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Search results

  1. Shadowcortax

    D&D 5E One of my players married a beholder, help!?

    So through a series of events one of my players (circle of dreams druid) ended up wooing and marrying a beholder. Now they have a daughter and I have to figure out how to make a human-sized beholder. The daughter looks like an elf except she has one large eye in her face and a large mouth. She...
  2. Shadowcortax

    D&D 5E Skinwalker class

    Looking for help/advice. I'm making a skinwalker class, and I want to try to stay close or at least pay homage to the actual native american skinwalker myths. What I have so far is a shaman/witchdoctor/medicine man type with shifting similar to a druid's wild shape but with the stipulation they...
  3. Shadowcortax

    D&D 5E Need Monster hybrid ideas, please help

    So I'm running a 5e campaign and my BBEG is making hybrid monsters. There are 25 of them but I only have 1 done but still need ideas for the other 24. I have a few but nothing concrete. The first one is a kraken/elder brain hybrid with a little blue and black dragon thrown in. Looking for...
  4. Shadowcortax

    D&D 5E Undead Dragon-Fiend

    So I'm trying to help my DM (who also happens to be my fiancee) convert an old PC to a Monster. Here's some back story on the PC. The PC was a NG Male Half-Orc Paladin of Torm with Oath of Devotion. He was part of a party that played RoT and at the end of the fight a party member, who happened...
  5. Shadowcortax


    Looking to make a Monster that is kraken version of a lich or Dracolich, a krakenlich? Any idea where to start?
  6. Shadowcortax


    So I'm trying to help my DM (who also happens to be my fiancee) convert an old PC to a Monster. Here's some back story on the PC. The PC was a NG Male Half-Orc Paladin of Torm with Oath of Devotion. He was part of a party that played RoT and at the end of the fight a party member, who happened...