the feat(s)? Rogue for the skills/SA? Barbarian for the speed...
  19. Kahuna Burger

    The Santa thread, Part 2 : Childhood revelations

    When did you know that there was no literal/corporeal Santa? (If you ever believed.) Do you remember finding out? Did you let your parents know or preserve the illusion for their sake? :p
  20. Kahuna Burger

    Best and worst kids shows as a parent?

    Just tried out the new Team Geotrax cartoon on the on demand menu.... IT MELTED MY BRAIN!!!!! So it got me thinking - for the parents out there who watch shows with your grade school or younger kids, what are the best and worst? (or the most and least painful, if you are loath to call any...