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  1. R

    Adverts blocking smilies

    I am not sure if it is just me, but when I attempt to reply to a post, I notice that the advertisement for community supporter subscriptions lays right over my smilie list, leaving me unable to click on any of them. I can still access them by pressing ctrl - (thus decreasing the size of the...
  2. R

    Wotc takes on ... Optimization?!?

    Probably old news to you vets here, but just saw this a while ago. Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Product (D&D Player's Strategy Guide) The excerpt suggests that this is an optimization guide of sorts. Seriously? Wotc trying to tell us how to build better characters...
  3. R

    D&D 4E Do full attacks have no place in 4e?

    I suppose this may seem a little hypocritical, given that in the 3e boards, I was just criticizing a weakness of melee classes being that they were too dependent on the full attack option for the majority of their damage output, and that moving compromised their damage too much. In the same...
  4. R

    When is metagaming too much as a DM?

    Just curious - as a DM, were there ever situations where you felt that having full and perfect knowledge of everything in the game was more of a burden/hindrance than a boon? Before you defend by saying "I am the DM. It is my job to know everything that is going on.", let me elaborate. Let me...
  5. R

    Rapid blitz + natural weapons

    How do the bounding assault/rapid blitz feats from PHB2 interact with natural attacks? Normally, you do not get iterative attacks with them however high your bab may be. But the wording of the aforementioned feats seems to suggest that their benefits are independent of the extra attacks granted...
  6. R

    What motivated you to purchase splatbooks for 3e?

    Admitably, this thread was inspired by another discussion on just what wotc meant when they claimed that "Everything is core" with regards to 4e material. One of the reasons theorized is that it is a marketing gimmick aimed at removing players/DM's traditional resistance to any splatbook outside...
  7. R

    Odd combo from martial power I need help verifying...

    Forked from the gleemax forums. ?????
  8. R

    Query about final confrontation

    This is with regards to the frenzied berserker's capstone ability, final confrontation in the barb playtest article. Lets be honest with ourselves. While the entry does state "target chooses", in reality, it is the DM who decides whether the monster opts to make the extra attacks. This makes...
  9. R

    Reduced item creation costs - any issues?

    Adventurer's Vault has this new item called the ritualist ring, which halves item creation costs. One little issue is that item creation rituals are, as their name suggests, also rituals, so this suggests that said item does effectively allow you to craft magic eq at 1/2 price. While mulling...
  10. R

    How do action points encourage me to take on more encounters?

    This was raised on the gleemax boards, and while it really is a minor, inconsequential matter, it just kept nagging at the back of my head, and so I decided to post it here for more feedback. On pg 118 of the DMG, there is this line. How or why exactly is this the case? You lose all action...
  11. R

    How to increase font size?

    The font size for enworld has suddenly become very small. How do I increase it? Apologies if this has already been covered somewhere else, but I have tried searching and could not find a solution. Thanks.:)
  12. R

    Literal reading vs common sense - which should take precedence?

    By now, it should come as no small surprise that there are quite a variety of situations in 4e which clearly offend our established standards of "common sense". For example, some DMs have been known to balk at the idea of a small-sized halfling rogue forcibly shifting a gargantuan foe such as...
  13. R

    Problems with this forum?

    I am not sure if it is just me, but ever since Enworld was upgraded, I seem to be running into "unable to load enworld page" error message issues ever so often (4-6 times / day). Likewise, the pages seems to lag real bad, it sometimes takes me forever to load a new thread. Anyone else...
  14. R

    Help with interpretation on some rules.

    http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1033.msg25690;boardseen#new I cannot claim credit for this, as it was conceptualized by other players, but I though I would repost it here so that it can get more coverage and hopefully, you can all help me determine if it does work or...
  15. R

    Arcane replenishment - can use daily power again?

    The artificer's arcane replenishment ability lets you recharge a magic item's daily power. What I would like to know is if this allows me to ignore the general limitation that I may only activate an item's daily power once a day until I have taken an extended rest? On page 226 of the PHB, it...