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  1. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Running Abomination Vaults: SPOILERS!

    Hello! First off, SPOILER ALERT! In this thread myself and others will be talking about the Pathfinder 2e Module "Abomination Vaults" from a GM's perspective! Ye be warned! So its been well over a year since I ran a game and I find myself struggling to retain the info that I'm reading in the...
  2. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    Hello, I haven't posted on EN World in years but I've decided to come here for some help. I just decided to start a new sea based campaign and I'm already drawing blanks on random encounters. I want the sea to be a dangerous place but I also can't justify every square inch of the ocean being...
  3. Gfreak2x9

    Tome of Horrors: Golden Cat! My custom build

    Hello, I recently decided to take a look at an old monster I had once thought about running. The monster is located on Page 330 of the Tome of Horrors, and is known as a Golden Cat. Now way back in my first days on DMing I thought that running this monster would be a great idea. Thank god I...
  4. Gfreak2x9

    Cheliax, Empire of Devils

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to discuss Cheliax because I will be segwaying into a Chelish campaign shortly. I wanted to get some perspective on a few things before I dove into it head first. First off let me say that I have read the companion "Cheliax, the Empire of Devils" and it was very...
  5. Gfreak2x9

    I came back 4 years later and...

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post in quite some time! My last post was in the year 2013 and my oh my have I learned a lot about D&D since then! I started this thread as a way of looking back on what I've learned, in hopes of inspiring new players to make better decisions than I did! Find...
  6. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Drake mounts?

    So I came across an odd issue the other day... My party encountered some river drakes (Alignment NE) and the ranger began to wonder "Hey...can I convince this thing to be my mount?" this concept caught me off guard which leads me to a few questions for the forum. 1. What kind of check does...
  7. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Resurrection

    What is the cost of resurrection in Pathfinder? If a PC dies and has a savings set aside to bring him/her back how much does it cost? It says in the spell that you need a diamond worth 10,000 GP but that is just the component, how much would a cleric charge for labor? Please help, and please add...
  8. Gfreak2x9

    Where to find a nerdy girl?

    It said in the description that we could post personal stuff here so I go! I am a Nerdy young man who works almost full time (I average about 36 hours a week) and ever since I graduated high school finding the right girl has been quite the struggle. I don't just want any girl that likes me, I...
  9. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Rules for Instant Death.

    In the Pathfinder RPG if you roll a 20 on a d20 and then confirm the critical with another 20 is that instant death? I have heard both yes and no answers to this question. Does anyone have the real answer? Hello again its me from 2017! With my DMing experience we now have. I say that this is a...
  10. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E PCs having kids

    I am a DM that gets pretty heavy into the science of the game so when I am asked a question I like to back it up with as much rules and facts as I can. This particular question is reguarding the rules behind PCs having children. How do we determin the child’s ability scores? What if two PCs...
  11. Gfreak2x9

    Cohorts WITH ARMIES??? WHAT???

    One of my players just came up with an amazing idea! If a Cohort is level 7 can he/she take the leadership feat and gain a cohort and army of their own??? Thus creating a chain of command and a decently sized army at lower levels??? Let me know if this idea is legit! Are there any rules in place...
  12. Gfreak2x9

    Sorcerer/Barbarian Build

    Hey Guys, I've been looking for a good build for a multi-class Sorcerer/Barbarian with a Demonic bloodline. I I know that these two classes aren't a common mix but it fits the story very well. We are using the point buy system starting with 20pts. Does anyone have any advice on how to...
  13. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Glorian History???

    So I was looking for a good source of Golarion History? I've used the wiki but I was wondering if there is a more extensive guide to Golarion history? I want something detailed and not summed up! Anyone have any ideas?
  14. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Rules Rules Rules! >:(

    I have a Pathfinder group that I run once a week and I am having a bit of moral conflict within myself. The group is very small, four players to be exact and I have a...well...hes not a power gamer, hes more of delusional player. He sees the game as a giant math puzzle. He doesn't role play...
  15. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Riddles? Secret doors? Treasure? ...Anyone?

    I need some help with riddles! I have always loved the idea of a clever riddle that can unlock a room of hidden treasure, or open a secret door! But I've always struggled with them. I can write poems but it takes me a while. Is anyone willing to share their DM riddles on this page? Especially...
  16. Gfreak2x9

    Game of Thrones: Wildfire Cocktail??? O_o

    Hey Guys, I got some awesome GOT stuff for Christmas this year, one of the many items was a cook book! Yes an actual GOT cook book! As I was skimming through these awesome recipes I came across a recipe for wildfire! When I found this I had to share it with you guys! I'm going to post the recipe...
  17. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Dragon Eggs!

    Hello all! I'm back with another post about Dragons. Thanks to all of you here at ENWorld I've come to understand allot about Dragons, and for that I thank everyone! However I still notice some areas of knowledge I have yet to gain. For the life of me I cannot seem to find information on Dragon...
  18. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Half Red, Half Black Dragon? O_o

    I recently posted a thread about dragons and I got to thinking...Why is it that they don't interbreed? For example according to Pathfinder Wiki http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Red_dragon the Red Dragon is known as "The King of The Chromatic dragons", they are CE, and they are known for...
  19. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Which Dragon type should I pick???

    Hello again everyone I have another questioned that puzzled me, and so here I am! First of all let me start by saying that this idea is a little out there but would make for a great story. So I wanted to add a Dragon to my campaign with a rather odd background, let me explain further... This...
  20. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E What the heck do Roc eat???

    Hello all! I recently realized that my current campaign has the perfect environment for a pair of Roc to nest in! I was exited about adding these truly deadly creatures to my game, especially considering that the players have never heard of the monster. I did all the necessarily math making 100%...