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Search results

  1. Vaxalon

    VA - Chantilly- Oathbound/Wildwood FTF game

    Okay, here we go. Attention! I'm looking for four players for a DnD game, to be held at the Game Parlor in Chantilly, VA. We'll be playing in the evening, either every other saturday or every other sunday, starting mid-January. We'll be playing an adventure I'm writing for publication...
  2. Vaxalon

    [IRC] Seeking 2 or 3 players for new campaign

    The PC's are members of the Royal Irregular Guard, composed mainly of "adventurer" types. They do all kinds of "special" missions for the Crown, and have something of a "three musketeers" reputation. The PC's have been commanded to transport one of the King's younger princesses, Amtienne, from...
  3. Vaxalon

    Key concept

    I'll generalize that further. Roleplayers want their characters to matter. This is the real danger of the munchkin; they can cause other player-characters to NOT MATTER. This is the real danger of the DM's pet NPC. I'm adding this question to my PC questionnaire: Why does your PC matter...
  4. Vaxalon

    Biodroids, and Graveyard Greg

    Separated at birth? Biodroid Graveyard Greg
  5. Vaxalon

    Where do good dragons get the treasure they hoard?

    Where do good dragons get their treasure? A proud dragon would never hire himself out. Do they do what adventurers do, and seek out evil things and take theirs?
  6. Vaxalon

    My Paladin's Code

    With some help from NiTessine, I made up a paladin's code for my character in his Eberron game: "I wield not the Sword when the Fist will do. I wield not the Fist when the Word will do. I wield not the Word when Silence will do. I wield them in the defense of my Faith. I wield them in the...
  7. Vaxalon

    Why I won't be using DriveThruRPG.

    It's a fairly simple calculation. I work on too many computers. I have two computers at home, and a laptop, plus I occasionally work at my desktop at work when things are slow. This means that I have CD's with my PDF's, and bring them where I'm working. I keep my manuscripts in an online...
  8. Vaxalon

    IRC: Oathbound

    I am going to download the Oathbound PDF, but only if I'm going to use it. I want to see at least four postings here, with a list of evenings that you can play, 8pm to midnight, eastern time. The game will be in IRC, psionics server. Exact nature of the game will depend on the players who...
  9. Vaxalon

    Elements of Magic IRC game seeks more players

    My game, Deshabul, is seeking two or three more players. We have two solid regulars who show up every week. Our house rules include: Class defense bonus, Elements of Magic Revised, Vitality points We are using several alternate classes. Most house rules are available for free online; links...
  10. Vaxalon

    Bruno the Bandit violates a WotC copyright

    http://www.brunothebandit.com/d/20040519.html I don't see any license announcement there. I'm curious to see what happens with this.
  11. Vaxalon

    Elements of Magic

    How would you use Elements of Magic to accomplish the following spells: Alarm Fire Trap Magic Mouth Symbol I can't seem to find any way of accomplishing those things.
  12. Vaxalon

    IRC: Swashbuckling adult game starting soon

    I will shortly (within a month or so) be starting an IRC game on the psionics server. I am looking for four to six mature adults (18+) for players. What do I mean by "mature"? I am referring to people who can deal with adult subjects such as love, sex, and death without getting peurile. Why...
  13. Vaxalon

    Can you get work as a roleplayer?

    Seems it may be possible... FBI hires roleplayers RAMCOR SERVICE GROUP gets the award
  14. Vaxalon

    What happened to RPGprofiler?

    Does anyone have any news about rpgprofiler? I can't get through to it.
  15. Vaxalon

    On the value of Realism...

  16. Vaxalon

    Nasty trick - will it work?

    Okay, I just thought of a nasty trick, tell me if you think it'll work. Sorceror starts to cast Fireball. Enemy readies an action to cast a wall spell 10' in front of the fireball caster just before he releases it. Fireball impacts wall, roasts caster.
  17. Vaxalon

    [IRC] Another try at Farscape

    I'm going to try running another game of Farscape, starting in January. Anyone interested, please email me.
  18. Vaxalon

    Lightning Press

    Okay, I've got an idea. It would require a partnership between PDF publishers, game stores, and print shops. Here's how the process works. The customer is at the game store, and sees a kiosk for this service... basically, it's a computer with a CD-rom full of PDF documents. This computer...
  19. Vaxalon

    Readying actions "out of combat"

    I allow my characters to ready actions at any time... PC's and NPC's both. It's not 'out of combat' though... As soon as anyone readies an action, I go to "combat time".... counting off rounds, letting people do things only on their turn, etc. Readying the action is basically their first...
  20. Vaxalon

    Athasi from Goodman's "Underdark Adventure Guide"

    Is it me, or are these guys intended as an OGL replacement for the lost Mind Flayers? They're even described as looking something like "Flayers of the Mind".