• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    Book Imp question

    So the Book Imp familiar can be turned invisible until the end of your next turn as a free action. Does that essentially mean that it can be kept invisible constantly, as long as you continue to use free actions to do it? Or would it have to reappear before you can disappear it again?
  2. C

    What is a book imp?

    Is it an animated floating book? An imp holding a book? If I'm not mistaken, it's only "active" ability is to be able to go invisible. Can it do anything other than be not visible? I know it gives bonuses to Arcana and History, resistance to fire and ability to speak Supernal. Good stuff.
  3. C

    Dwarven Weapon Training--ALL axes??

    Does Dwarven Weapon Training give proficiency with ALL axes and hammers, including superior weapons like execution axe, mordenkrad ... and even the axe end of the ugrosh? Likewise would Eladrin Soldier give proficiency with the greatspear? The text of the feats suggests that all weapons of the...
  4. C

    What was your favorite 1e/2e magic item?

    What one item has the most nostalgia for you as you think back on early editions of D&D?
  5. C

    Stunning Fist

    Stunning Fist says the enemy is stunned until just before your next action. So, does that mean when your turn comes around again, he has his Dex bonus to AC back already and you don't get to take advantage of his lowered AC?
  6. C

    Star Wars Force Point question

    Can I use a force point on a check that represents activity that takes more than a round? On a Craft check, for example? The reason I ask is that the phrasing of the rules applies best to checks that occur in one round, although they do not specifically state that it has to be. Also, can I...
  7. C

    Feats for Intelligent characters?

    Other than Combat Expertise and Meta-Magic feats, are there any others out there that allow a character to capitalize on a high Intelligence score? I'm specifically looking for feats for characters other than wizards. I heard of one called "Cantrip" that allows you to cast one cantrip a day...
  8. C

    Bark armor

    Anyone know where I could find information about bark armor (or leaf armor). Is it light armor? What's the bonus? etc. I'm cooking up a new character, and something bark-ish or leafy would be better in terms of fluff than standard stuff.
  9. C

    Why can't rogues use saps?

    Didn't rogues have proficiency with saps in 3.0? What gives? (If this has already been discussed --I'm sure it has-- would someone point me to the thread?)
  10. C

    Druidish wizard?

    I want to create a druid-like wizard. I'll start with some of the options in Unearthed Arcana: swapping the familiar for an animal companion, and possibly using the Domain Wizard option to emphasize nature and/or elemental spells. Where should I go after that? Are there any prestige...
  11. C

    Manyshot, your opinion ...

    I don't much like the Manyshot feat. I'm fine with unrealistic, if it involves magic, but for certain things I like some degree of realism and this doesn't seem realistic. Am I right about that? Wouldn't it have been easier just to have a feat that enables an archer to do extra damage by...
  12. C

    Gnomes, skin color of

    The PHB says the skin color of gnomes ranges from dark tan to woody brown. Is anyone surprised by that? I was. To me, that sounds like the caramel skin tone of lighter-skinned african americans. Is that accurate? Is this standard for most campaign settings?
  13. C

    What familiar should I choose, and why?

    What are the special advantages of different familiars? I'm not asking about their bonuses and abilities. (I can look that up myself). What I am asking about is why some of those abilities would be especially advantageous. For example, a raven can talk, but is that ever very useful? A bat...
  14. C

    Best way you've ever spent 100 gp?

    What was the best, most creative way you've ever spent 100 gp? Assume you have a fairly well equipped character already.
  15. C

    Messenger birds?

    In the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, they use ravens for long-distance communication, rather like messenger pigeons. I like the idea. Is it realistic (not that it has to be) for ravens to be trained for that purpose? In D&D, how much would it cost to buy a trained raven...
  16. C

    Uses for the Profession skill(s)

    Supposedly Profession skills can be useful in ways beyond simply earning an income. (What adventurer wants to just sit around and work for a living?!) So, I was wondering what (if any) useful purposes people have come up with. Specifically, I am trying to come up with something called...
  17. C

    Natural Weapons, Hybrid form, AND TWF

    I'm sure this has been discussed on these boards somewhere before, but ... If you've got a lycanthrope character in hybrid form, you can either get two claw attacks (primary) and a bite attack (secondary) OR you can attack with a weapon (primary) and a bite attack (secondary). Okay, so could...
  18. C

    Shield bash, a proficiency question

    First of all, are there penalties that apply when using a shield as a weapon? The rules call it an "off-hand" attack? Does that really mean anything, or is it just extra verbage? Secondly, if I use the weapon group feats variant from Unearthed Arcana, can a character ever be proficient with...
  19. C

    Power points for non-psionic pcs?

    In Eberron, the Kalashtar race gets psionic power points even if they don't take a level in any psionic class. What advantages or uses might this have? If there's anything cool I could do with it, I might just decide to play a Kalashtar.