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Search results

  1. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E Houseruling Long Rests

    I'm thinking of running a 5E game in Greyhawk but want to houserule Long Rests as follows: A Long Rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a character sleeps or performs light activity: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 2 hours. If...
  2. scruffygrognard

    The Half-Ogre

    HALF-OGRE When an ogre mates with a human, hobgoblin, bugbear, or ore, the result is always a half-ogre. (Ogres don't mate with dwarves, halflings, or elves. They eat them.) MONSTROUS HERITAGE Human mothers rarely survive the birth of a half-ogre offspring. The half-ogre offspring of an ogre...
  3. scruffygrognard

    Greyhawk website

    Since there is no official Greyhawk support coming from WotC, I've created a site that provides info for those looking to run a game in this classic setting. If you have ideas for items to add to the site, please let me know. It would be great to spread the love for good ol'Greyhawk! Welcome...
  4. scruffygrognard

    Expert Bowman Feat

    For your Legolas or Robin Hood types... EXPERT BOWMAN Thanks to extensive practice with longbows and shortbows, you gain the following benefits: • Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged...
  5. scruffygrognard

    Vision & Light

    The description of lighting given in the PHB left me scratching my head, as I felt that the conditions for dim light and darkness were far too prevalent to warrant the associated penalties. I'm using the slightly tweaked write up below for my games: VISION AND LIGHT The most fundamental tasks...
  6. scruffygrognard

    Staten Island, NY: D&D 5th Edition Game: Looking for 1-2 players

    Our small gaming group (there are 3 of us) is looking to start up a weekly Saturday game using the 5th edition ruleset. We'd meet just about every Saturday from 1pm until 6pm or so (those times are somewhat flexible) to game. At this point we're thinking of running a game in one of the...
  7. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E Arcane Trickster/Bard

    I'm going to be playing a halfling rogue in an upcoming game and was thinking of ways to optimize him. Vanilla arcane tricksters are fine BUT I like being a skill-monkey and, for that, I was thinking of dipping into the bard class (College of Lore) for 4 levels. If we ever played to level 20...
  8. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E Jack of All Trades and Saves (?)

    The bard ability Jack of All Trade lets you apply 1/2 of your proficiency bonus on all ability checks are are not proficient with. I know that this applies to initiative checks, but what about Saving Throws?
  9. scruffygrognard

    Homebrew Campaign: The Gazetteer of Estegalle

    The World of Gaile is a campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons that I have worked on for several years. This current incarnation is adapted for use with Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, and focuses upon the eastern continent of that world... Estegalle. The setting is well-suited to using...
  10. scruffygrognard

    Kickstarter Myth & Magic Kickstarter fraud

    Tom Ryan, of New Haven Games, launched two successful Kickstarter projects for his company's Myth & Magic line of 2nd edition AD&D retroclones. The Player's Guide project is, as of now, a year and a half behind schedule with a vast majority of the project's backers still waiting to receive...
  11. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E Which version of D&D would you like 5E to resemble most? (poll version)

    Which version would you like 5th edition to resemble most? I've included quasi-editions as well, that would strive to keep the feel of a given edition but would modernized that edition by using the unified mechanics of d20 games (ascending AC, d20+bonus=skill, ability and attack rolls, etc)...
  12. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E 5th edition should most resemble?

    Please ignore and post to the "poll" version of this thread. Thanks for your patience.
  13. scruffygrognard

    D&D 5E Which version of D&D would you like 5E to resemble most?

    Which version would you like 5th edition to resemble most? I've included quasi-editions as well, that would strive to keep the feel of a given edition but would modernized that edition by using the unified mechanics of d20 games (ascending AC, d20+bonus=skill, ability and attack rolls, etc)...
  14. scruffygrognard

    What non-D&D RPGs should D&D look at for inspiration?

    I've seen threads asking if D&D should look to video games for inspiration. That made me think about other, tabletop RPGs that D&D could draw inspiration from in developing 5th edition. Some that immediately come to mind are: Feng Shui by Robin Laws: Great, cinematic combat and talent trees...
  15. scruffygrognard


    So what good gaming stuff have you gotten for Christmas (or Chanukah or whatever else you may celebrate)? So far I've gotten: Cthulhu Gloom card game Traveller: Crowded Hours adventure compilation The One Ring rpg Pathfinder Beginner Box rpg Star Trek: Expeditions boardgame Last Night on...
  16. scruffygrognard

    Animal Companion abuse (?)

    Last night I got into a heated debate with 2 of my players, because I warned them (as players of druids) against abusing their animal companions. To them, the animal companion is no more than a meat-shield or trap-setter-offer. For example: ----- The party comes upon a murky pool of water in a...
  17. scruffygrognard

    Best introductory adventure

    Hey all, I'm looking to run an intro adventure for my group this weekend and want to know what you consider to be the best, 1st-level, adventure for AD&D (or compatible with AD&D... Basic D&D, Hackmaster, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC, etc). List as many as you like... so long as they're good. Thanks!
  18. scruffygrognard

    Wild Talents v. Savage Worlds

    Hey all, My group is taking a break from D&D following a 3 year Ptolus campaign and will be using the summer to test drive new games. One campaign setting that looks really interesting is the Kerberos Club steampunk/superhero setting for either Savage Worlds or Wild Talents. If you've tried...
  19. scruffygrognard

    System burnout

    So, after playing 3.X for the last 10 years and 3.5 for the last 7 (?) years, I'm burnt out on D&D. I've tried, and failed, to dig 4th edition and have no interest in 3.X variants like Pathfinder, Conan, Iron Heroes, etc. What I'm looking to play is a simpler, more narrative/description-based...
  20. scruffygrognard

    TSR Archive dead (?)

    Anyone know what's up with the TSR Archive? I love that site and use it as a resource when searching for older products (so as to round out my collection). Yes, it is accessible through the Web Archive but that is somewhat incomplete (missing some covers for example). I hope to see it return...