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Search results

  1. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E How can I make an ancient language fun?

    So I want to have an "ancient language" in my upcoming game that players can gradually learn. It's a dead language, so I am not going to allow them to choose it as a bonus language or drop a single skill point into it and gain total mastery of it. Also, since nobody alive understands it, it...
  2. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E How would you defend an airship?

    Our party has recently refurbished an airship, and I'm concerned that--given that we have rich and powerful organizations among our enemies--it's only a matter of time before we encounter enemy airships and have to deal with them. I know there won't be much in the way of actual airship defenses...
  3. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E Let's talk Magus!

    So in our group's current campaign, a modified Eberron, I'm playing a non-archtyped magus who just hit 4th-level. I have to admit the road up to this point has been harsh, with me mostly taking a backseat to the group's large-sized reach-focused strength-built monk. He hits anything that moves...
  4. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E Bonus languages and int

    If you increase your intelligence bonus post-character creation, does that give you another bonus language?
  5. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E The dex-based fighter, how does he fare?

    Does anyone have experience in the mid- to high-levels with a dex-based fighter? I'm wondering how he would stack up against a traditional str/greatsword fighter. It seems like he may wind up falling behind due to the higher feat requirement to get dex to work? Also I'd be interested in...
  6. Lord Pendragon

    Pathfinder 1E How does the magus perform at high levels?

    Has anyone seen the magus in play at high levels? Our group is looking to start a new campaign soon, and Pathfinder seems to be the system we're going with, in part because our longest-running campaign up to this point (2+ years) was 3.5. I'm enough of a powergamer to be irked if I'm not at...
  7. Lord Pendragon

    Multiclassing into Barbarian

    If a PC multiclasses into Barbarian and then pays to swap one of their powers for a barbarian power with the Rage keyword, do they gain the benefits of the barbarian rage granted by the power?
  8. Lord Pendragon

    Question about the Character Builder.

    Heyo folks, So, after trying the demo, I am in love with the Wizards character builder, and have just slapped down the 8 bucks to play with the full version. So far I'm loving it every bit as much as I thought I would. However, I'm having a bit of trouble with the house rule features. I'm...
  9. Lord Pendragon

    Modeling the Duel as a Skill Challenge

    I'm considering starting up a campaign soon in which I'd like duels between individual warriors to play a significant roll. Having kept up with the running commentary on PCat's game, I am now thinking perhaps a skill challenge might be a fun way to run duels, so that the other members of the...
  10. Lord Pendragon

    What are the good multiclass options for a ranger?

    Heyo folks. A bit of background on my character: Fundamentally, he's a ranger in a 4e game, set in the Iron Kingdoms. The concept is a bit unusual. I wanted to play a young boy in control of a steam jack. After a lot of wrangling, I decided to model it by using a beastmaster ranger. The...
  11. Lord Pendragon

    The redefinition of feats.

    I play 4e exclusively these days. I played 3.x for several years, 1st-level to 20th. The following thread isn't meant as an attack of either edition, but rather a discussion of the evolution of a game mechanic, namely, the feat, and the positive/negative aspects of such. Recently I was...
  12. Lord Pendragon

    How does one play a beastmaster Ranger?

    Heyo folks, I'm playing in a game currently where my character is mechanically a beastmaster hunter. So far, it appears that particular powers aside, the beast's role is mainly to provide flanking to its master. Am I missing something, or is this essentially correct?
  13. Lord Pendragon

    Armor Specialization (Plate)

    Is there an identifiable reason why this is the only Armor Specialization without an additional bonus other than +1 to AC? Each of the others either lowers the armor check or speed penalty, along with the +1...?
  14. Lord Pendragon

    Combat Anticipation

    Nevermind. Silly me. >.>
  15. Lord Pendragon

    What is the "expertise problem"?

    I've been browsing the boards a bit once again, having started playing the new edition recently and lost the relatively strong rules mastery I had for 3.0-3.5. And while doing so I've come across mention a couple times of an "expertise problem." Could someone explain this to me in more detail...
  16. Lord Pendragon

    How does mid- and high-level play pan out in the new edition?

    Heyo folks! Nice to be back and see some of the familiar faces. :) So here I am, starting to play 4th-edition. My character is a few sessions into 2nd-level, so we're only just starting. I'm playing a warlock, and I'm finding the tactical combat appealing. Slides, then short teleportation...
  17. Lord Pendragon

    Giant Robots: Recommend me a system.

    Heyo folks, I'm toying with the idea of running a game with mecha, starfighters, and giant robots for my next campaign, and am wondering if folks have a few recommendations for a good system to try. I'm looking for something that is low on complexity, and high on fun. Any input appreciated...
  18. Lord Pendragon

    [Iron Kingdoms] Could someone put guns in perspective?

    So my DM is about to start a new campaign after we wrap up a 2+year long 3.5 campaign (yay, 20th-level!) He is very interested in the Iron Kingdoms, which will be where the new campaign is set. I've been reading over the Character Guide, trying to decide on a character. Part of the interest...
  19. Lord Pendragon

    Please help me with some M&M Rules.

    Hey guys, I am just starting to play in an M&M game, and creating my character. I have a few questions about the rules that I'm hoping folks can help me out with. 1. If I am understanding it correctly, there is NOT a limit on the number of ranks you can buy in your powers, regardless of Power...
  20. Lord Pendragon

    Hallow + Detect Magic

    A cleric casts Hallow and attaches Detect Magic to it, choosing to have the spell effect everyone in the area. How exactly would this play out? Say five guys walk into the area. Do any magical auras they have simply begin to glow for all to see? Or are each individually affected as if having...