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  1. J

    [The One Ring] The Marsh Bell

    Part 1: Where Noisome Waters Flow The Long Lake stretches away southward to merge into the horizon, grey against a grey sky. A few buildings cluster on the shore near the mouth of the rushing river which flows down from Dale and the Lonely Mountain to the north, but most of the light and music...
  2. J

    [The One Ring] The Marsh Bell: Character Creation

    Setting: Five years ago, two momentous events shook the lands east of the Misty Mountains: Bard the Bowman slew the great dragon Smaug, allowing the dwarves of the Iron Hills to reclaim their ancient halls beneath the Lonely Mountain; and a council of the Wise at last united to drive the foul...
  3. J

    Recruiting: The One Ring

    I just picked up The One Ring, the new Lord of the Rings RPG, and I think it'd be a good fit for PbP gaming. I'd like to try running the sample adventure, The Marsh Bell. No knowledge of the system needed - I can explain the rules as we go along. I'm thinking of starting with group character...
  4. J

    [Adventure] Artemis' Pact

    "Stargazer Hill", as 7 Rabbit has dubbed it, is a moss-covered mound of stone thrusting out of the forest floor. The trees encircle it at a safe distance, too far back and too regularly to be natural. There is a tingle in the air, as if this place was once used for ancient rites and echoes of...
  5. J

    Critique my manscorpions

    I just created my first monster with the Adventure Tools! But I have a notoriously poor feel for balance, so I'm wondering if I went overboard on anything, or left something as more of a pushover than I expect. Do these look level-appropriate? Note: the PC's have no major necrotic or radiant...
  6. J

    Proposal: Repeal house rules obsoleted by errata

    This is a list of the amended and banned items that I think are unambiguously fixed by the errata. (My assumption is that if we and Wizards fixed the same problem in different ways, we should just use their fix because it's less confusing.) There are a couple other things which are a judgement...
  7. J

    Skill challenges

    I'm reading through all the adventure threads, and I keep seeing DM's post skill challenges using the old numbers. "X successes before 2 failures," things like that, instead of always needing 3 failures. I have a question for all these DM's: Why are you doing this? Do people not know about...
  8. J

    Explain Shake the Earth to me

    "Shake the Earth", from the Earth Shaker PP from Primal Power, says: Close burst 4 Target: Each enemy in burst Special: Solid obstacles do not black line of effect for the burst Hit: damage + If the target is burrowing, you slide it 4 squares to the square nearest to it that is within your line...
  9. J

    D&D 4E WFRP careers in 4E

    I love WFRP's career system, but last time I tried to play it I found combat devolving into "I attack / you attack" - this is why I picked up 4E, I find I need its structure to keep fights interesting. (I understand lots of people don't need that, it's a mental block of mine I guess.) So I'd...
  10. J

    Discussion: More "stealth" errata

    I just discovered that articles appearing in Dragon Magazine Annual have changes compared to the full-issue versions. Namely, Reaper's Touch is now listed as Shadar-Kai only (ha! Vindicated!) So now we have changes made between the original article-only PDF's and the full-issue PDF's (which...
  11. J

    Proposal: Allow articles that were banned due to one feat or item

    Ok, one more, then hopefully the glut of proposals will stop forever! There are a bunch of articles which we banned because of individual elements, in keeping with the old "don't include anything unless somebody asks for it" philosophy. This doesn't make much sense with the new "include...
  12. J

    Proposal: Officially ban FR-style backgrounds

    We've had an unofficial policy that we only allow two types of backgrounds: our official regional benefits, and PHB2 style backgrounds (meaning, backgrounds which give a list of skills and optionally languages, and the player has the option of: gaining a +2 untyped bonus to one of the skills...
  13. J

    Proposal: 4 minor amendments to clean up

    I've posted a draft of the new list of allowed material here: here There are a couple of things that stand out that are banned or amended that probably shouldn't be. So I propose: 1. Remove the amendment on Icy Sweep, from Dragon 367. Rationale: The amendment is: "When sliding a creature...
  14. J

    Proposal: Give me some DM credits

    7 Rabbit (level 2) is about to join a party that's mostly level 3 with one level 4. It would be convenient for him to level first. If I cash in all my DM credits, 7 Rabbit will have 1932 XP, 318 short for Level 3. At 104 xp/credit, I need 4 more to get him to level 3. Last time I awarded XP...
  15. J

    Proposal: Repeal the house rule on Icy Sweep

    When we were voting on Dragon 367, I suggested an amendment to the Icy Sweep swordmage power, which says that you can slide an enemy to be adjacent to you. My problem was that, as written, this would let you slide him in a spiral, or back and forth across the battlefield, to hit as many traps...
  16. J

    Proposal: Fix the proposal system

    Every time somebody makes a proposal with one small contentious element, we debate it for a while and then everyone stops posting and the thread falls off the front page. Meanwhile all the non-contentious parts could have passed easily. The worst example is the Minotaur article, but it's...
  17. J

    Proposal: Dragon 369 except for Diabolic Stratagem and Minotaur

    Reposting this in a separate thread, since the other one got derailed by Minotaur talk. This proposal covers all of Dragon 369, except for the Minotaur article, which is contentious, and Diabolic Stratagem, which is the one Tomalak was waiting for so I proposed it separately so it could be...
  18. J

    Proposal: Dragon 369: Diabolic Stratagem

    I thought I would move this to its own thread since the other one was derailed by Minotaur talk, and Tomalak is probably getting pretty antsy. I have no problem with this power: like he said, it's like Hammer & Anvil, except instead of giving one ally a free attack with a damage bonus, it gives...
  19. J

    Proposal: Let judges vote on their own proposals

    Quite often I see somebody toss off an idea in another thread and think, "That's a good idea. Somebody should turn that into a full proposal." But then I remember that if I were to propose it myself, I couldn't vote, so I don't bother. In a lot of these cases, I'm just interested in the idea...
  20. J

    Fey Death and Misty Step

    Dragon 373 has a feat, Fey Death: So if a fey pact warlock with this feat reduces a cursed enemy to 0, do they now get to teleport twice (3 squares, then 5 squares, or vice versa, for a total of 8 squares touching down once in the middle)? Or do they have to choose one of the two teleport...