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Search results

  1. L

    OSR Looking for a set of OSR rules with more (more granular) combat options?

    One feedback I get from my group with most D&D variants (excepting 4E) is the lack of options they feel their characters have in combat "I roll to hit, next" so to speak .... There are so many OSR variants out there now I'm wondering which might give a "richer tactical challenge" "out of the...
  2. L

    Introducing gridded encounters/combat into 13th Age?

    Has anybody tried this, any tips or issues encountered ? I'm looking for to create a "more like D&D 4E" combat style and the 13th Age distance/area abstraction mechanic doesn't appeal to me...
  3. L

    Spelljammer "fleet action" STLs?

    I'm faintly surprised given the explosion of 3D- printing that there aren't more options for printing spacecraft of a type suitable for Spelljammer style space battles? I've seen a few (generally quite expensive & for my needs overly detailed) STLs for craft suitable for 15 or 28mm figures but...
  4. L

    The Weaver and the Slake Moth...

    I was always struck, when reading Perdido Street Station, by the description of the combat between these two entities and how they strove to damage each other on several different dimensional planes at the same time (or similar) I forget the exact wording... I was (and still am) keen to reflect...
  5. L

    Thousand Thrones: Your Experiences? (Here there be Spoilers, Probably)

    I'm running this by Skype and maptools; we're now into chapter four and despite significant potential to become de-railed it's so far all going quite smoothly, this can't surely continue and I was wondering, with 6.5 chapters still to go, who else has played in or run this epic, how far they...
  6. L

    Random Tables for Dungeon Dressing - Bits

    I'm something of a sucker for this kind of thing, random tables of small items etc. to embelish an empty room, an orc's possessions or maybe to bait a trap. I thought perhaps it would be interesting to try and create a communial one here; the idea being that each person would grab the next...
  7. L

    Spoiler, and question for Thunderspire labyrinth....

    Ok the party I'm GMimg for are close to finishing KotSF and we all seem to be enjoying getting back into D&D after having skipped editions 3 and 3.5... and I reckon we'll carry on through the series>>> But my players are quite smart and a question that's bound to arise is on the economics of...
  8. L


    Is it OK to post a question regards a scenario? Given this might give players clues should they read the post??