• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. The Forsaken One

    Homebrewed spells, monsters and PrCs [Updated 9 okt: Some new spells and one monster]

    Spells, PrC's and monsters! I was reading Cheiros thread again about some of his brainstorming and homebrewed stuff and I felt the urge again to translate and clean up some of my things and give them a chance to get reviewed here by the people that feel like checking them out. Some spells have...
  2. The Forsaken One

    Need some new Anime to watch!

    Last 7 months I've been watching some Anime and I've run out of my supply last night so I need some new stuff to feed my entertainment desire :] I've seen: Ghost in the Shell Spirited Away Vampire Hunter D Ninja Scroll Princess Mononoke as movies, this obviously leaves Ghost of the Shell 2...
  3. The Forsaken One

    Neo Genesis Evangelion

    I just watched the last episode, End of Evangelion.... and I must say I dont know what I'm feeling. Watched it alone in a dark room with noone or nothing around and when it was over I just sat there and now 2 hours later find myself here trying to figure out what I just saw and how I think and...
  4. The Forsaken One

    Happy Newyear everyone!

    For some it's a bit late but not for us Europeans, The best of wishes to you all!
  5. The Forsaken One

    What made me post this Link?:D

    What is it on this particular website that made me post it here in general :D http://www.battle.net/war3/maps/war3xbonusmaps.shtml God I love Blizzard entertainment even more now :D
  6. The Forsaken One

    What is YOUR favorite Film/Series music/Soundtrack?

    I've been skimming my mp3 and cd collection the whole morning in the hopes to compose some list to calm my ever uneasy mind while I'm studying for a big exam tomorrow and when I reached the John Williams section of my collection the question just popped into my mind :) My favorite was not...
  7. The Forsaken One

    Unique Demons of Aryth

    I've been doing some work on unique demons from the world of Aryth (from the Midnight setting) and I thought I could post them here as well and not just on the againsttheshadow forums. So in the next 4 posts I'll post some of them. I've got 7 more orso but I'll save them for some other time...
  8. The Forsaken One

    The Wall Domain

    I need the wall domain from PC's game.
  9. The Forsaken One

    New Gnome news from all over the world!

    Free all oppressed Gnomes now! Join the cause! Not everyone seems to take a linking in Gnomes! They breed like rabbits, just check this family! Gnomish charms at work? Or Evil Gnomish domination magic.... Gnomes abducted, rescued and now in police protective custody! And an original...
  10. The Forsaken One

    Darkness... [The Mod..]

    That new avatar of yours, for crying out loud! :D
  11. The Forsaken One

    NOTE: Back

    Have been away for a weekend due to the fact that my brother had an accident. He's in the hospital, that and my girlfriend really really needed me due to personal reasons this weekend have kinda eaten my time. I promissed to post and update last thursday evening but one phonecall from my...
  12. The Forsaken One

    To everyone who plays in my games or in whose games I play...

    I've been ill for the last few months (extremely tired and nauseous the whole day) and I was chronically ill already and that's playing up again so I spend all the time I can spare away from university in bed or taking a hot bath. So sorry but I'm refraining to some sporadic posting and I...
  13. The Forsaken One

    [CoC][Humor] If anyone wants to have a good Mythos laugh :p

    Here's some stuff :p ----- Cultists Guide A proud product of Occultech Publishing Introduction The world is a huge and wonderful place, filled with more mysteries than you can imagine. In fact, don't even try to imagine them. You can't and trying only makes you a candidate for a white...
  14. The Forsaken One

    [A.I.M.] Deadly Games [PG - 17]

    Somewhere along the western coast of South America Luxe villa/covert A.I.M. deployment facility Operation Taurus 7pm A gust of wind blows up the sand arround you while the roaring sound of a helicopter rings your ears. With narrowed eyes you all peer over your dust covers before your faces and...
  15. The Forsaken One

    A.I.M. Members list [Post your Mercenary now for a 100% freestyle game!]

    I'll be running one shots from now on and among them will be mercenary games. Single missions, averaging between very hard and very easy. After the mission I'll re-recruit for a new game or maybe launch another merc game. It depends. I'd like as much people as possible to put in a character...
  16. The Forsaken One

    TFO's One Shots! Take 1, A.I.M. Mercenary Game (IC thread now open)

    Seeing that long term games don't really seem to last here I'm gonna run one shot games besides my PbP campaign at the moment. So dedication won't last for too long and after one mission it's over and I'll start recruiting again. Possibly for a whole other type of game. I'm starting...
  17. The Forsaken One

    [CoC] Nocturnum -- Part I - Chapter 2 The Madness of the Twilight Queen

    The room is Dark, lit only by a Bunsen burner. An acrid chemical tang drifts amidst the odor of unwashed flesh. For six days now the young man has worked here alone, without sleeping or eating. For six days he has been working, and now the experiment is complete. All that's left... is to test...
  18. The Forsaken One

    Anyone here who reads my Nocturnum game?

    Just curious, looking at the number of times someone looked at the thread I'm curious if anyone other then my players is reading it and keeping up with how it devellops?
  19. The Forsaken One

    Middle earth online strat. game! (Time killer)

    Come join and war with us! Huzzah! Orcs rule! It's a nice time killer for at work or at university when you've got nothing else to do. A friend asked me to join up and it's fun! ALot of people on these boards have joined up as well! Come and share in the fun! For the Horde! HOEAAHH!!
  20. The Forsaken One

    O' Creamy one, a question

    The map maker you use, where can I lay my hands on it?