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    Kickstarter Honor + Intrigue: Tome of Intriguing Options in its final hours!

    The Honor + Intrigue Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter ends in about 16 hours. For those unfamiliar, it is a major supplement for the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG adding on many rules options and alternatives, new equipment, random story and encounter tables along with dozens of...

    Kickstarter Promotion Services: Are These Legit?

    Hey, I've noticed I've been bombarded with messages lately by people saying they will bring traffic to my KS project ( http://www.tinyurl.com/IntriguingOptions if you'd like to take a look). Has anybody here ever used a service like that? If so, did it help? And if so, which one did you use? And...

    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    And it's live! The Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter has begun! In this supplement to the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG, we add an array of options for your historical campaigns as well as rules and tools to take your game to the stars or into the realms of high fantasy. And if you...

    Sale Bundle of Holding Offering the Honorable Collection

    Bundle of Holding is offering the "Honorable Collection" featuring Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG and a few supplements. If you've been waiting to pick this one up, this is what you were waiting for. If you enjoy this game and would like your friends to get in on the action, now is the...

    Kickstarter Honor + Intrigue: Tome of Intriguing Options Mailing List starting

    The next big product for Honor + Intrigue will be the Tome of Intriguing Options. We are starting a mailing list for those interested in more information when this Kickstarter launches this summer.

    Release New Undersea Adventure Module: The Sea Hag's Price available now

    Take the Heroes on adventure to a place they've likely never been before: the ocean floor! The Sea Hag's Price begins with the PCs stranded on a rocky island. How they got there is up to you (a storm sinks their ship, marooned by pirates, a sea monster attack, etc.). The only way off the...

    Adventure: The Sea Hag's Price. April 12, Discord, 4pm Pacific

    Hi, I am looking for people to playtest a swashbuckling adventure The Sea Hag's Price for Honor + Intrigue. The game will be on the Basic Action Games Discord Server for voice and I am planning to use a VTT to run combats. As of right now, it will most likely be Tabletop Simulator. For folks...

    Release Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue

    Greetings, eager intriguer! Be not beleaguered! For in these volumes we offer players and GMs an array of intriguing options to add variety, depth, and dimension to any game of Honor + Intrigue. Do not think of this as a book of rules… they’re more like… guidelines on how to adapt your campaign...

    Honor + Intrigue Campaign: In the Shadow of the Sun King

    The game is set in the Bourdeaux region of France in 1666. Louis XIV reigns as the Sun King from his new palace in Versailes. King Charles II sits on the English throne. It is an age of art and culture. It is a time of burgeoning science and shadowy superstition. It is a world of Romance and...

    BASH! Fantasy: Legends of Steel Ends November 3rd

    For Sword & Sorcery Comic Action, check out tinyurl.com/LegendOfSteel There are just a few days left in the campaign. If you are a fan of the BASH! Family of games already, or of Sword & Sorcery genre in particular, come see it. The Rule System BASH! Fantasy: Legends of Steel is an update to...

    D&D 5E Another Alternative Character Generation

    When I first started playing D&D Rules Cyclopedia, our GM had a lot of unorthodox rules for generating characters. He let us buy GURPS Advantages (paid for with Disadvantages) to help customize our characters and make them more unique. This was before "Feats" and we seemed to like this system...

    D&D 5E The Case for a Magic Item Shop?

    My character is a human, very adept in stealth, re-skinned as a ninja. Sneaking and scouting for the party is her role in the group. But recently we've been in the underdark and it looks like we're going to be there for quite some time. My main role, sneaking ahead and scouting, is now useless...

    D&D 5E Idea for SUPER Simple XP.

    So I had an idea the other day for a super simple XP system to replace the existing table and chart. The amount of XP you need to level up is equal to the next level. So if you are level 1, you need 2XP to reach level 2. If you are at level 2, you need 3XP to reach level 3, etc. You can...

    Unarmed Fighter: Brawling Style and Bruiser Martial Archetype

    I know these need some work, but this is just a starting idea for an unarmed fighter who isn't a monk. Before anybody complains about this taking the place of the Tavern Brawler feat, part of the point is that you can make a character concept (unarmed fighter who is tough and not a monk) at...

    My attempt at a Hobgoblin playable race

    Hobgoblin Traits: Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2, your Constitution score increases by 1, Age: Hobgoblins age at the same rate as humans and can live nearly a century. Alignment: Hobgoblins have a tendency to gravitate towards order (often tyrannical in nature) and...

    Talk Like a pirate, game like a pirate!

    Avast ye scurvy dogs! If ye be in search of Honor + Intrigue, she be on sale for a week in honor of those with a flair for dialogue befitting those on the account! #talklikeapirate #rpg #swashbuckling http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=33105 This game be an ENnie Judges' Choice...

    D&D 5E The Barbarian has been Nerfed YET AGAIN. Where is Thick Hide?

    I noticed this playtest pack seems to have had 2 goals. #1 Heap the fighter with tons and tons of class benefits, ability score bonuses/feats, etc. #2 Strip as many from the barbarian as possible. I don't have an issue with #1; I like fighters being strong and competent characters. But I am...

    Kickstarter BASH! Ultimate Edition Awesome Powers Kickstarter is on it's LAST DAY! Last Day to get in on the Awesome Powers Action!

    BASH! Ultimate Edition Awesome Powers Kickstarter is on it's LAST DAY! Last Day to get in on the Awesome Powers Action! We've Currently reached the 40 Power Suites Stretch Goal! In Print and PDF! 1 Day Left to Go! Next is the $3500 Goal = Unique Cover for Print, Extra volume for PDF-only...

    Kickstarter BASH! Awesome Powers Kickstarter Updates

    The BASH! Awesome Powers Kickstarter is still going strong! It's a sprint into the final two weeks! By request, unlimited tiers for physical books have opened up. See the "Second Chance" $40 Tier and the "Second CHance to Double The Power" $60 Tier. Also $30 "Need BASH? Get BASH!" tier is...

    Kickstarter BASH! Awesome Powers Kickstarter has launched!

    http://youtu.be/GRglmFohR2E Basic Action Games has launched a BASH! Awesome Powers Power Suites Kickstarter Project. Now that Awesome Powers Volume 1 is out, we are looking to fund future volumes. We decided to leave which new volumes would be released first up to you! For those...