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  1. D

    D&D 5E Warhammer Chaos Gods to DnD Demon Lords

    For my low(er) magic DnD campaign I’m converting Warhammer scenarios to DnD. What do you think it’s a good “stand in” among the main DnD Demon Lords for the Chaos Gods? At the moment I was thinking to go for this: Slaneesh = Grazzt Nurgle = Juiblex Khorne = Baphomet Tzeench = Orcus any opinions?
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    D&D 5E Adventuring Day XP - asking for an opinion

    I was (finally) reading a bit on adventuring day and XP in the DMG, and I decided to prepare a few encounters for my party Do you think this would be too challenging? PS: I ignored the multiplier based on the number of monsters for each encounters, since it gives me a big headache ... Party...
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    D&D 5E Astral Wars: A New Hope

    Did the title give it away? I'm planning a new campaign, and I'd like to do a mix of Planescape and Spelljammer (super original, I know). But I would also like to have the Multiverse of DnD work a bit like a "galactic empire". Basically, planar travel would be something that the average Joe...
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    D&D 5E Help with "title" for a campaign

    I'm planning a multi-season campaign in Eberron, each season will be 10 sessions, and will have a different theme. The overarching plot is "The Second War of the Mark". Basically there's 13 villains with aberrant marks themed like the 13 planes of Eberron, and they will be creating havoc in...
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    Help me remember the name of this third-party DnD setting, please!

    I think it was the 3.5 era, there was this setting where the PCs are a team of Super Stars participating in some kind of global "pro-adventurers league". They go into dungeons, but their whole adventure is "filmed" or something, so that viewers can follow. I just can't remember the name...
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    D&D 5E Downtime Activity: Fighting Crime

    We're currently playing a Campaign in Sharn (The Sharn Archives), one of our players is "the Owl", a monk/rogue vigilante. He asked me to create a new Downtime Acitvity for him, to simulate his efforts to fight crime in Sharn. This is what I came up with. Constructive criticism is welcome...
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    D&D 5E [5e] Party based on classic horror monsters

    We're planning a Ravenloft Campaign, and each players wants to create a character "inspired" by a classic horror monster. How would you "build" such a character? Some ideas we had: Werewolf = Shifter Barbarian (or Ranger); Vampire = Shadar-kai something... not sure; Witch = human (or...
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    D&D 5E [5e] Spell - Reincarnate - Can the "piece" be harvested BEFORE I die?

    The spells mentions "You touch a dead humanoid or a piece of a dead humanoid." Can I harvest the "piece" in advance (say, a tooth) while I'm still alive, and then cast Reincarnate on the tooth? I've recently been disintegrated, and there's no "pieces" left of my dead humanoid body... But...
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    Best game for a SoA-inspired campaign? Published scenarios required!

    I've recently binge-watched "Sons of Anarchy", and now I feel the need to GM a group of bikers going around doing terrible things for street-cred. What game do you think would be best to recreate the SoA feel? What is REALLY important is that I need a game with a lot of published scenarios...
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    Your favourite D&D aquatic adventure

    PCs in our Spelljammer campaign are about to visit the planet Karpri in Realmsphere (basically a water-world). Let's assume I have access to all scenarios ever published for D&D (any edition, including Dungeon magazines). Which aquatic adventure did you enjoy the most? Edition is not...
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    D&D 5E Help with handling a ship's crew

    Currently DMing a Spelljammer campaign, my players have a ship crewed by 60 sailors. They pay each sailor 2 gp / day, for the days that they're "at sea" (in space). When they get back to home-port (Rock of Bral) they disband them, and call them back when they have to sail again. There's two...
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    D&D 5E [Spoilers] Out of the Abyss - Graz'zt tactics

    I'm DMing Out of the Abyss with a "little" twist. Basically the party TPKed outside of Manthol-Derith, and we decided to get our Tyranny of Dragons party out of retirement, and tackle the rest of OotA with them. So, the party is lvl 16 (4 players = fighter, cleric, rogue, wizard, all dwarves)...
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    D&D 5E For honor. How would you do it?

    What options would you allow in a campaign inspired by the video game "For Honor"? races,human only, maybe create some additional rule for each culture. So far I'm thinking: Barbarian (frenzy only; maybe allow battlerager) Fighter (battlemaster, banneret, champion) Monk (open hand only) Rogue...
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    D&D 5E Hermits, tell me about your discovery!

    F e a t u r e : D i s c o v e r y The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the...
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    D&D 5E Astral Dreadnought

    I needed one for my next game, and couldn't find one on the interwebz. so I made my own. Astral Dreadnought Gargantuan fiend, chaotic neutral AC 20 (natural armor) Hit Points 20d20+200 (410) Speed Fly 180 ft. Str 30 (+10), Dex 7 (-2), Con 30 (+10) Int 5 (-3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 18 (+4)...
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    D&D 5E Reactions

    can a Rogue use Uncanny Dodge (reaction) to halve the damage taken by a shocking grasp (cannot take reactions)?
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    D&D 5E Hvy Armor Master + Blade Ward: how do they interact?

    Hvy Armor Master = suffer 3 less damage from nonmagical weapon attacks Blade Ward = resistance (1/2 damage) to weapon attacks Which one applies first? example: I get hit for 16 points of damage A) only the best applies (I suffer 8 damage) B) first HAM, then BW (I suffer 6.5 damage) C) first...
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    Looking for an old art thread

    On the old Wizards' forum there was a thread where people would post pcitures to be "modified", and someone else would give a shot and modify the pictures. ike "can you put the head of orc from picture A on the armor of Paladin from picture B?" Did that survive, somewhere, somehow?
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    [D&D 5e] Which Domains do you think are fitting for this homebrew god?

    Aonar Through sacrifice, opportunity Titles: the Harvester of the gods, The bloodied axe Portfolio: Sacrifice, performing a harsh but necessary deed, hardship, facing conflict or challenges and overcoming them. Collecting the due owed to the gods. The peasant toils hard to work the fields and...
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    Birthright Blood Abilities as Feats

    For those of you that know the Birthright Campaign Setting, this would probably make more sense. I DMed a Birthright campaign using the 5e ruleset, and a little conversion I did myself. Blood Abilities are gained by heroes when they reach a certain amount of Blood Strength (points). At each...