• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. E

    D&D 5E Way of the Astral Self Monk, Plasmoid?

    Ok, I'm bringing in a new PC that is from some other plane and time. So... Plasmoid and Astral Self seems to fit that. Plus I like the idea of a blob growing pseudopods to smack opponents. 4th level feat is skilled, +1 to dex and expertise on athletics 8th level is +2 to dexterity Arms of the...
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    D&D 5E Help Building a Thrikreen Swarmkeeper Ranger

    I think I remember reading somewhere that you can' use a shield in the smaller secondary arms. So it seems like the best way to make use of 4 arms is to have a twohanded weapon, a light weapon, and a spellcasting focus item. Any disagreement on that? Can Thrikreen wear armor or do I have to...
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    D&D 5E Looking for Ideas for a Unique PC

    So new PC in an ongoing campaign. I will be taking the place of an NPC from another plane of existence that has been trapped in statis for hundreds of years. Start at 8th level. One moderate and two minor magic items. Otherwise any race or build. That immediately made me think of the...
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    D&D 5E Requesting help building a barbarian

    Heyo folks. We ended last session in the middle of the BBEG fight. There is an excellent chance my goblin rogue will kick the bucket next session. So I'm working on the next PC. heading for something completely different, I'm thinking barbarian. Big-Stick-Smash-Brutus! We will be re-starting at...
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    D&D 5E A few questions for you more learned players

    I have a few questions that have or will soon come up in our campaign. 1) PC wants to find/purchase/steal a magic item to let him see in magical darkness. Does this already exist as a standard item in 5E? If not, how powerful would you consider this to be so I have an idea how hard to make...
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    D&D 5E Help selecting some adventures for noobs

    Me again. I've got several people who are interested in being introduced to 5E. Most have no rpg experience at all. Does someone have some suggestions on some easy modules adventures for beginners. Probably just like levels 1-3 to get their toes wet for starters. I think this group would enjoy...
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    Spelljammer Trying to build a Thri-Kreen Swarmkeeper Ranger

    High Again?!? Making a new character for a new group playing through the Radiant Citadel. As I understand it, The Radiant Citadel has 'spaceships' stopping by to take and/or drop off travelers and cargo from different realms/domains/planes at this hub of the Ethereal Plane. So the GM is ruling...
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    D&D 5E Help with Plasmoid Druid Circle of Spores

    Heyo! Making a new character for a new group playing through the Radiant Citadel. As I understand it, The Radiant Citadel has 'spaceships' stopping by to take and/or drop off travelers and cargo from different realms/domains/planes at this hub of the Ethereal Plane. So the GM is ruling that...
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    D&D 5E Need help with a Clockwork sidequest

    I have a group adventuring on the Sword Coast. For some of the wierd-ash roleplay we've got going on, one of the PC's has a buring desire to buy, steal, or kill for a clockwork creature's powersource. The more powerful he can get the better. This would take place somewhere around level 12 or...
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    D&D 5E Player in upcoming Radiant Citadel Campaign - NO Spoilers Please!

    So I am joining a group that is going to start the Radiant Citadel campaign. As far as I know, no one has picked a class yet. We are going to have a session zero to discuss possibilities and roles. As I understand it, the Radiant Citadel resides in the Ethereal Plane. So I don't really need...
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    D&D 5E GM question about "Storm King’s Thunder" SPOILERS!

    In the Eye of the All Father, chapter 4, room 6; there is the following statement. The group is very gish oriented. They all have some magic, but nothing close to the polymorph spells yet. Harshnag could activate one of the runes for them. Do I make them leave, travel to a city, purchase 5...
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    D&D 5E Heyo. Looking for some build advice/suggestions.

    Will be starting a new campaign with a new gaming group. Don’t know what campaign we will be running. I’m pretty sure one of the players is going to run a straight wizard. Don’t think anyone else has decided. I have played a Fighter with the Eldritch Knight subclass. Wasn’t terribly impressed...
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    D&D 5E Weapon attuned to Mechanis trouble sector

    Ok, got a wierd question here. So apparently there is some stranger artificer / steampunk-esque plane called Mechanis. One of the characters in my game has hired an experienced weapon master artificer to design then build a versatile form changing weapon tied and attuned to the plane of...
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    D&D 5E Goblin War Drummer - Bard / Rogue, build help requested

    Need some help with a build. New campaign starting at level 2. We do not yet know how high level it will go. The party theme is: now that the war (previous campaign) is over, we're getting the band back together. Everyone in the group will be partly or completely bard. Without a whole lot of...
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    D&D 5E Thoughts on a skills PC.

    I've got about a month before the current campaign wraps up and a new one starts. So I've got some ideas boiling around in my head. Most of our players seem to be pretty focused on combat machines. Abilities, skills, and even spells are mostly just focused on what can be used in combat. We have...
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    D&D 5E Quick help on an NPC build

    Game tomorrow night and the campaign took an unexpected turn. The group is going to be trying to capture a Zentarim agent in the middle of a high class restaurant dinner. The human agent has been seen to cast invisibility and dimension door. Group is 3 pcs of level 8. Weird mish-mash of...
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    D&D 5E Ballista War Wagon

    So I'm the GM for a rather eclectic group. They had originally bought a cart just to haul a single bulky item for a couple of weeks. Then they purchased a ballista to mount in the cart to make it look like a major attack on a manor for a distraction (it never actually happened). Somehow this...
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    D&D 5E Quick Alarm Spell Question

    Can a perception or investigation check determine if an Alarm spell is on a door? What about Detect Magic?
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    D&D 5E New-ish 5E GM Questions - Possible spoilers.

    Ok, so we are running the Storm Lord's Thunder campaign. Possible spoilers. 1) The party has the chunk of Vodindod(sp?) from Triboar. They have decided that instead of selling it, they want it made into items. I said it isn't solid adamantine, it is an alloy (mostly to buy me time). So they are...
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    D&D 5E Astral Recovery Adventure Ideas

    Ok, so our campaign has kinda suddenly taken a hard left turn. GM and players are looking for ideas. It has been mentioned many times that it is my character's fault. It was late, I was tired, and forgot about a rule that 5E has kept in place. So ... Bag of Holding, Handy Haversack, and unique...